
2021-10-17 02:26:10




Life is full of competitions. When we are at school, we always want to be the most excellent student and win teachers’ praise. When we work, we not only need to compete with our co-workers, but also need to beat other companies for more profit. The rivals are everywhere, which help us to be stronger.

When we are competing with rivals, we are gaining knowledge. To be the winner, we will have the motivation to improve ourselves, as so to have advantages over others. The lack of competitors is not good for people, because the comfortable situation will easy make us to loss motivation to move on.

The good rival also can be our friend. In the processing of competition, both of you get improved. For example, in the debate competition, when two side are in the opposite opinion and both defend for their ideas, it is easy involving personal emotion. If the rival breaks the awkward situation with smile and humor, showing that this is a nice talk, then you won’t lose your temper. This is learning.

Anyway, we should be grateful to our rivals, because we need to make progress all the time, or we will be kicked out.


Computer is a very useful machine. Some of them are big, but some of them are very small .Many people like playing computer. Computer has many functions, so that people can do a lot of things by computer, like watching movies, listening to the music or playing games. It can make our lives very colorful and convenient. Various people can make good use of computer. Children can use computer to learn and play games. Parents can use computers to work. I think computer is a kind of wonderful and interesting machine, so I like computer very much.


This is my family. My name is Wu Dan. I’m a student. I’m in Class 5, Grade 1. I like listening to music. This is my father. He is 36 years old. He likes reading books. This is my mother. She is 37 years old. She likes cooking and watching TV. This is my sister. She is five years old. She likes drawing pictures. She is very lovely. This is my brother. He is only one year old. He is very lovely, too. I have a big family and I love it very much.


Grandfather was a philosopher, and like a lot of philosophers, I guess, he was a mild-mannered man who was always ready to admit that there are two sides to every question. So when people got to arguing with him, or around him, about things that they got heated up and illogical about, like politics and religion,1 he would tell this story that Doc Eaton told him one day up on the Hill.

It happened a long time ago, when the town wasnt all steel and concrete and automobiles; when you could still hear the whir of a lawn mower without taking a streetcar out to the suburbs, and still see a horse lazily switching at the flies on his flanks under almost any sycamore tree.2 The Forest City had a lot of trees in those days.

And it had a lot of people that didnt always see eye to eye,3 like a lot of other cities. And it had a rich man, like almost every other town. And this rich man was a pillar in the Baptist Church;4 and people didnt see eye to eye about him, either.

There were those鈥攁nd Grandfathers eyes twinkled when he said it鈥攖hat claimed the rich man was an old hypocrite5, that he was ruthless in his business dealings, that he was so tightfisted he wouldnt spend a nickel to see an earthquake,6 that when he went to church on Sunday morning he was almost as important as God to a lot of people.

Then there was the other school of thought7. It asserted that just because a man had made money under conditions as they existed was no reason to call him a lot of hard names.8 In fact, they asserted stoutly, the people that called him names were merely envious of his success9. They maintained he went to church not because he was a sanctimonious old fraud10 but because he was at heart, and for all his money, a simple, deeply religious man.

It was while these two groups were hot at it that the rich man gave a party. Well, it wasnt exactly a party, Grandfather would explain. It was more like a shower for the pastor of the church.11 One group of parishioners saw in their invitation nothing but a kindly, neighborly gesture. The other just said it showed how miserly the old buzzard was12鈥攇etting other people to do what he could have done a thousand times over without feeling it a mite.13

Grandfather said even then he had the sneaking feeling that the rich man wasnt so insulated and isolated by his money14 that he didnt know what people were saying about him, and that was the real reason he gave the party.

But both sides of the question went to the party. A lot of them were pretty curious about the inside of a rich mans home.

They brought offerings for the pastor, as they were requested. Some people brought apples, and others brought sides of bacon and onions and other homey old-fashioned things like that15. But nobody was really much interested in what the other guests brought. They were all waiting for one thing. What would the rich man bring out? Even Doc Eaton, the preacher, according to Grandfather, couldnt help wondering about what was coming. You could feel the undercurrent of suspense.

