
2021-10-17 15:43:35



英雄英语作文 篇1

For a long time, due to the impact of the extreme leftist ideology, we basically hold a negative attitude on the role played by the KMT and its army in the war. It seems that the KMT and its military’s actions in the war, didn’t relate the overall situation of Anti-Japanese War, and even hampered the victory process of Sino-Japanese War. When the Anti-Japanese War Victory Day, the contribution of the patriotic officials always are touched on lightly, people do not know what great battles the Kuomintang fought in, what sacrifices the soldiers made , and also cannot know how the political leaders use their talent, courage and uprightness to lead the people to defeat the evil invaders.

In real life, those heroic sacrifice soldiers’ families do not have access to pension. Many meritorious patriotic officers and soldiers of the Kuomintang has been denied for decades, they do not get duly respect, some of them subjected to undue discrimination and even persecution. We should not forget, the Kuomintang anti-Japanese patriotic soldiers had defended this piece of our land and fought in bloodshed, had made outstanding contribution for the independence of the Chinese nation.

英雄英语作文 篇2

I think lots of students like the pop singer named Jay. I also like him very much.

When he released his first album, I started to buy his album. And I never miss any album of his.

Do you know as a boy, Jay was called Dull Stupid.

But his mother Yeh Huimei, noticed that the quiet, shy boy seemed to dance practically when he heard the Western Pop music she used to play.

His mother sent him to a piano school when he was four. When he has grown up, he had developed an ability for instant playing beyond his years.

I learned to play the piano from 7 years old to 13 years old. I often feel bored when I practise playing the piano.

But Jay was always crazy about playing the piano. I think he really likes music.

So I admire him very much, and I call him “hero”.

I admire Jay. The real reason is when the others all denied him, he never gave up. He tried his best to change his life. I think it is good for everybody.

I hope that everyone can learn from him---try their best to do everything. Then I think we will make the grade.

英雄英语作文 篇3

It came as a great surprise or rather shock to me that a tural disaster attacked WenChuan which is in this May 12th. It arrives so suddenly that many people were still kept dark about what had happened until the end of their lives.

A nine-year-old boy, LinHao, caught my attention. He succeeded in saving two of his classmate. The most surprising thing, about him, is that he covered a long distance within 7 hours until they got to the safety.

What should I do as a primay school student? Above all, we ought to lend my classmates a hand whenever they are in trouble. Next, working hard on our lessons is necessary.

All in all, what a great boy LinHao is!

英雄英语作文 篇4

I think my hero is Bill Gates .I admire him because of his intelligence.when he was a college student,he had a talent for computer programming.And that is what changes the world.also,he donates money to the poor ,which means that he is very kind to the people. what I learn from him is to insist on my dream and never give it up.

This is our lab.Now I will tell you something about how we use it.Before we come to the lab,we should get prepared for it.We should take the test tubes or other things we need.When we are in the lab,we should follow the teacher's instructions.We mustn't touch anything without permission.Some experiments may be dangerous.So we should do as the teacher tells us to.When we leave the lab,we should put the intruments back in the cupboard.And we should clean the lab,close the window and lock the door.

英雄英语作文 篇5

"Fire! Fire!" what terrible words to hear when one wakes up in a strange house in the middle of the night! It was a large, old。 wooden house--the sort that burns easily--and my room was on the top floor。 I jumped out of bed, opened the door and stepped out into the passage。 It was full of thick smoke。

I began to run, but as I was still only halfawake, instead of going towards the stairs I went in the opposite direction。 The smoke grew thicker and I could see flames all around。 The floor became hot under my bare feet。 I found an open door and ran into a room to get to the window。 But before I could reach it, one of my feet caught in something soft and I fell dom, The thing I had fallen over felt like a bundle of clothes, and I picked it Llp to protect my face from the smoke and heat。 Just then the floor gave way under me and I crashed to the floor below with pieces of burning wood all around me。

I saw a flaming doorway in front, put the bundle over my face and ran。 My feet burned me terrible, but I got through。 As I reached the cold air outside, my bundle of clothes gave a thin cry。 I nearly dropped it in my surprise。 Then I saw a crowd gathered in the street。 A woman in a night dress au d a borrowed man's coat screamed as she saw me and came running madly。

"My baby! My baby!" she cried。 The crowd cheered wildly as she took the smokeblackened bundle out of my arms, I had some difficulty in recognizing her。 She was the Mayor's wife and I had saved her baby。 I was a hero!





英雄英语作文 篇6

For a long time, due to the impact of the extreme leftist ideology, we basically hold a negative attitude on the role played by the KMT and its army in the war.

It seems that the KMT and its military’s actions in the war, didn’t relate the overall situation of Anti-Japanese War, and even hampered the victory process of Sino-Japanese War.

When the Anti-Japanese War Victory Day, the contribution of the patriotic officials always are touched on lightly, people do not know what great battles the Kuomintang fought in, what sacrifices the soldiers made , and also cannot know how the political leaders use their talent, courage and uprightness to lead the people to defeat the evil invaders.

In real life, those heroic sacrifice soldiers’ families do not have access to pension.

Many meritorious patriotic officers and soldiers of the Kuomintang has been denied for decades, they do not get duly respect, some of them subjected to undue discrimination and even persecution.

We should not forget, the Kuomintang anti-Japanese patriotic soldiers had defended this piece of our land and fought in bloodshed, had made outstanding contribution for the independence of the Chinese nation.

英雄英语作文 篇7

Steve Rogers was born in the Great Depression of a poor, vulnerable youth. Because of the news that the Nazis had invaded and invaded Europe in Europe, they wanted to join the army.

But because the infirm refused. Inadvertently learned that Steve Rogers's sincere desire of general Chester Phillips decided to give him a chance, let him take part in the rebirth program".

After several weeks of testing, Steve Rogers was injected with a super soldier serum and was bombarded with ultraviolet irradiation, and finally has the most perfect body of human beings.

Then he received a physical and tactical training. After three months, he has been as "Captain America" first job with indestructible shield and well versed in tactical mind, he put in the fight with the red skull, and eventually stop the red skull's evil plan, but he has therefore been frozen until 70 years after woke up.

