
2021-10-18 01:54:57



英语高中作文 篇1

Most smokers are males, because they need to smoke for social communication or for set themselves free from the pressure. In the packaging, we can find that every packaging has written the words that smoking is harmful to health. Though smokers know it, they ignore it. For the harmony of the family, people should quit smoking.


To quit smoking is not easy, people know smoking does harm to their health, but they just can’t resist the temptation and then start to smoke again, so they must have strong will. They must tell themselves that smoking not only does harm to their health, but also does harm to their families. The families will have much chance to take in the second-hand cigarette, in order to keep the families healthy, smokers must have the strong will to quit smoke.


When people find it hard not to smoke, their mouth will feel uneasy, they want to smoke again. At that time, people can find some food or fake cigarette to take place of the real cigarette, in the long time, they will have less desire to smoke.


英语高中作文 篇2

“Ticktock , ticktock .” The time is riding a train without stopping at any station . I know it is no use to cry over spilt milk . Everything has changed . I cannot turn back the the hands of the clock neither can the God . Yet , I still wish that I managed to go back to the sweet moment when my Lucky was still there ……

My friends and parents felt very confuse , why I named my pet dog as “Lucky” although the common names for puppy are “Snow” , “Blacky” and so on which named after their colours . The one and only reason I named it as Lucky was because it brought me a lot of fortune and happiness in my life . They could be regarded as uncountable , memorable and everlasting photographs in my mind that would not be erased .

I still remember , the first impression of Lucky when I met it . Lucky was a stray dog that lived in a garbage dump with hunger . The emptiness in its stomach had shown its pitiness much like the feeling of missing an imperative thing in life . Out of my conscience , I decided to adopt it . I was a teenager who studied abroad . At that time , the existence of Lucky had made my day in America . Although Lucky was a dog , it always lent me its ears to listen to my trouble . It had efficiently decreased my stress and spurred my sagging spirits . This would always express my bottled-up feelings and make me look at life optimistically .

Leading to overseas study , I was alone without the accompaniment of my parents . The days passed , without noticing , Lucky had become a pal in my life . Lucky would cheer me up by showing its hilarity . Lucky was the one who stayed by my side when I faced difficulty . To me , Lucky is my family , is a part of my life . Although it was a dog , it managed to understand my feelings whether I was on cloud nine or I was eating my heart out when I have teething problems in studies .

The sweet moments I had been together with Lucky passed rapidly. Lucky was dead in a terrible accident . Lucky was knocked down by a drunk driver who was speeding on the road . I watched the tragedy happening in front of my eyes . I was there at the scene , I watched the accident but I could not do anything n. It was too late to lend it a hand .Sorry , Lucky . The moment when it drew its last breath is still there, stuck in my mind until now , like it just happened yesterday . I was lacking of time to send it to veterinarian .

As saying goes “Death is a part of life”, I still have to continue my life , have to pass through the obstacles that block my way to success . I cannot give up easily after the death of Lucky although I have to used about two years to let go of Lucky . And yet , I trust , this is one of the hurdles that given by God so I have to live happily without its presence and I believe I can do it . My eyes naturally welled up with tears when this line plays in my mind.

Lucky, I am an irresponsible owner . If I can predict the tragedy , I swear I would not let you to get out of my house so that you would not face this tragedy . However , to wallow in regret will only take away all the wonderful memories I have of Lucky . I am not sure whether I wholeheartedly believe in the concept of heaven but I really hope there is one so lucky may rest in peace .

Sorry Lucky . I wish to be your owner in future , my sweet , cute Lucky .

英语高中作文 篇3

When we judge a person, we are likely to think about whether he or she is keeping promises, the person who always keeps his promises is popular, people around him are willing to make friends with him. So keeping promises is very important, we should never break our promises, or we will be abandoned by others. First, we should never late for meeting or date. When we make a deal with others to meet at some places, we shall be there in time or earlier, it is rude to be late and let others wait for a long time. I hate my friends late for meeting, though they have reasons, they could have been here in advance. Second, we’d better think twice before making a promise, if we promise people, it means we have ability to finish it, people are hold great hope on us, if we fail, how disappoint it is. So we should measure ourselves before we making a promise.


英语高中作文 篇4

Start a emotional call to paper, bring a pen called gratitude, write a letter to the parents of my life. Write a letter to my knowledge of the teacher, write a letter to my friendship with classmates, write me a heart warmly, grateful heart.

