
2021-10-17 15:46:05



英语作文 篇1

Credit is both invisible and intangible. This is said by Yukino Suke, a famous Japanese entrepreneur. Keeping credit is the basic principle of being a man.

I remember once, the language proficiency test, my mother told me that as long as I tested the first in the class, I was rewarded with a PDA. I am happy to jump three feet high. Second days of tension test started. I picked up the paper and did it carefully. Time passed quickly, in time to. I was in a nervous and excited mood because I didn't think it was difficult. On the second day, the exciting moment arrived, and I didn't expect me to be the first in the class. That means I have a handheld computer. I took the papers with bursts of applause, suddenly, a bolt from the blue ah, this old teacher did not...... I went back to my seat, and my face was cloudy. I had no intention to attend the lecture. The teacher once asked the students to praise me with applause, but the more I felt awkward. When my heart out of two villains. One is dressed like an angel, the other is like an evil. The angel said: "to be honest, get up to the teacher." The devil said, "this is a rare opportunity. If you miss this time, you will need to think twice." My heart is in deep water and I don't know who to listen to. Suddenly, in my mind, my father taught me that you must be honest and trustworthy, otherwise you will lose respect from others. Thinking of this, I did not hesitate to pick up the papers and walk towards the teacher.

Although I didn't get a handheld computer this time, I understood a truth: you can stand up immediately if you lose your footing, and you may never be able to save it if you break your promise.

英语作文 篇2

In the past 20 years China has experienced an alarming increase in teenage smoking: the number of boys who smoked rose from 6 percent in 1980 to 23 percent in 20xx, and during the same years, the number of girls who smoked increased as much as 15 times. The statistics look quite disturbing and cause people to ask why.

The factors for a great rise in teenage smoking are complex. Some attribute it to the increased standard of living which enables kids to have more pocket money, and others place the blame on cigarette advertising and the import of cigarettes, which give them easy access to Marlboros. Whatever the causes, only particular external circumstances have been examined. The factors, actually, are psychological as well as social. Most young people begin to smoke just out of curiosity: they have a strong desire to experience the pleasure of smoking which is forbidden to them. They also have a subconscious feeling that smoking will make them mature and tough and sophisticated. When they light up a cigarette, and produce puffs of smoke carelessly, they are under the illusion that they are growns-up instead of kids and that they are admired rather than rejected by society.

To help them get rid of such foolish ideas is the first step towards the effort to prevent children from starting to smoke, and then we may conduct a more extensive campaign to make them aware of the dreadful consequences of taking up the habit.

英语作文 篇3

Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students to study in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowhere in the world has the issue of female rights and interests been so much debated as in our society. Nowadays, plenty of universities limit the number of female students who study in some of subjects; therefore, many people think universities should accept equal numbers of men and female study in every subject, but others have a negative attitude. As far as I am concerned, I think men and women should gain equal educational opportunities, but accepting equal numbers of male and female, in every subject, is unnecessary and impossible. Therefore, I disagree with the view that universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. My argument in support of my view is as follows.

The main reason is that mode of thinking is different between female and male. Everyone, male and female, has equal right to study in universities, nevertheless, due to difference of in thought and views. Men and Women may represent varied study capability. A case in point is that men may possess more talent than women in mathematics, physics and like stuff. In the study of language, on the other hand, female shows stronger ability than male. In the history of human beings, most scientists, especially those who research abstract theories, are male.

Another reason is that nature decides different directions of development between men and women. Today, although female's right is being increased, female still plays a different social role. Women are by nature good at housekeeping since the biological function of a woman is first to bring children into the world and then to bring them up and it has been proved by some scientists that women are not good at business management, political administration, etc. So, in the study of business and management, requiring equal numbers of male and female is not essential.

From what has been discussed above, we may draw the conclusion that accepting equal numbers of male and female students in every subject is impossible and I also disagree with this point of view.






