
2021-10-18 01:58:17



英语高中作文 篇1

Cooperation and competition is the eternal topic of this era, any one of us in this world do not exist in isolation, competition and cooperation between people is the survival and development of our society, the power of cooperation.

In this world, cooperation everywhere, I believe we must have heard the choir singing it, the choir is through cooperation in order to sing different from ordinary singing beautiful songs. Even in nature, but also everywhere can see animal cooperation, such as the most common ants, in fact, the little ants in the family, has a complex division of labor, the third grade primary school composition writing "the power of cooperation". Pathfinder and the worker in charge of looking for food security; dinergate have a nest of ants; offspring; and feed the offspring. Each member is neither doing much nor doing much, without any of them. If the ants do not cooperate with each other and do their own thing, then now the ant race has been destroyed.

Cooperation requires several different things to be done together, and requires tacit understanding. If there is no sufficient trust between things, there will be no tacit agreement, and cooperation will not succeed. So cooperation is based on the premise that both sides trust each other. Cooperation is a spirit. It comes from trust, and it is everywhere.

If a country has not yet been likened to a put up with building blocks into the edifice, then the cooperation between people is that this piece is to ride the blocks, only engaged in a variety of occupation people work together, in order to prop up a beautiful sky.

英语高中作文 篇2

years ago, when i started looking for my first job, wise advisers urged, "barbara, be enthusiastic! enthusiasm will take you further than any amount of eperience."

how right they were. enthusiastic people can turn a boring drive into an adventure, etra work into opportunity and strangers into friends."nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm," wrote ralph waldo emerson. it is the paste that helps you hang in there when the going gets tough. it is the inner voice that whispers, "i can do it!" when others shout, "no, you cant."

it took years and years for the early work of barbara mcclintock, a geneticist who won the 1983 nobel prize in medicine, to be generally accepted. yet she didnt let up on her eperiments. work was such a deep pleasure for her that she never thought of stopping.we are all born with wide-eyed, enthusiastic wonder as anyone knows who has ever seen an infants delight at the jingle of keys or the scurrying of a beetle.

it is this childlike wonder that gives enthusiastic people such a youthful air, whatever their age.at 90, cellist pablo casals would start his day by playing bach. as the music flowed through his fingers, his stooped shoulders would straighten and joy would reappear in his eyes. music, for casals, was an eliir that made life a never ending adventure. as author and poet samuel ullman once wrote, "years wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul."

how do you rediscover the enthusiasm of your childhood? the answer, i believe, lies in the word itself. "enthusiasm" comes from the greek and means "god within." and what is god within is but an abiding sense of love -- proper love of self (self-acceptance) and, from that, love of others.enthusiastic people also love what they do, regardless of money or title or power. if we cannot do what we love as a full-time career, we can as a part-time avocation, like the head of state who paints, the nun who runs marathons, the eecutive who handcrafts furniture.

elizabeth layton of wellsville, kan, was 68 before she began to draw. this activity ended bouts of depression that had plagued her for at least 30 years, and the quality of her work led one critic to say, "i am tempted to call layton a genius." elizabeth has rediscovered her enthusiasm.we cant afford to waste tears on "might-have-beens." we need to turn the tears into sweat as we go after "what-can-be."

we need to live each moment wholeheartedly, with all our senses -- finding pleasure in the fragrance of a back-yard garden, the crayoned picture of a si-year-old, the enchanting beauty of a rainbow. it is such enthusiastic love of life that puts a sparkle in our eyes, a lilt in our steps and smooths the wrinkles from our souls.

英语高中作文 篇3

last sunday i went to the city of wui. when i entered a tailor's shop, i found there were lots of people because there was a fashion show①.suddenly i noticed that a middle-aged foreigner was gesticulating② to a saleswoman and pointing to a new shirt. it was clear that he wanted to buy the shirt, but he did not know the price, for he did not know chinese. and the saleswoman did not know english. though she wrote the price on the paper, he was still puzzled.

when i saw this, i went up to them. i asked the saleswoman the price of the shirt first and then i said to the foreigner in english, “one hundred and forty-eight yuan.” hearing this he said to me, “oh, thank you! but its too epensive. would you please ask her if she can make it cheaper? if she can , i will buy ten.” i told her what he said , and she agreed. in the end the foreigner paid 1,200 yuan for ten shirts.

before he left, he gave me a nice pen. i thanked him and said to him , “welcome to our city . good-bye!”