A baby born, a baby happy to play, students on a journey...... This is how many warm and subtle affection!

When the sweet dream of a beautiful warm, when the moon is bright and charming, when someone is lurking Yixiang, current Cheng Park magnanimous, with stubborn fighting our knowledge on the road; when the relentless wind, waves suddenly hit ruthless, perhaps, only despair, only sad sigh. This is our parents let us see the blue sky, the eagle, to see the sea dragon. Let us believe that it is life to deceive our hearts, let the tears blurred our eyes. Told us that after the storm is still sunny, still missing after the full moon april. It is they who take us out of the misunderstanding of life, they taught us to the difficult challenges, they let us after the failure, to re raise the sails of life!

When the eagles in the face of the blue sky, they know nothing about, hidden in the heart full of mystery; today, they rely on a strong wings Ao sky travel, to search for unknown answers. But no matter how high they fly, fly far, will not forget their lovely home, will thank their parents for their love.

Do you remember your first teacher? Remember the teacher and you said the first sentence? Remember the teacher first education you? For the first time that many hastily erected heart boat, struggling in the sea. How much to pay, how many gains in the efforts of the "heart" of the boat ride the wind and waves, heading for our ideal. With the help of the teacher, the ideal manor finally faintly visible!

At the crossroads of life, is the teacher gave us a warm hand, that hand is the road sign, so we are in a loss in the firm, in the thinking of. The teacher let us see the vast expanse of the sky, the teacher let us see the blue waves of the sea. Teachers inculcate into our wisdom in mind, chest of blood, external behavior. In the journey of life, is the teacher enriches our mind, our intellectual development; for us to kindle the light of hope and give us in the ideal wings, travel Ao in the ocean of knowledge. Because there is a teacher's love of water, some of the hard work, will have the magnificent peach, golden rice and wheat. When we become a soaring eagle in the sky, when we walk into dragon in the sea, this is a credit to teachers, so we should use the "heart" to thank the teachers.

Teacher, more is good, isn't it?

If a person's life without a friend, you can say nothing. And students schoolmate friendship over the years will stay together morning and night broke out in an instant, and suddenly moved. Years, although only a short moment, we love singing together, and hope the singing, singing hard, melting into the kindness of.

It is often said that the friendship between comrades in arms and classmates is the most sincere and eternal friendship in the world, we have one, we should not be happy? Shouldn't we thank the students for giving us such a friendship? Life is a string of pearls; a long time is a group of music, and friendship is one of the most brilliant of the Pearl, the most exciting movement.

I always remember, in my hands on the shoulders, the wind up when there is how warm; I will always remember, with the back of my growth, with your vicissitudes of life, for my life's happiness, happiness!

Unknown to the public educated students everywhere, sincere people who pillars of the state. Only spring in your calendar, in your life, only for our growth and initiation of joy.

Alpenglow, we work into the school, sunset, we home side by side; the classroom, help us figure, the playground, we are happy footprints; game, a look, we take the hint, experiment, a gesture, we bead joint bi... How many of our beautiful precipitation every morning and evening, friendship, good memories......

I thank my parents, thank my teacher, thank my classmates, thank them for giving me a colorful life, for they let me have a warm and grateful heart!

There is always a kind of truth that can touch the most vulnerable part of our heart, there is always a kind of personality will drive us to constantly seek self perfection, there is always a kind of moving can make us burst into tears. When in 20xx moved one of China top ten characters of Xu Benyu onto the screen, the kind heart is awakened, a called tears welling up to greet the socket. Is secular dust wrapped too long, long time not so happy cry, busy work pull mix, long time no such feeling relieved. Thought the world too much cold, already missing touched the feelings, and that night, I believe that many people in China and I, was a great catharsis, an ethereal purification.

Used to look at the world a lot of falseness, earlier thought heart already numb; tasted the joys and sorrows of the world too much, believed to be have Xinruzhishui. But at this time let us ignite the heart of thanksgiving.

英语高中作文 篇5

See this topic, you must be very surprised that a child will do such a thing, it also get, don't hold to anger, to listen to me slowly.