英语作文 篇4


[1] It is widely(commonly) accepted(hold)+THAT

[2] A widely accepted(commonly) hold idea(point of view,viewpoint, opinion,assumption)is +THAT/NP

[3] A/The dominant(prevalent, prevailing)idea(see [2])is NP/to DO

[4] It is taken for granted+THAT(or:We often/frequently take it for granted THAT)

[5] People(The majority) seem to get accustomed to the idea(see [2]),without questioning,THAT

[6] People are willing to regard NP1 as NP2/ADJ

[7] People are willing to DO,while reluctant to DO


[1] However (But),…

[2] Such idea(see[1-2]),if not entirely ADJ1,is somewhat ADJ2 and needs careful consideration.

ADJI=unreasonable,unacceptable, inappropriate,improper,undesirable,

ADJ2=misleading,doubtrul, etc

[3] In fact(As a matter of fact),…(follow[2])

[4] However, it is not (quite, necessarily)the case.

[5] This (It) is not (quite, necessarily) the case and needs to bo fruther considered/discussed.(or:further consideration/discussion)


[1] The reason lies in several aspects,

[2] The reason why+clause+[1, underlined]

[3] There are several remarkable reasons.

[4] 层进in addition, besides, fruthermore, what’s more, on the other hand, meanwhile, for one thing…for another; finally, above all, in short.

[5] 举例for example, for instance, such (general term) as (specific terms),a typical (striking) example is that, a case in point

[6] 转折however, but, nevertheless,on the contrary

[7] 条件if , provided that, unless, as long as,etc

Type4 就…而言;关于

[1] as far as …is/are concemed: As far as current situation is concerned

[2] as t the problem as to NP有关…的问题


[1] Although much effort has been made, the situation is far from satisfactory (or: the problem remains unsolved, little improvement has been achieved)

[2] There is a tendency, as recent study (investigation) has pointed out (shown, revealed, indicated),+THAT

[3] There is growing concern about +NP

[4] It will inevitably (is likely to )result in (lead to ) unwanted (serious) consequence (or NP)

[5] Unfortunately,…

[6] We will not be able to afford the risk of overlooking the seriousness of the matter.

[7] The process, once initiated, is most likely irreversible.

[8] We are constantly (frequently) faced with NP

原文来源: 中考英语动态:中考英语作文经典开头方式


[1] NP1 is of great importance (necessity, value) in NP2 (or: NP is of enormous significance)

[2] The importance (necessity) of NP (to do sth.) lies in (the fact) that…

[3] NP1 plays, as is known, an irreplaceably important role in NP2

[4] The irreplaceably important role NP1 plays in NP2 is significant (obvous)

[5] NP1 is an indispensable part of NP2

[6] It is important (necessary) to DO (or:THAT)

[7] Special attention should be pay to …(or: We should pay special attention to…)

[8] What we should take into consideration is +NP

[1](immediate, emergent, effective) Measures are being taken (has been taken, should be taken) to DO

[3] We have made much effort, there is still more we need to make (cf. We have learnt a lot, there is much more we need to lea123)

英语作文 篇5

Bears are big and strong and they are one of the biggest wild animals.They have small eyes,black or brown fur and sharp paws.They look lovely but when they are hungry,they will attack people.So,if we stay with bears,we must be careful.

I think it is amazing that bears can walk upright.You knew bears can climb

trees,but do you know that bears are good at swimming?Oh,this is so strange.

Bears like to move around slowly in the daytime.Because of this ,they look a little lasy.But in fact,that is nou true.

Bears are in danger now.Peopli cut down forests but bears must live in forests,so,mang bears have nowhere to live.And hunters always hunt them for their fur and paws.Day after day and year after year,there are fewer and fewer bears in world.

Now,what can we do?We can give people some advice:

-first,don`t kill bears;

-second,don`t cut down too many forests;

-third,build more reserves.

If we do nothing,soon there will be no bears in the world.

英语作文 篇6

My English teacher appears very beautiful and she looks about 40 years old.She has a son.Our English teacher is very strict with us,and sometimes,she is very friendly and kind to us.She is also humorous.On the April Fools' Day,she said to us,“you are going to have a holiday this afternoon”。Many students thought it true.Many students dare not talk,because she is very strict.We are afraid that we cannot pass the exam,because the teacher will criticise us if we don't pass.She doesn't give us too much homework,and she doesn't give us too much pressure.Sometimes,we like our Engllish teacher.

