
2021-10-17 15:38:13



英语作文 篇1

A Happy Time

The weekend of the National Holiday, I went to Florida and had a happy time. Ji Hong, Liu Zhenguo. Pan Yi and I went there by car. It was fun. We went to the Sea World, Universal Studio and the beach.

There are a lot of sea animals at the Sea World. We watched dolphin, manatee, sea lion and whale shows. They are all dancing and splashing white flowers of water onto the audience. The whales are especially naughty. They made half of the people in the stadium wet all over. The shark stadium is very large and people just stand in the glass tube surrounded by all kinds of sharks. They open their mouth as if trying to engulf us or communicate with us. Who knows?

The Universl Studio is where Hollywood films are made. It was real fun to ride in the movies, just like you were in the film yourself. In "Back to the Future", we rode through the time tunnel, went through the vocanoes, dinosaurs and all kinds of planets. It is made so real life and so horrihle that everybody sereams. It was very exciting. Our car went directly into the dinosaur's big mouth. It is all made by hitech. We went to see how the horror films were made. I was chosen to show the effect and was so scared. It was not so funny. I don't like horror films.

We went to the beach and saw the sea for the first time. I admire her vastness and greatness. The sun threw her remaining rays onto the sea. The sea lies there silent, tolerant of everything.






英语作文 篇2

I have a partner, his name is Li Ming, I knew him when I was seven years old. He lives near my house, so we play together all the time, we become very good friends. We go to the same school and join the basketball team, we cooperate so well when we are playing the basketball match. As we know each other so well, we can read each other’s thoughts quickly, that’s why we can cooperate so well in the match. I am so lucky that I have a good partner in my life, we promise to be friends forever, even though we will have argument sometimes, we fix it soon and forget about the unhappiness.


英语作文 篇3

As to whether it is wo ……此处隐藏753个字…… exercise. But my class have 5 students do not have time to relax. I think there are different relax way for different people. But I think listening to music is the best relaxing way for students. Because It can help my grade.

英语作文 篇6

Time flies, the eye of three years of junior high school career is about to end. Look back on the road that I have gone through, thinking of the future, the ideal of "green" in my heart, can it really be realized? But i......

At the beginning of the first three years, the first three of the life is both tense and busy, from early to late, busy. The first three is a year of grey, there is no sunshine in the third day, only the smoke is filled, we can only play a good play in such a battlefield.

The morning, only 5 points, the clock began to desperately call "lazybones, get up, lazybones, get up......" It sounded in the ear again and again! "Helplessness, three three"! After the school, a day of intense study began again, language, physics, mathematics - almost all kinds of things. The "bell" -- the second day evening study has been finished, I look at grade one and grade two students to school, they can go home, and we...... "Helplessness, three years old!" It is a lament.

It's not easy to finish the day. Today, just after the first lesson, I was led to the lab. by chemistry teacher, "today you are going to do it on your own, about sodium hydroxide and copper sulfate." The sound of the chemistry teacher's usual sound, look, the sound has just fallen, the students started the experiment. After the bell rang, we went into the classroom and prepared for the next math class. But occasionally, it will relax and relax. No, on the broad playground over there, some of the boys are playing a basketball game fiercely! So I have to say that the first three is full of interest!

In order to meet the upcoming senior high school entrance examination, everyone busy like ants on a hot pan, it is because of this, the competition between the students is becoming more and more fierce, more and more cruel, this is the so-called life challenges, the road full of thorns, in the face of a short time, facing the wall of parents in the face of a paper, facing a sharp piercing points, their burden not feel heavy, junior high school for three years, the key is on the line, three years of hard work, the results of three years, three years of effort is all for two words - Senior High School entrance examination.

In the past, a cold winter, cold fierce cold wind blows the delicate face, a hot summer, in the hot sun and the rain came to school, playing or over is only a few tens of meters day cannot be hard? The dream of the ideal, the dream of the olive, is what I hope, and what I expect.

"Life can have a few times, when do not beat when?" The life of junior high school has gone with the smoke, but the hopeful tomorrow will be more colorful and striving for it. Tomorrow will be better!

