
2021-10-17 15:11:57



母爱英语作文 篇1

Deep Mther Lve

Ever child is surrunded b the deep ther lve. Hwever, we ften turn a blind ee t the lve. One da I deepl felt the lve.

One da I hurried he fr lunch after schl, because there wuld be an exa in the afternn and I had expected t g bac t schl earl t prepare fr the exa. But when I gt he, the lunch was nt read et. I felt unhapp. When the dishes were served, I frund nne I lie. I ran ut f huse angril and wanderde n the street fr a while,hungr. Then I waled t schl.

When I gt int the classr, I saw a lunch bx n des. One classate tld e that it was ther ther that had brught it here.After pening the bx, I fund favrite fd inside. M ees was ist with tears.

Mther gave e her lve withut asing fr return, Hw deep ther lve is!






母爱英语作文 篇2

A little boy invited his mother to attend his elementaryschool’sfirst teacher-parent conference. To the little boy sdismay, shesaid she would go. This would be the first time that hisclassmatesand teacher met his mother and he was embarrassed byherappearance. Although she was a beautiful woman, there was aseverescar that covered nearly the entire center side of her face.The boynever wanted to talk about why or how she got the scar.

At the conference, the people were impressed by the kindnessandnatural beauty of his mother despite the scar, but the littleboywas still embarrassed and hid himself from everyone. Hedid,however, get within earshot of a conversation between hismotherand his teacher, and heard them speaking.

How did you get the scar on your face? the teacher asked. The mother replied, When my son was a baby, he was in a roomthatcaught on fire . Everyone was too afraid to go in because thefirewas out of control, so I went in. As I was running toward hiscrib ,I saw a beam coming down and I placed myself over him tryingtoprotect him. I was knocked unconscious but fortunately, afiremancame in and saved both of us. She touched the burned sideof herface. This scar will be permanent 8, but to this day, Ihave neverregretted doing what I did.

At this point, the little boy came out running towards hismotherwith tears in his eyes. He hugged her and felt anoverwhelmingsense of the sacrifice that his mother had made forhim. He heldher hand tightly for the rest of the day.






母爱英语作文 篇3

I got up late this morning and went to school without feeding my cats.When I came home in the afternoon, the cats almost starved to death. They circled around me and crying for food. I took one fish out and threw it to the cats.

I wanted to see who was the first one to catch the fish. Mother cat held it in her mouth and nm away quickly. She didn't eat it, but put it down, then called her children there. The four starving little cats began to devour the fish, but their mother just stayed there looking at them tenderly,without eating a little bit.

On seeing that, I thought of my mother. She often does everything for me selflessly. This is a mother's love, I think.

母爱英语作文 篇4

Motherly love by its very nature is unconditional. Mother loves the newborn infant because it is her child, not because the child has fulfilled any specific condition, or lived up to any specific expectation.Unconditional love corresponds in one of 'the deepest longings, not only of the child, but of every human being; on the other hand, to be loved because of one's merit, because one deserves it, always leaves doubt: maybe I did not please the person whom I want to love me, maybe this or that--there is always a fear that love could disappear. Furthermore, "deserved" love easily leaves a bitter feeling that one is not loved for oneself, that one is loved only because one pleases, that one is, in the last analysis, not loved at all but used. No wonder that we all cling to the longing for motherly love, as children and also as adults. The relationship to father is quite different. Mother is thehome we come from, she is nature, soil, the ocean; father does not represent any such natural home. He has little connection with the child in the first years of his life, and his importance for the child in this early period cannot be compared with that of mother. But while father does not represent thenatural world, he represents the other pole of human existence; the world of thought, of man-made things, of law and order, of discipline, of travel and adventure. Father is the one who teaches the child, who shows him the road into the world. Fatherly love is conditional love. Its principle is "1 love you because you fulfill my expectations, because you do your duty, because you are like me." In conditional fatherly love we find, as with unconditional motherly love, a negative and a positive aspect. The negative aspect is the very fact that fatherly love has to be deserved, that it can be lost if one does not do what is expected. The positive side is equally important.

母爱英语作文 篇5

Mother's love in the world is great. Sometimes, when you are sick, a mother's love will bring her mother to take care of you for your work. The heavy rain, love will make the mother an umbrella for you, they shower like "soaked through"...... All of these can show my mother's love for you, and I'll tell you about my mother's love.