Since the school in junior high school, for some reason, I met him, think he is a make I meet with difficulties, make the mistake of the "right-hand man", from now on and he was like peas and carrots. Later, I was also not raise your hand to speak in class, homework is not seriously, often make mistakes when criticized by the teacher is okay, all because of him, naturally my grades from the top three of the class, down to the bottom. At this moment I realized my mistake, and put forward to break up with him, but he said: "grades slipped it doesn't matter, it just entered a junior high school! After you have plenty of time, and these grades slipped, is certainly because of changing the learning environment, to the teacher's methods are not familiar with. Don't use too much remorse, rest assured that everything will be okay... slowly after listening to his some persuasion, I dismissed the idea of break up with him, and relationship with him the better. The new moon will come to an end, my achievement is not ideal, teachers, students and parents to help me, carefully analyze the reason, I finally realized, was his, was influenced by him, I'm not disciplined, naughty, grades slipped!

School English contest this year, I want to sign up for, he said to me: "you won't have hope, English also is just dozens of before the whole class at ordinary times, if only to race, that doesn't hold back a big egg." Then he laughed, this words let I had to give up the idea of signing up, back to the previous lesson, I resolutely to make a decision, and put forward to break up with him, left him away. After break up with him, I study English hard, burn the midnight oil in the evening, though very tired, but I didn't give up. At last in the competition got a satisfactory result, second prize. This is probably because I broke up with him!

Said so long, you probably won't know his name! His name is "excuse" and remember, don't make friends with him!

英语高中作文 篇6

In the last century, government carried out the policy of Family Plan, which helped to slow the increasing number of population. Now the policy has changed. Every family can have one more child, which is the great news for many families, because Chinese traditional view believes that the more children, the better. According to the research, many young people refuse to have the second child, because they are under great pressure. Raising a kid needs a lot of money, and the money for better education is indispensable. What’s more, the parents need to buy a comfortable house, and all of these are great burden.

If they raise the second child, which means that they need to work much harder. For living more comfortable, the young parents choose to raise one kid, so they can have more time and money to enjoy life.



英语高中作文 篇7

bad eating habits can destroy our health,lots of diseases occur because of bad eating habits.

there are lots of bad eating habits in our life which we always ignore.for eample,watching television while having meals or snacks .doing this means you dont pay attention to your food, forget how full you are, and often eat too much.having drinks rather than water.fizzy drinks and fruit juice are usually high in calories and sugar, which can cause weight problems. water is important in making your brain cells and every organ in your body work properly.and eating in front of the computer and staying there after meals.these are only some of them.

for the sake of our health.we should conquer all ofthese bad eating habits.

英语高中作文 篇8

When I was very small, my grandpa liked to tell me his tough year and I liked to listen to him.

At that time, wars were everywhere, people ran away for keeping alive. My grandpa was so hungry all the time because he had no food to eat.

People had the very hard life before the found of new China. Today, Chinese economy develops so fast, we live the good life, we are no longer struggle for the hunger. Thanks to our great predecessors, they build the road for us.

We enjoy the peaceful life and I know it is not easy to achieve.

My grandpa educates me not to waste the food and I keep his words in my mind. Peace is the main theme of today’s world, we can chase our dreams and enjoy our life, but we must remember the contribution which is from our predecessors.





英语高中作文 篇9

There is a famous saying: "success lies in cooperation."". One Sunday, I worked with my good friend for a happy cooking, leaving unforgettable memories.

It was a bright summer day, and we were mad after an afternoon, exhausted like a little butterfly flying home. When I get home, I don't care about anything. First, I find something to fill my stomach. I open my snack library, only a few grains of molar seeds, open the refrigerator empty food, we only repeatedly sigh. After a period of starvation, we agreed that we should do it ourselves. Do you wash the dishes. "" I cut the meat, I picked up the meat on the chopping board, carefully picked up the knife, "thump, thump, thump......" I cut a piece of meat, four square is small, I pick fat thin, cut into a small partner in washing the shredded meat; red pepper, green pepper, also left a knife, a knife carefully cut right up, after a while, I'll rendezvous victory. "Gas" and "oil", for a while, the pot "crackling" in the ring, Youhua scattered...... "Put meat", I took the opportunity to cut the meat into the pot, I saw meat in the pot east run, run west, East jump, jump West, as if to say: "the heat died me."." "Pepper", we put the pepper into the pot homeopathy, we left hand over, turn right. Salt and monosodium glutamate". After a while, we successfully stir fried meat out of the pot, we also named it "Hohuan dish".

The cooperation has gone with the passage of time, but the happy moment has always been in my memory.

