
2021-10-16 19:30:51



英语高中作文 篇1

The Dragon Boat Festival, also called Double Fifth Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar. It is one of the most important Chinese festivals, the other two being the Autumn Moon Festival and Chinese New Year.

The origin of this summer festival centers around a scholarly government official named Chu Yuan. He was a good and respected man, but because of the misdeeds of jealous rivals he eventually fell into disfavor in the emperor's court.

Unable to regain the respect of the emperor, in his sorrow Chu Yuan threw himself into the Mi Low river. Because of their admiration for Chu Yuan, the local people living adjacent to the Mi Lo River rushed into their boats to search for him while throwing rice into the waters to appease the river dragons.Although they were unable to find Chu Yuan, their efforts are still commemorated today during the Dragon Boat Festival.

英语高中作文 篇2









about memory

some people have very good memory and can easily learn quite long poems by heart. there are other people who can only remember things when they have repeated them again and again. the famous english writer, charles dickens said that he could walk down any long street in london and then tell you the name of every shop he had passed. many of the great men of the world have wonderful memories.

a good memory is a help in learning a foreign language. everybody learns his own language by remembering what he hears when he was a small child, and some children----like boys and girls who live abroad with their parents----seem to learn two languages as easily as one. in school it is not so easy to learn a second language because the pupils have so little time for it, and they are very busy with other subjects as well.

a man's mind is rather like a camera, but it takes photos not only of what we see but also what we feel,hear, smell and taste. when we take a real photo with a camera, there is much to do before the photo is finished and is readyfor us to show to our friends. in the same way there is much work to be done before we can keep a picture forever in our minds.

memory is the diary we all carry about us. we keep things we have eperienced in this diary.


charles dickens['tm%:lz 'dik+ns]查尔斯·狄更斯,英国作家


本文说明了记忆(力)与学习、工作、成就的关系。前两段用的是事例说明法,虽然没有用衔接词语“for eample,such as”等,但却举出了英国作家狄更斯和在海外随父母居住的小孩等例子。后两段用类推法说明了记忆与人脑和日记的关系,作者把记忆比做照相机和日记。

英语高中作文 篇3

Water used to be mistaken to be an unlimited and renewable resource. Actually, water resource is very limited and precious. It is fortunate that now the public is starting to pay attention. Just as is depicted in the picture, just like saving money, the lovely and smiling piggy bank is collecting every drop of water falling from the water tap.

However, water shortage is still a serious problem threatening the existence and survival of the whole human being, and yet the phenomenon of wasting water can still easily be found anywhere in our daily life. For example, water taps are frequently left on by careless users. Someone even assumes that they have the right to waste water because they pay for it so that it has nothing to do with others. In fact, so precious is water that we cannot afford to waste it. Water resource is indispensable not only in our daily life but also in the industry and agriculture. And water is the wealth of the whole mankind, and it is hard to imagine what the world would be like when there is no more water.

Even though an increasing number of people have become aware of this emergency, further measures still need to be taken. On the macro level, the whole world should make a joint effort to fight against waste of water. On the micro level, publicizing activities, such as broadcasting wonderful ways on how to save water on TV and other media, should be conducted. To store water means to store happiness and only by saving water can we save a better life for our offspring.

英语高中作文 篇4

Instant noodles are great to eat no matter what the situation may be. They are easy, extremely quick to make and require little knowledge to make them taste delicious.

First, the noodles must be placed in a bowl with about five hundred milliliters of boiling water. There is a small package with spices(usually included) that should be added into the noodles. Cover the container and wait for about three minutes until the noodles are soft. Upon lifting the cover you will find a tasty and filling dish that took you less than five minutes to make.

So if you're in a hurry or just craving for instant noodles, tear open a package and see for yourself just how easy it is.




英语高中作文 篇5

Now I dream is to become an outstanding artist. I also know this is difficult, if you want to become a great artist, is to pay a times more than others sweat and hardships. I am not discouraged, more will not give up the dream. As the saying goes: the persistence is victory. But I always can't think by their own to give up, may be setbacks in the process of struggle! But I insist on his strong willpower to overcome, and the heart functions where that: "don't give up, only persevere you will success, if you give up you will lose everything that you want to do." Everything does not make me success, and I want to "dream" to launch the gauntlet: "we'll see! You will be my firm determination, patience, perseverance and indomitable willpower defeat, I will conquer you.

英语高中作文 篇6

There is a famous song called Never Say Never, it is one of my favorite songs. The lyrics tell people no matter what happens, never to give up, then you will be successful if you are stick on. Before, I believe in those words, I think if people insist, they can do everything. But last week, I saw a TV show, a scholarship told people to learn to give up sometimes, and they could gain more. He explained that he met a boy who was not good at studying, but he was skilled in cooking, so he encouraged the boy to give up studying the major that he was not good at and learned to be a cook. And now, the boy is a famous cook, it proves that give up is not a bad thing, people need to find the right place, or they will not successful.


