
2021-10-10 19:14:49



英语高中作文 篇1

a basketball match between the teachers team and the students team was held in the school stadium at 3 oclock, on friday, may 5,1997. the match was wonderful and both teams played ecellently. it ended at half past four. the score was 64:60 in favour of the teachersteam. the match promotes the mutual understanding and friendship between the teachers and the students.

英语高中作文 篇2

the heavy rain has been pouring down all the time for there days. not only fields but also villages have been fooded. last night, houses were washed away by the flood and the villagers were in danger and struggling in the water, crying

for help. just then the pla men hurried over by steamboat, they did their best to save villagers and helped them to move onto the riverbank. the government for the villaders very much. tents, food, clothes and medicine were sent to them without delay. without the party and the pla men, a large number of people would have lost their lives ia the flood or died of hunger.

英语高中作文 篇3






(4)错题集锦。建议学生自备一本命名为 “HotPotatoes”(烫手的马铃薯)的小册子,用以整理和订正练习和考试中出现的错误,随身携带,并时不时地拿出来翻看和辩析,确保在今后少犯或不犯类似的错误。














英语高中作文 篇4

I have been a student for 12 years. During this time, I have gained knowledge, met different people, and shaped my character. Teachers are an important factor. They are the guides,friends, help providers, and even the enemies. In short, they are like actors playing different roles on the platform. Some of them are so impressive and unique that they are still clear in my mind.

Mr. He is a conscientious man with a pair of black framed glasses. He goes to great lengths to provide us with knowledge.The more, the better. We are nailed on seats for 55 minutes rather than 45 minutes in one class, because in his mental die tionary there is no conception of "class over" until the teacher of the next class smiles at him at the door. With a book and a piece of chalk in his hands, he looks like a well armed soldier, forcing us to take notes from the very first minute to the last. We have to fix our eyes on the blackboard for fear of missing a single word. So his class is really a trial to us. However, I must admit he is so logical and consistent in thinking that he provides us with knowledge in the clearest and the simplest way. The light of wisdom is shining behind those two black frames. Therefore,he is very welcome.

Things seem quite different in Miss Wang's class. Most of us are daydreaming! The way she speaks the specific pauses and rhythm makes it difficult for us to concentrate on anything she says. Her voice is like a lullaby that could drive a crying baby to sleep. The rest are obsessed with novels or homework.They are having a difficult time. They droop their heads as low as possible so as not to be detected. Meanwhile, some other students are fascinated by the scenery outside the window. It is unfair to Miss Wang to some extent. Once ! even saw tears of anger and depression in her eyes. But her class is really very boring. She teaches politics, sometimes with reference to philosophy and economics. That should have interested us, but she just repeats what the textbook says and provides no examples in reality. And seldom does she display quotations and illustrations.Miss Wang is supposed to improve her way of teaching.

Mr. Zhang is my Chinese teacher. He is in a gray shirt all through the seasons so I always think the color of gray suits him best. He is a reserved man of average height, with little smile on his face. He is casual with everything and never forces us to take notes or to do many assignments. In his class, everyone feels relaxed. His low sounding voice flows quietly through our minds,like streams, washing our hearts up with the literary sentences.He strides in and out of the classroom with a blow of breeze. Up to now, I still remember his powerful handwriting. I like his personality, though nowadays Chinese does not receive so much emphasis as other subjects. But with his guidance, I have learned to appreciate the poems and essays of great vitality.

As I grow up, many teachers have helped me. Professors and lecturers give us more information about society, science and culture. They are fixed in my mind. On the other hand, teachers should also communicate more with students. Thus a better and more efficient relationship could be established.

