
2021-10-18 02:06:40



英语高中作文 篇1

Be an Excellent Girl

Every girl like to be beautiful, I am no exception. Once, I thought I was fat, in order to look as perfect as the movie stars, I went on diet, I refused the delicious food, which made me sick. Finally, I gave up, I realized that I wasn’t a star, I just need to be myself. Maybe I am not beautiful in outlook, but I can be an excellent girl. To be an excellent girl, I need to read more books. Books indeed bring me the nutrition which makes me different. Books broaden my vision, I see the different sceneries in the books, I feel like I am growing up. I am no longer narrow-minded, I start to treat things in different ways. When other girls are talking about how to look beautiful, I don’t care about it, I just care about how to live my own way.



英语高中作文 篇2

I went the park near my school with my family on Sunday. This park was holding a interesting garden party, where was crowded by many people. When sunday, the park was always very crowded. There was a lot of old men doing morning exercises, and many children going with their parents. During our around walking, I saw my classmate XX boating there. I said hello to her, and she asked me to enjoy boating with her. So I took the boat, and speaked with XX for a while. Then we pulled the boat over, where planted a few lilies,which was my faverate flower. I used my digital camera taking several picture. At that time, my cellphone was ringing. That is my mother, she call me for going back.


英语高中作文 篇3

"When I boarded the Shenzhou-5 spacecraft for the first time, I couldn't help feeling excited, I decide that I must fly it."------said by Yang Liwei.

Colonel Yang Liwei is an astronaut, and he is also a member of the Astronaut Team of the People's Liberation Army.

Born on June 21st,1965 in a teather's family in Suizhong Country of Liaoning Province,Yang Liwei had a happy childhood with his parents.Not only was he a good student in school,but he also had a gift for math.He won a lot of math competition prizes.After graduating from middle school,Yang Liwei continued his studies at the No.8 Aviation College of the Air Force of the People's Liberation Army.He studied very hard and graduated with a Bachelor's degree.Later,hebecame a fighter pilot.

Several years later,because of his excellent manifestaion,Yang Liwei was among 14 persons chosen from 1,500 pilots for astronaut training.Yang Liwei did very well and passed astronaut tests in 1996 and 1997.Then he became one of three astronauts for China's first manned space flight.After a series of hard trainings and tests,Yang Liweibecame China's first astronaut on Oct15,20xx at last.

Being the first Chinese to travel in space,Yang Liwei is a hero of our nation in our heart and mind.He devotes himself to Chinese space program.Whenever we review the moments which Yang Liwei was traveling in Shenzhou-5 in space,holding our national flag in hand, we will be proud of our country and think highly of Yang Liwei.I believe that China will make greater progress in space flight in the future.

英语高中作文 篇4

It is often said that the fifteenth month is sixteen yuan. I asked my grandmother why she said it was a natural thing and that the moon was not complete. There are five days to go before Mid-Autumn Festival. I know Grandma misses Dad. I don#39;t know if Dad who works in the field this Mid-Autumn Festival can come back for the festival. I am looking forward to the arrival of August 15. First, to see if the moon is really round, and second, to wait for Dad to come home.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. As soon as I opened my eyes, my grandmother called me to get up and I hurried to get dressed. After breakfast, Grandma prepared to make dumplings. She wanted me to eat better. But I could see that Grandma was somewhat absent-minded and always looked out of the door. Grandma, I miss Dad too, but I dare not say it, lest you get more angry. Just when the two of us were thinking about something, the door suddenly opened and appeared at the door. I was afraid to rub my eyes vigorously. It was really Dad. He was thin and dark. As soon as he saw, he knew that he had suffered a lot from working in the field. While Dad picked me up, he praised Grandma#39;s dumpling stuffing for its fragrance. Grandma wiped her tears and said I was going to cook the dumplings.

In the evening, I took my father#39;s and grandmother#39;s hands and looked at a red full moon rising from the horizon. It was so beautiful. I knew he was wishing us a happy reunion.




英语高中作文 篇5

Every morning, as soon as the alarm clock wakes me up, I get out of bed and go into the bathroom, sleepy-eyed. After taking off my clothes, I rub my body to stimulate circulation. Then I turn the faucet on. A hissing avalanche of water foams down my body in cold sheets. I close my eyes, not thinking about anything, so that I can better enjoy the cool sensation and pleasurable prickliness of the cold spray. I stay this way for about two minutes.

