
2021-10-17 15:31:30



春天的英语作文 篇1

Scorching summer, autumn fruits, winter jade powder is certainly beautiful, but I love the spring recovery of all things full of vigour.

Spring, blooming grass from the earth, a hundred flowers contend in beauty, drill out, willows have sprouted, willow in the spring breeze blowing gently swaying, the swallow flew back from the south.

The spring breeze blows the clear river, and the little fish swim and play happily in the water. There are tiny ripples on the water surface, and a little gold is shining under the sunlight.

The grass, the grass were stripped of the yellow old clothes, put on a green spring. The flowers argue with wearing a riotous with colour flower dress, the spring breeze blowing, flowers and grasses are danced a merry dance.

The blink of an eye, under the rain, the fine drizzling rain, washed away by the heavy winter. Through the moisture of the rain, all kinds of flowers and trees decorate the nature of the new. Look at the spring sky again! Ah! Flying kites in the sky, in the blue sky and white clouds, all kinds of kites are particularly beautiful. At this time, how I would like to make a kite and fly under the blue sky, what a pleasant scene it is!

Ah! Spring! You walk slowly with life and hope, and wherever you go, there is no more vigorous vitality. Spring is a picture of a riot of colours in the spring, a riot of colour! I love you!

春天的英语作文 篇2

春天里的发现 春天来了,天气变暖和了。小草绿了,地上像铺了一层绿毯。花儿也开了,像花的世界。柳树摇着绿色的长辫子,好像在告诉我们,春天来了。小河里的冰全化了。小鸭子在水里欢快的游 着,你看它们多快活呀!田野上,农民伯伯正在播种,脸上挂满了掩不住的微笑。公园里的人们好像一下子减了肥,个个都变得苗条了。 春天真美呀!我爱春天。

It's found in spring that spring is coming and the weather is getting warmer. The grass is green and the ground looks like a green blanket. Flowers also open, like the world of flowers. Willow is shaking its long green braids, as if to tell us that spring is coming. The ice in the river has melted. The ducklings are swimming happily in the water. Look how happy they are! On the field, the farmer uncle is sowing seeds, on the face hangs the smile which cannot conceal. People in the park seem to have lost weight all of a sudden, and all of them have become slim. What a beautiful spring! I love spring.

春天的.英语作文 篇3

I came to the river along the field path, the willows on both sides of the river fluttered with the wind, and the new buds grew; the tender ones seemed to be able to squeeze the water out; when I walked on the river, I saw the flowers also opened their small buds, colorful and scattered on the green grass;the breeze blew, sending out the light fragrance of the flowers, attracting the hard-working bees and beautiful flower butterflies Butterfly. This kind of spring makes people yearn for it. It's really enjoyable and pleasant.