That night, I feel like I'm in the refrigerator, cold, and head pain and dizziness, I caught a cold. When I was dizzy, I found myself lying on my mother's warm back. My mother found me uncomfortable and took me to the hospital. "But it's 12 now. Where is the hospital open?" I asked my mother. The mother said, "the hospital is open at night, not far from here." There is a hospital in front of me, but I still believe my mother. But who knew my mother had been carrying me back for almost two hours before she got to the hospital. Originally, mother afraid I want to walk, lie to me to say not far. To the hospital, the doctor prescribed some medicine, also said to the liquid cotton with press in my temple, head will slowly not pain. When the doctor said, my mother said to me, "I will help you press. You go to bed." I fell asleep after hearing my mother's words. By the time I woke up in the morning, my mother was still pressing for me. My mother took care of me all night, and she did not sleep at all, even if there was no complaint.

This is what I feel motherly love, this is the mother of their children without regret care, this is the great maternal love.

母爱英语作文 篇6

Mother’s love 妈妈的爱

I think my mother is great.

She is warm-hearted and is always smiling. People like to talk with her because her smiles make them happy. Whenever I see her smiling face, I feel relaxed, too.

She loves me very much. She is only a worker and doesn’t make much money, but she spends most of it on me. She takes very good care of me. Every day she cooks delicious and healthy food for me. And we also have a lot of good times together. She likes to tell me funny stories to make me laugh. On holidays, she enjoys taking me out for trips. Sometimes we even go outside in the evening after the rain has stopped, and we look for frogs. It’s lots of fun. I love my mother.




母爱英语作文 篇7

Every child is surrounded by the deep mother love.However,we often turn a blind eye to the love.One day I deeply felt the love.

One day I hurried home for lunch after school,because there would be an exam in the afternoon and I had expected to go back to school early to prepare for the exam.But when I got home,the lunch was not ready yet.I felt unhappy.When the dishes were served,I forund none I like.I ran out of my house angrily and wandered on the street for a while,hungry.Then I walked to school.

When I got into the classroom,I saw a lunch box on my desk.One classmate told me that it was my mother ther that had brought it here.After opening the box,I found my favorite food inside.My eyes was moist with tears.

Mother gave me her love without asking for return,How deep mother love is!

母爱英语作文 篇8

Mamma you gave life to me,Turned a babysintosa man,And mamma all you had to of fer Was a prom is e of a lifetime of love,Now I know there is no other love like a Mothers.Love for her child,I know that love so complete someday must leave.Must say goodbye,Goodbyes the saddest word,I'll ever hear.Goodbyes the last time I will hold you near,Someday you'll say that word and I will cry,It'll break my heart to hear you say Goodbye.

Mamma you gave love to me,And Mamma all I ever needed Was guarantee of you loving me,Cause I know there is no other love like a mother,the love you give will always live,You'll always be there every time I fall,You take my weakness and you make me strong,And I will always love you till forever comes.And when you need me,I'll be there for you always,I'll be there thru the lonely days.You are the wings that guide my broken flight,and my shelter thru the raging storm,And I will love you till forever comes.

母爱英语作文 篇9

Mother's Day is a celebration honoring mothers and celebrating motherhood, maternal bonds and the influence of mothers in society. It's a day to show thanks to mothers. This festival first appeared in ancient Greece and modern Mother's Day originated in the United States which usually falls on the second Sunday of May each year. Mothers usually receive gifts on this day and carnation is regarded as the flower for mother. In China, the flower for mother is day lily, also known as Nepenthe. In addition, cleaning up the room, doing housework and a big dinner are considered to be the best Mother's Day gifts.

母爱英语作文 篇10

Someone says, love is an endless book, indeed.

A mother's love is like the spring rain, quietly moistening your heart, rooted in the depths of the soul. It brings a piece of green, the harvest is the joy. It is accompanied by growth of every little bit, hiding power, seem to have no bottom. This is the need to feel.

Love is like the wind, gently blowing your heart, in the spirit world to relax myself. It will give you comfort in the kind of care. Like rain, wash away all the worries and sadness.

The maternal love is also like the autumn night sky a bright moon, quiet and not lonely. In silence it encourage you, support you, so that you do not feel lonely. In the night curtain, shot a concern about the moon shine on you, it is a kind of sweet, is also a kind of love.

Maternal love is more like a heater in the winter, the warm love, is the best gift. When the fire in the shine on your face, you feel the warmth and love? It is the greatest in the world, the love of power, it can melt all, remove all obstacles.

Maternal love is boundless, life is full of love.

Maternal love is the early morning a cup of hot water before going out; is a bid; home is after a greeting; is a winter coat; is the movement of a towel; sleep is a " good night "; is ... ...

When the sun rises, when the West sunset gradually faded; when the northern geese swift return, when the southern fishing gradually. Love is never leave. No matter where in the world, the heart of a mother is always worried about, and the line is the motherly love.

Maternal love is priceless, motherly love, motherly love forever I will never finish.











