英语高中作文 篇1
Thiswinter is freezing cold. I didn’t have any desire to go out for play. I alwaysstayed at home. Actually, most of the time I was in my bed. When I felt anxiousfor staying inside too long, I will go near the window to wach the childrenbuilding snowman or throwing snowballs. It seemed very interesting. But I justdidn’t want to go out. Later my mother found that I was so lazy. Then sheforced me to go out. Since my mother said, I have no excuse to reject. My motheris right. Though the outside was icy, it’s fantastic. Everything smells fresh. Sincethen, I went outside everyday, and then did my homework and felt full of energy.The holiday ended very soon. It was a lazy holiday.
今年冬天是寒冷的。我没有要出去玩的欲望。我总是呆在家里。 实际上,大多数时候我是待在床上。由于在室内待的时间过长而感到烦躁时,我会走近窗户看看在外面堆雪人打雪仗的小孩子。看起来非常有趣。但我就是不想出去。后来我妈妈发现我的懒散了。然后她就强迫我出去。因为我妈妈已经开口了,所以我没有理由拒绝。我妈妈是对的。虽然外面是冰冷的,但是感觉非常棒。在外面的一切都是新鲜的。自那时起,我每天都会出去,之后回来做作业,我也觉得充满活力。很快假期就结束了。这是一个慵懒的假期。
英语高中作文 篇2
When put the May Day holiday, I didn't study well.
On the first day of the holiday, I didn't get up a little sleep in the noon, and then began to wash his clothes, after get up clothes a lot. I washed the time, and then I started to play computer after I finished washing, playing for a long time, I didn't eat. When come home at 11 PM. Then don't play, began to eat. After finishing eating began to go to bed. The day passed
The second day still similar to those of the first day. I sleep woke up to 11 o 'clock, after dinner. Eaten after someone come, here we have the time watching TV. Watch TV after she was gone I started to play the computer. To play the family to home 11 o 'clock. I was in a busy time, busy to play after I touch the computer went to sleep, a day past again,
On the third day I got up earlier than a few days ago, I got up at 10. I done the meal after get up, come home again. After we eat rice, eat finish uo play computer again. Then play today will go to bed early.
How do I feel the three days of a little pig.
英语高中作文 篇3
1. 列一张购物清单 make a shopping list
2. 谋生,度日 make a living
3. 丧生,死;牺牲 lose one’s life
4. 泄气;灰心 lose heart
5. 失音 lose one’s voice
6. 输一场 lose a game
7. 祝你好运 Wish you good luck.
8. 洗衣机 a washing machine
9. 欣喜若狂 be mad with joy
10. 邮寄包裹 send the parcel by mail
11. 赚钱 make money
12. 交朋友 make friends
13. 取得进步 make progress
14. 利用 make use of
15. 编造故事 make up a story
16. 弥补某人的过失 make up for one’s mistake
17. 有礼貌 have good manners
18. 商标 a trade mark
19. 满分 full marks
20. 观看一场篮球比赛 watch a basketball match
21. 进行比赛 have a match
22. 祝你成功。 May you success.
2. 五一节 May Day
24. 通过这种方式 by this means
25. 用…方法,依靠 by means of
26. 决不 by no means
27. 按…尺寸做 make…to one’s measure
28. 采取措施 take a measure
29. 量身高 measure one’s height
30. 获得金牌 get a gold medal
31. 医疗队 a medical team
32. 体检 medical examination
33. 吃药 take / have some medicine
34. 满足…的需要 meet the needs of
35. 遇到风暴 meet with a storm
36. 去开会 go to a meeting
37. 开会 have a meeting
38. 举行会议 hold a meeting
39. 为纪念 in memory of
40. 对…一点儿也不怜悯 have no mercy on sb.
41. 毫不容情地;残忍地 without mercy
42. 在…支配下;任由…摆布 at the mercy of
4. 给某人捎个信儿 take a message for sb.
44. 中秋节 Mid-autumn Day
45. 上百万的,许许多多的' millions of
46. 改变主意 change one’s mind
47. 当心油漆未干。 Mind the wet paint!
48. 下决心 make up one’s mind
49. 外交部长 the minister of foreign affairs
50. 错过机会 miss an opportunity
51. 犯错误 make a mistake
52. 由疏忽所致 by mistake
5. 现代 in modern times
54. 零钱 small money
55. 某人身上没(带)钱 have no money with sb.
56. 选某人为班长 make sb. monitor
57. 某一天清早 on the early mo
58. 在山顶上 at the top of the mountain
59. 参加海军 join the navy
60. 如果有必要的话 if necessary
61. 需要帮助 in need of help
62. 呈现一片新面貌 take on a new look
63. 打某人的鼻子 hit sb. on the nose
64. 做笔记 make / take notes
65. 与…无关 have nothing to do with
66. 张贴通知 put up a notice
67. 对某人毫不在意 pay no notice to sb.
68. 运转着,实施中 be in operation
69. 订购某物 place an order for sth.
70. 失业了 out of work
71. 一副眼镜 a pair of glasses
72. 颐和园 the Summer Palace
73. 此处禁止停车! No parking here!
74. 在…方面起积极作用 take an active part in
75. 在过去的几天里 in the past few days
76. 对某人有耐心 be patient with sb.
77. 熟能生巧。Practice makes perfect.
78. 演出,表演 put on performances
79. 亲自,当面 in person
80. 给某人照相 take a photo of sb.
