
2021-10-17 15:26:53



春运英语作文 篇1

A small ticket, tickets for the people, means home and warm; selling a ticket to the people, it means that the work and responsibility. With the development of economy and society, EMU, high-speed rail will gradually replace the slow and boring green car, network booking, telephone booking channels also gradually enrich and improve travel conditions, supposedly now than in the past and has made great progress. It is impossible to solve the contradiction between supply and demand of ticket during the Spring Festival, and it also needs understanding and tolerance of all parties. Reunion with the family is the simplest and most realistic expectation of the Spring Festival. At this moment, the cultural tradition of reunion and filial piety has transformed the land of China into a huge emotional magnetic field. The greatest respect and care of this emotion, let it forever deep in the hearts of everyone, the beautiful Chinese dream will become more and more brilliant.

The Spring Festival is known as the largest and cyclical human migration in the history of human beings. Like the last hit movie "exaggerated way" has embarrassed in reality reflects the problems present during Spring Festival, there are many about life on social like a very interesting presentation, again this film had more profound resonance, but basically around the spring to sigh, because again to spring. In the film, Baoqiang Wang and Xu Zheng migrant workers for a common purpose, they can bend over backwards means exhaustive, long way home including the common plane, train, bus, ship has been very rare, and even the donkey car, tractor, and gradually to be sought after the Spring Festival car. The same is not a "embarrassed" constantly, but all this is not to go home for the new year?

Standing here, the other end of the railway extension is the concern of the family, and the drifting people are finally going home. In addition to the heavy luggage, and the mood; long in addition to the way home, still miss. The most nostalgia of the hometown, how many pure time spent here. Although many places across the world, seen many experiences in different poses and with different expressions, traditional code of conduct, but home is still there waiting for us to go back and read thousands of scenery, is not beautiful home.


春运被誉为人类历史上规模最大的、周期性的人类大迁徙。就像去年大热的电影《人在囧途》夸张却有现实地反映了当下春运的种种难题,当然还有诸多关于人生关于社会之类的很有意思的`呈现,再次重温这部片子却有了更深刻的共鸣,不过基本上的围绕春运来的感慨,因为——又是一年春运到。影片里农民工王宝强和徐峥为了一个共同的目的地可谓费尽心机、穷 ……此处隐藏1432个字……tion. I can't wait to pull the door and mother into the huge stream of people. The little I had to move along with the crowd, but I was still hit by the bump from time to time. In this collision, I still want to move forward, step by step, like a snail. Oh! I dream at this time to have a martial arts master. The only fly over the walls! Ha-ha! I don't have to endure this torment here, and I can fly across the bridge and fly into the waiting room.

After about half an hour, we finally ran into the waiting hall with the crowd. When I and my mother pulled the box carrying a large bag, out of breath, rushed to the waiting room, we were stunned in front of the scene: the waiting room is huge crowds of people crowded. There are people on the chair, people on the ground, people in the whole waiting room. I and my mother carefully stacked across a piece of luggage, through a people, finally found a can under the feet, oh! It turned out that there was a muddy water in the ground of the foot. And the water is scattered floating food residue riotous with colour paper what, no wonder nobody standing here? In such a noisy environment, nostrils is a fragrance spicy instant noodles and bread flavor, with little food and people who exudes a strange smell. Such a smell is irritable, depressing, and suffocating... My mood began to get upset, and my mother guided me to a conscious observation of the waiting room.

Well! The performance of the waiting people is really different. Look, some half lie sit close; some dedicated mobile phone play; some relish to eat; and look around aimlessly...... Especially the middle-aged woman sitting on the ground, it devoured the instant noodles, from time to time issued "blue blue". Finally, she turned to eat instant noodles box directly buckle to the face, neck and back gudonggudong drink soup. After drinking, wipe your box with your hands, and throw the box aside, and draw a chicken leg from the side bag, and put your sleeve up and chew it up. After a while, the original big chicken only a tiny bones, then she also put the small bones from top to bottom to suck again, "black" to throw the ground, stood up paipaipigu, hefts the bag off. Oh! It is also a natural and unrestrained posture.

After two hours of hard work, we finally set foot on the train for our home. Unforgettable! My first spring festival experience.

春运英语作文 篇9

We know Every year the traffic is very busy during the Spring Festival,especially the train station.


Many people decide to return back to their hometown by train,so it make the traffic very crowded and busy.


Now,the number of the people who go home by train is increasing quickly


For the train tickets are cheaper than the airplane tickets,many people would rather travel round by train instead of airplane.