And then the rich man16 brought out his offering.

It was a bushel of potatoes.17 They were nice potatoes, extra large and scrubbed white and clean. But still and all, they were only a bushel of potatoes that anybody could buy in the Old Market for a lot less than a dollar.

Well, sir, Grandfather chuckled, you could practically see what people were thinking. They were the people who were saying to themselves and to everybody else, "Well, what did I tell you??And then there were those who made it perfectly plain that they thought it was mighty tactful of their host not to make an ostentatious parade of his money18 before a lot of neighbors and friends.

But the host went around as if he didnt notice anything, though Grandfather always insisted that he detected a little twinkle in the rich mans eyes as he shook hands with all his fellow parishioners and wished them good night.

The preacher toted19 his gifts into his house, and just because they had been the center of interest, so to speak, he picked one of the big white potatoes out of the basket. Then he noticed that one end of the potato had been opened. He investigated, and discovered that a silver dollar had been neatly ed through the opening. He examined every potato in that bushel basket, and there was a silver dollar in every single one of them.

At this point Grandfather usually sat back and plucked benignly at his white beard20 and smiled. Then hed turn philosopher and say:

"It takes an almighty pile of gall21 for a man to sit up and say what is going on in another mans mind, dont22 it? I mean one way or another. When Doc Eaton told me that story he didnt bother to point out any moral. By the way, he dont do any preaching any more. Hes been a congressman from New Jersey for years and years. But I guess the story has a moral, all right. Always sort of tickled23 me, like it must have tickled Docs rich parishioner. "

"The New Testament says it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.24 Well, I aint saying it isnt true. But I am saying this: It took John D. Rockefeller to put a silver dollar through the eye of a potato in order that a lot of people could have some food for thought."


Based upon sales reports over a three-month period that indicate an increase in profits for stores that sell products for the home and a decrease in profits for clothing stores, the business manager of a department store concludes that consumers are choosing to purchase home furnishings rather than clothing. On the basis of this conclusion, the manager recommends a reduction in the size of the clothing department and an increase in the size of the home-furnishings department. This recommendation is problematic in two critical respects.

In the first place the authors conclusion that consumers are choosing to buy products for their homes instead of clothing is based upon too small a sample. Data gathered from a three-month period is insufficient to establish the conclusion drawn from it. It is quite possible that the three-month period chosen is idiosyncratic and not representative of entire years sales. If so, reducing the size of the clothing departments and enlarging the home-furnishings departments may be a costly mistake.

In the second place, the data collected during the three month period may be biased. The fact that the data reflects sales in local stores is cause for concern. It is possible that the sales trend in a particular location is not representative of sales in other regions. For example, sales of clothing in Florida during the winter months are likely to be quite different from sales of clothing in Alaska during the same period.


I have a happy family. Four people in the home, mom and dad brother and I.

My father thisyear 41 years old, he is very humorous. My mom is 42 years old and works in abank. My brother, this year 16 years old, high school, he very the sunlight. Ithis year 12 years old, is a girl who love to laugh, can also study.

I love myfamily!


Last Sunday

Yesterday was Sunday, I didn’t go to school, but I was busy.

In the morning, I got up at eight o’clock, then I ate breakfast. After breakfast, I cleaned my room, it was dirty but it is clean now. In the afternoon, I played badminton with my friends. In the evening, my sister and I ate some cookies, ice cream and drank some juice and milk, but I didn’t like chocolate. After finishing my homework, I watched TV and listened to music.

I had a good time last Sunday!


I was born in a neither rich and nor poor family, and my parents can give me what I want. But they are strict to me. If I waste food and water, my mother will criticize me. To support the family, my father works very hard and he sacrifices a lot time to make money. So I realize the money comes not easy and won’t waste anything.