When I finish, I dry myself with a towel, put on my clothes and step out of the bathroom refreshed and relaxed.

英语高中作文 篇6

Teachers'Day comes on September 10th every year.On the day we usually give our teachers cards to show our thanks.I thank them for helping me when I am in trouble,and I thank them for teaching me how to be a real man.

Of course they are very friendly to everyone.They always get on very well with their student

s.They are not only our teachers but also our friends.They love us very much and we love them,too.

英语高中作文 篇7



2. 通过本次实习,在教学工作的过程中向优秀教师学习,认识人民教师的光荣职责,树立和巩固忠诚人民教育事业的思想.



Xx中学是一所教育局直属初级中学,建于1988年,占地面积58029平方米,建筑面积19366平方米。现有教职工128人,专任教师110名,30个教学班,1667名在校生。学校全面贯彻党的教育方针,以“办人民满意的.教育”为目标,以“培养学生可持续发展能力,为学生的明天负责”的办学思想,以“德育为先,能力为重,全面发展”为教育理念,以“合作创新,学有特长,身心两健,全面发展”为育人目标,以“规范、精细、品位”为工作方针,追求卓越,争创名校。坚持以人为本,加强队伍建设,强化教学管理与研究,不断提高教学质量,实现了中考“二十一连冠”。学校以优异的成绩,在清苑育苑独树一帜,多次受到省市县领导的表扬与肯定。曾获得 “保定市示范性初中”、“保定市名校”、“河北省安全文明校园”、“河北省绿色学校”、“河北省双语教学实验校”、 “河北省体育传统项目学校”、“河北省依法治校示范校”、“ 河北省校务公开示范校”、“河北省网络教育模式与绩效实验研究实验学校”、“河北省现代教育技术示范校”等荣誉称号。













我一共进行了两次试讲,每次大约20分钟。第一次试讲讲的是课本内容,,另一次使讲解课后作业。3月22日,我在初一六班进行了一次试讲。上课内容是Starter Unit4:what’s this in English?由于第一次上课没有太多经验,我在教学风格上部分模仿了我的指导老师,此外也添加一些自己的内容。比如,为了吸引学生的兴趣,我将简笔画与口语练习相结合,并以此复习学生们已经学过的单词。我的第一次试讲取得了较好的效果,指导老师也给予了肯定。当然,还是存在一些不足,比如,由于紧张,我犯了一个口头错误,在让学生做练习的时候少加了一句重要的句型。在课堂后,我在教室后面检查板书,发现板书格式不太规范。在与指导老师以及其他几位听课老师交流后,我将自己的优缺点都记下,为下次讲课做改进。

英语高中作文 篇8

nearly all energy comes from the sun, either in a roundabout① way or straight from it, in the form of heat rays and light rays. the light from the moon, too, comes from the sun. the moon can be said to be like a large mirror which throws back the suns light to the earth.

electrical energy comes from the sun in a roundabout way, e.g.②, it can come from the power of water falling down a mountainside③. the water fell there as rain, and we know that rain is made by the suns heat evaporating the water on the earths surface. this water vapour rises, condenses④ on cooling, and falls as rain.the light and heat energy from coal also comes from the sun in a roundabout way. coal was made by the rocks pressing on trees and plants which died millions of years ago. those trees and plants grew with the aid of sunlight, from which they made carbohydrates⑤, in this way changing the suns energy into chemical energy. when we burn coal, some of this energy is set free.

energy which we use to drive car engines comes from petrol⑥,which also was made with the aid of the sun in a roundabout way. plants, and animals which ate the plants, died millions of years ago, and the parts of them that were left were pressed under the rocks in the 301earth. these parts left from dead animals and plants made petroleum⑦,from which petrol and oil are now obtained.

thus we can say that the is the place where nearly all energy comes from, and that without the suns heat and light, there could be no life on earth.

英语高中作文 篇9

Dear Peter,

Dear John,

I am happy to introduce a Chinese restaurant to you for your birthday. I went there with my family last weekend. There are several reasons I like it.

First, it is located in the city center and Bus No.11 will take you right there. Second, the environment inside is very comfortable. It is very clean and the atmosphere is pleasant with fantastic music and amazing

pictures on the walls. Third, the service there is really excellent. Last but not least, it offers a variety of dishes, which are delicious but not expensive.

So I am sure this restaurant would be a good choice.

Best regards,

Li Hua