81. 弹钢琴 play the piano
82. 摘花 pick flowers
83. 捡钱包 pick up a wallet
84. 去野餐 go out for a picnic
85. 一堆书 a pile of books
86. 可怜某人(因同情而帮助某人)have / take pity on sb.
87. 出于同情 out of pity
88. 代替 in place of
89. 坐某人的座位,代替某人的职务 take one’s place
90. 举行,发生 take place
91. 代替,代理 take the place of
92. 订计划 make a plan
93. 玩牌 play cards
94. 对某人开一个玩笑 play a joke on sb.
95. 与…一起玩 play with sb.
96. 在操场上 on the playground
97. 对…感到满意 be pleased with
98. 喜欢做某事 take pleasure in doing sth.
99. 生活富裕 live in plenty
100. 正要…的时候 on the point of
英语高中作文 篇4
Most people believe that the meaning of health is to stay away from getting sick. But actually, in the modern society, the experts point out that the real healthy person should be both in the sides of body and mind. In order to attach the importance of health and call for the public to pay attention to the quality life, the World Health Organization named the April 7th as the World Health Day. With their hard work, more and more people have realized the importance of keeping healthy. They not only keep balanced diet, but also do the regular exercise. The positive attitude to life matters makes us live the happy life and stay away from pressure. Life is short, we should cherish every moment. With health, we can go much further.
英语高中作文 篇5
We have received education since the very young age。 The elder always tells the young generation that study makes them become an useful person, so as to make a lot of money。 As a result, in children’s mind, the purpose of reading is to make money。 Indeed, when we learn, we will master the skills and find our place in the world。 First, we need some skills to make money and make ends meet, but the meaning of reading is more than that。 Reading can teach us the positive and different ways to treat life。 A painting’s value will be appreciated by the people educated well, but for some people, it is just a picture。 Reading endows us the beauty from life。 It makes us happy and see a bigger world。
英语高中作文 篇6
We live in the world every day. We eat food, drink water, wear clothes, watch TV,use computers and so on. We are producing waste every moment.Generally speaking, there are four sorts of waste. They arematerial waste, organic waste, inorganic waste and poisonous & harmful waste. Now, we are going to talk about each sort ofwaste one by one.Material waste: it means the waste of substance or things from which something else can be made. Forexample, people throw away the used metal products and buy a new one, so the old metal waste accumulates.
At last, theybecome waste. For example, when people finish reading newspaper, the paper will become waste. When the glass is broken, italso becomes waste. Nobody wants to use a broken window or drink with a broken glass or wear a pair of broken glasses. Onceit is broken, it becomes waste. The rate of using plastics is increasing day by day. People use plastic bags because they areconvenient. When they get home, they throw the plastics way, paying no attention to the environment. The more convenienceplastics brings to us, the more plastic waste is produced. This is called “white pollution” as most plastics are white.Some of our products we use every day are made of rubber, just like the tyres and the bottom part of our shoes. It’s truethat rubber plays an important role in our life. However, it also brings us some trouble when it has been used for a longtime and becomes old. The old tyres become waste because it can’t break down by nature. This is really a big problem.Organic waste: it refers to waste from living things, including waste from animals, plants and people. Some parts ofvegetables are thrown away as waste because they don’t taste good. In the past, people cooked their food using burning coal,so there left the burned coal, which is useless, like the thrown vegetables. All this sorts of waste contain organism, so itis called organic waste.Actually, we also have inorganic waste, the opposite to organic waste, including building waste,broken pottery and china, and cinder.The last part is harmful and poisonous waste, such as used batteries, electricalapparatus and medical supplies. Computers and TV sets are one part of electrical apparatus.
You see, the old electricalapparatus can set off some dangerous rays and make the soil harder, even damage the under ground water. Mobile phones are asdangerous as computers and TV sets. As we know, X-rays can be used to examine patients, but the X-rays machines are dangerouswhen they are thrown away without any treatment. They can’t be used to treat the sick, but they still can give off rays. Forthe normal people, they can be dangerous. So, we must think about this problem. As waste has four sorts, we can sort theminto each sort that they belong to. It’s convenient to treat them after they are sorted. Then we can deal with them sort bysort. We have thought out some methods like storing them in order to change them into plant food, or burning them in a hugestove and use the heat to make electricity. For the first way, the change rate is much too low and it may pollute the underground water. For the second one, of course it’s wonderful if it’s easy to be tried out. But to build such a huge stovewill cost too much. Not a good method. Now you see, treating waste is not an easy job.
英语高中作文 篇7
As far as I know,river pollution exist so many places in our country.A great deal of dead fish can be found floating on the surface of the river because of the serious pollution.Besides river pollution,there are also air pollution,soil pollution and so on.They have done great harm to human lives.Fortunately,more and more people have come to realize how serious the problem is.The government has begun to take measures to fight against pollution.But there is still a long way to go.We should take care of our earth.
英语高中作文 篇8
The new year is coming!Now,it's the time to make plans for the new year.Here is what I will do: 1.I will get better grades.I'm good at English and Chinese, but I need to improve in my Math.I'll study better! 2.I will break my bad habits.I often get up very very late. To get early is good for my health. So I'll get up earlier than usual. 3.I will eat better.Ioften eat a lot of junk food. They are not good for my health.I should eat more fruits and vegetables.Theu will make my body healthier and stronger. This year was a good year for me,but Ican make next year even better.I'll work hard to keep my resolutions What are your plans for the new year? Whih best wishes for the new year, 新年即将来临,现在我要为新年定下目标