英语作文 篇7

1. Some people think that … 有些人认为…To be frank, I can not agree with their opinion for the reasons below坦率地说,我不能同意他们的意见,理由如下。

2. For years, … has been seen as …, but things are quite different now多年来,……一直被视为……,但今天的情况有很大的不同。

3. I believe the title statement is valid because… 我认为这个论点是正确的,因为…

4. I cannot entirely agree with the idea that …我无法完全同意这一观点的… I believe…

5. My argument for this view goes as follows我对这个问题的看法如下。

6. Along with the development of…, more and more…随着……的发展,越来越多…

7. There is a long-running debate as to whether…有一个长期运行的辩论,是否…

8. It is commonly/generally/widely/ believed /held/accepted/recognized that…它通常是认为…

9. As far as I am concerned, I completely agree with the former/ the latter就我而言,我完全同意前者/后者。

10. Before giving my opinion, I think it is essential to look at the argument of both sides在给出我的观点之前,我想有必要看看双方的论据。

英语作文 篇8

you ask me what is poverty?listen to me. here i am dirty,smelly, and with no "proper" under-

wear on and with the stench of my rotting teeth near you. i will tell you. listen to me. listen without pity. i cannot use your pity. listen with understanding. put yourself in my dirty, worn-out, ill-fitting shoes, and hear me.

poverty is getting up every morning from a dirty and illness-stained mattress. the sheets have long since been used for diapers. poverty is living in a smell that never leaves.this is a smell of urine, sour milk, and spoiling food sometimes joined with the strong smell of long-cooked onions.

onions are cheap. if you have smelled this smell, you did not know how it came. it is the smell of the outdoor privy. it is the smell of young children who cannot walk the long dark way in the night. it is the smell of the mattresses where years of "accidents" have happened. it is the smell of the milk which has gone sour because the refrigerator long has not worked, and it costs money to get it fied. it is the smell of rotting garbage. i could bury it, but where is the shovel? shovels cost money.

poverty is looking into a black future. your children wont play with my boys. they will turn to other boys who steal to get what they want. i can already see them behind the bars of their prison instead of behind the bars of my poverty.or they will turn to the freedom of alcohol or drugs, and find themselves enslaved. and my daughter? at best, there is for her a life like mine.

poverty is an acid that drips on pride until all pride is worn away. poverty is a chisel that chips on honor until honor is worn away. some of you say that you would do something in my situation, and maybe you would, for the first week or the first month, but for year after year after year?

i have come out of my despair to tell you this. remember i did not come from another place or another time. others like me are all around you. look at us with an angry heart, anger that will help you and help me. anger that will let you tell of me. the poor are always silent. can you be silent,too?

英语作文 篇9

With the development of information technology and reduced price of communication products, the mobile phone has become a necessity for most people. Obviously, it shortens the distance between people and makes our life more convenient. Thanks to the cell phone, it’s easy for us to contact or be contacted by others anytime and anywhere. We will never miss any important meetings, great deals or admirable opportunities.

However, have you noticed sometimes the cell phone also brings embarrassment to us? It’s not rare to see someone pressing the cell phone to his ear and shouting loudly in public as if there were no one else present. And I’m sure each one has had such an experience that the cell phone ring continuously on a formal occasion. Perhaps these people have many life-and-death reasons to keep the phone working at all times, but it interrupts people around them who have to hear what they don’t care when they want to concentrate on what they’re doing.

So if you are one of them, please shut off your cell phone in public, especially on a quiet and serious occasion. It’s a respect for both others and yourself.




英语作文 篇10

Welcome to my home. Here are some of my family rules. Let me tell you. I can’t eat in the bedroom, but I can eat in the dining hall. I can’t go out on school nights. I can’t play computer games for a long time. I must clean my room every weekend. I must do my homework before dinner. I can’t play games on shool games. I must get up at 6:00. These are my family rules! What about yours? Please tell me!