I shall long cherish the memory of that delightful evening I spent at home. My wife and I had a simple dinner alone, with a pleasant and interesting conversation. Then we sat at the piano and sang many of our favorite songs. When our throats grew weary, we turned on the stereo and danced to beatiful music. When our breath became short, we strolled, arm-in-arm, through our moonlit yard.

I was so very happy and I longed for more such evenings.

But alas--early the next morning, a truck pulled into our driveway and shattered my hope. It was the TV repairman.


After thirty years of married happiness, he could still remind himself that Victoria was endowed with every charm except the thrilling touch of human frailty. Though her perfection discouraged pleasures, especially the pleasures of love, he had learned in time to feel the pride of a husband in her natural frigidity. For he still clung, amid the decay of moral platitudes, to the discredited ideal of chivalry. In his youth the world was suffused with the after-glow of the long Victorian age, and a graceful feminine style had softened the manners, if not the natures, of men. At the end of that interesting epoch, when womanhood was exalted from a biological fact into a miraculous power, Virginius Littlepage, the younger son of an old and affluent family, had married Victoria Brooke, the grand-daughter of a tobacco planter, who had made a satisfactory fortune by forsaking his plantation and converting tobacco into cigarettes. While Virginius had been trained by stern tradition to respect every woman who had not stooped to folly, the virtue peculiar to her sex was among the least of his reasons for admiring Victoria. She was not only modest, which was usual in the 瑾瞚neties, but she was beautiful, which is unusual in any decade. In the beginning of their acquaintance he had gone even further and ascribed intellect to her; but a few months of marriage had shown this to be merely one of the many delusions created by perfect features and noble expression. Everything about her had been smooth and definite, even the tones of her voice and the way her light brown hair, which she wore ?la Pompadour, was rolled stiffly back from her forehead and coiled in a burnished rope on the top of her head. A serious young man, ambitious to attain a place in the world more brilliant than the secluded seat of his ancestors, he had been impressed at their first meeting by the compactness and precision of Victorias orderly mind. For in that earnest period the minds, as well as the emotions, of lovers were orderly.

It was an age when eager young men flocked to church on Sunday morning, and eloquent divines discoursed upon the Victorian poets in the middle of the week. He could afford to smile now when he recalled the solemn Browning class in which he had first lost his heart. How passionately he had admired Victorias virginal features! How fervently he had envied her competent but caressing way with the poet! Incredible as it seemed to him now, he had fallen in love with her while she recited from the more ponderous passages in The Ring and the Book. He had fallen in love with her then, though he had never really enjoyed Browning, and it had been a relief to him when the Unseen, in company with its illustrious poet, had at last gone out of fashion. Yet, since he was disposed to admire all the qualities he did not possess, he had never ceased to respect the firmness with which Victoria continued to deal in other forms with the Absolute. As the placid years passed, and she came to rely less upon her virginal features, it seemed to him that the ripe opinions of her youth began to shrink and flatten as fruit does that has hung too long on the tree. She had never changed, he realized, since he had first known her; she had become merely riper, softer, and sweeter in nature. Her advantage rested where advantage never fails to rest, in moral fervour. To be invariably right was her single wifely failing. For his wife, he sighed, with the vague unrest of a husband whose infidelities are imaginary, was a genuinely good woman. She was as far removed from pretence as she was from the posturing virtues that flourish in the credulous world of the drama. The pity of it was that even the least exacting husband should so often desire something more piquant than goodness.(from They Stooped to Folly, 1929)


WeChat has been the very popular communication tool, and many foreign people have also used it. WeChat is more private than other social soft-wares, which makes it be favored by many users. The important function of WeChat is that users can keep trace of what they are interested in and then they can also release this information. This function is used by the businessmen, because they like to release the information of great discount, the one who shares the information in his wechat can buy at the low price. Then the criminal incident happens. Some users will register with their real information, which will be let out and the bad guys will make use of this information to do criminal things. The best way to avoid being cheated is to never believe the super low price. In short, there is no free lunch.