英语高中作文 篇7

Many years ago, Kate Middleton as the ordinary girl married prince William, which became a legend for many young girls. Pippa as Kate’s little sister started to come into the public’s eyes as she showed in the wedding. Now Pippa will marry a rich and handsome man, the media reported it in the following.


As sisters, the media like to compare Pippa with Kate. They always speak highly of Kate, for she acts in the elegant way and dresses well when she appears in the public occasion. While they criticize Pippa for she doesn’t dress as well as her sister, what’s more, she once broke the traffic rules. But now, the media turn their attitude to Pippa, they comment that Pippa lives the better life than Kate.


On the one hand, Pippa’s fiance is not only rich, but the more important thing is that he looks handsome than prince William. On the other hand, they analyse that Kate can’t do what she wants to do, she must think about the pulic’s opinion. But Pippa just lives the way she wants.


It is such ridiculous for the media to make such comment. Different people live the different life, everyone finds their own place in the world.


英语高中作文 篇8

I am the only child in my family, nowadays, people have the bad impression on the only child, they think the only child is spoiled by the parents, so they get bad temper and count on the parents so much. While I am not one of them, my parents are very strict to me, they never spoil me, when I make the mistake, they will tell me what the result will be which is caused by my mistake, so that I know I do the wrong thing and won’t do that again. My parents pay special attention to my independence, they will ask me to do the thing alone, sometimes they only teach me how to finish, but never give me a hand. To my parents’ education, at first, I feel they are unfair to me, but as I grow up, I am so thankful to them, they help me become a strong person.

英语高中作文 篇9

complaint is common in life. there are always things not satisfactory to people. it is easy to criticize and find fault with others. the nagging person is always complaining. he complains about his leader, his colleagues and even his wife. his grievnnee and grumbling makes both himself and others unhappy. complaint mends no holes. instead it results ha hostility between beth the giver and the receiver of the complaint.

the man who is a failure is loud of picking holes in others. a man of success is always praising others for their merits, for he sees only the strong points of others and learns from their strong points to enlarge his own ego.

the man who complains only sees the weak points of others and he thinks that he himself is perfect. so he learns little or nothing from others, and, by and by. he loses his own superiority.

what we should do is the opposite of complaint-- praise. an ounce of praise is worth a pound of criticism. a man of good wishes always respects others and appreciates their work and efforts. he congratulates others on their achievements and succeoses. he feels happy about them as it they were his own. he speaks highly of them. in return, he himself is respected and appreciated.

so, let us complain less and praise more, in order to make our world full of good wishes.

英语高中作文 篇10




After Father's Death

November 4, 1996 was a day I shall never forget.

At 9 o'clock that night, I was told that something serious had happened in my family. I hurried home from school. When I saw many of my father's fellow workers in his bedroom, I knew the worst thing had happened . I pushed my way into the room and saw Father lying in bed , covered with a white sheet①. I rushed to him, lifted the white sheet with trembling hands, and caught sight of his pale face with his eyes tightly closed. In despair I shook his shoulders, crying, “Dad! Dad! ” But his mouth never opened. Tears began running down my cheeks.

During the following two days I was deep in sorrow. When I was arranging Father's funeral②, many classmates and friends came to comfort③ Mother and me.

On the day I returned to school, my classmates again tried to comfort me . When I opened my desk , I found in it a lot of letters and notes, in which were many comforting and encouraging words. I was so moved that I coudn't keep my tears. Then a teacher told me that my classmates had contributed④ a large amount of money to help me pay living and school expenses⑤. I was very thankful to them and tears again filled my eyes . I covered my face with my hands though I was a big boy. I could find no words to express my feelings at that moment. Their love for me gave me much courage. I was proud of such a warmhearted⑥ class.


①sheet [Mi:t] n.被单

②funeral ['fju:n+r+l] n.丧葬;葬礼

③comfort ['k)mf+t] v.安慰

④contribute [k+n'tribju(:)t] v.捐献

⑤expense [ik'spens] n.花费

⑥warmhearted ['w&:m'ha:tid] a.富于同情心的


本文写得真实、清楚,表达了三种感情:悲痛之情,友爱之情和感激之情。悲痛之情和感激之情是通过两种眼泪表达的:悲痛的眼泪夺眶而出,泪如泉涌(crying,began running down);感激的眼泪情不自禁“couldn'tkeep back my tears, tears again filled my eyes”。友爱之情的表达主要是通过重复动词“comfort”,“contribute”和分词“comforting”,“encouraging”实现的。最后,作者为有这样富于同情心的班集体而骄傲,并要化悲痛为力量,表达对同学、老师们关怀的谢意。

