美国英语作文 篇1
The Americans are much in love with food. This is part of being American too. Baseball is Americans' national pastime1, but what's a ball game without hot dogs, peanuts2 and Cracker Jacks (sweetened popcorn3)? Hollywood is America's symbol of glamour4 and excitement all over the world, but who would watch a movie in America without asking for an extra large bag of popcorn? And the astronauts took instant orange drink [Tang] with them.
Americans love all kinds of food, Italian, Chinese, Mexican, Greek, French, Japanese and many others. The Americans are in fact
“The UN of Food.”
To get familiar with the American eating custom, one must know two things. First, one must know the sequence5 of service. There is something special in terms of the sequence, or order, of dish service in America compared with ours. Here is the order:
1. Aperitif6—a small cup of alcoholic drink to increase one's appetite7. The host or hostess will ask: “Do you like a cup of aperitif?”
2. Hors d'oeuvre8—some tasty food offered in small quantities at the beginning of a meal.
3. Appetizer —or called starter, it is a small serving of juice, fruit or seafood or something else, at the beginning of a meal, to stimulate9 people's appetite.
4. Now the main course is under way:
a) Soup—it is usually the first course in a dinner.
b) Fish—it is usually served after the soup and before the entree10 in a formal meal.
c) Entree—the third course of a meal, generally it is made up of a hot meat.
d) Savory11—the last course in a formal meal, it is something pleasant to eat but with a salty rather than sweet taste.
5. Dessert12 —sweet food served toward the end of a meal, usually it is a pudding, chocolate cake, or cheese and biscuits sometimes.
6. Coffee—that's the last stage in a formal present-day European and American dinner. It's served either at table or in the living room.
In a family treatment, the above-mentioned No 1-3 stage may be omitted13, though No 4 is the essential part. And the main course generally includes no more than 5 dishes of nutrient14 food. Ostentation15 is never under consideration.
Another thing to mention is that serving oneself from one's own plate is popular in Europe and America, except for the soup and bread which is taken and enjoyed according to one's need.
The second one we must know about the American eating custom is the taboos at table.
(1) Don't circle your plate with your arm. If you do so, you will become the focus16 of the table. Everyone would wonder: “Is there anything wrong with the food?” This may give a false message that you don't like the food or something like that.
(2) Don't push the plate back when finished. Leave it where it was. Do you mean to remind17 the hostess that you've just completed a labor?
(3)Don't lean18 back and announce that “I'm through” or “I'm stuffed19.” Just put the fork and knife quietly across the plate, that's all.
(4) Don't cut up everything before you start to eat. Cut only one or two bites20 at a time.
(5) Never take huge mouthfuls of anything. Do you mean to show how hungry you are? Don't do that! Be gentlemanlike or ladylike.
(6) Don't crook21 your finger when picking up a cup or glass. That looks too affected22, far from ladylike!
(7) Never wear too much lipstick23 to the table. It may stain the napkins24 and look gaudy25 and embarrassing on the rims26 of the cup or glass.
(8) It's never acceptable to reach across the table for anything (a serving dish, for example). If the item you want is not at hand, simply ask for the nearest person for help, like “Mrs. Smith, would you mind passing me the butter (or a dish)?”
美国英语作文 篇2
I'm traveling to America and would like to go on some tours.
To which cities will you be traveling?
New York City and Philadelphia.
Great! May I suggest the Statue of Liberty tour in NYC and the Liberty Bell tour in Philadelphia?
That sounds good. Thank you. Please book those tours for me.
OK, no problem. And for which dates should I book them?
Please book the Statue of Liberty tour for next Thursday and the Liberty Bell tour for next Sunday.
Sure thing. I will do that right now.
美国英语作文 篇3
Going abroad for Studies
The other day I announced that I would go abroad for further studies right after my college education. My decision evoked the immediate objection of my family: Why? Why should I borrow a huge sum of money for overseas studies while I might receive the same education at home at relatively low cost? My answer is: in addition to knowledge, I can gain experience that those who stay at home will never have.
First, experience is the opportunity for the real-life use of foreign languages. While a person can study a foreign language at home, the effect can never be compared with constant use of the language in academic and everyday life. There is no better opportunity to improve second-language skills than living in the country in which it is spoken. Living in English-speaking countries such as America and Australia for several years, for example, my English will be as perfect as native speakers.
Second, living and studying abroad offers me a different perspective of the world. On a university campus, foreign students are likely to encounter their counterparts from different countries and areas and are exposed to different ideas and values. This helps me to have a meaningful understanding of different societies and inevitably sees my own country in a new light.
Third, overseas experience, frustrating and painful as it may be, is helpful. A person going abroad for study often experiences much more difficulty——difficulty in adapting to a new culture and in dealing with all problems alone. Yet, the difficulty, coupled with the frustration brought on by culture shock, is a rewarding experience for one's future life and development of personality.
Although going abroad is expensive and perhaps painful, the payoff is worthwhile. For the benefit is not merely knowledge gained, but the experience desirable in one's personal life.
美国英语作文 篇4
america is growing older. fifty years ago, only 4 out of every 100 people in the united states were 65 or older. today, 10 out of every ]00 americans are over 65. the aging of the population will affect american society in many ways - education, medicine, and business. the graying of america has made us a very different society ---one in which people have a quite different idea of what kind of behavior is suitable at various ages.
a persons age no longer tells you anything about his or her social position, marriage or health. theres no longer a particular year in which one goes to school or goes to work or gets married or starts a family. the social clock that kept us on time and told us when to go to school, get a job, or stop working isnt as strong as it used to be. it doesnt surprise us to hear of a 29-year-old university president or a 35-year- old grandmother,or a 70-year-old man who has become a father for the first time. public ideas are changing.
many people say,"l am much younger than my mother or my father was at my age." no one says anymore," act your age." weve stopped looking with surprise at older people who act in youthful ways.
美国英语作文 篇5
Last year, I went to Guilin for travel, it was a great trip for me. I not only had a look at the beautiful scenery, but also made friends. I knew a lovely girl from America, we met each other on the train. As we were almost at the same age, we communicated a lot. We shared our opinion about the culture and learned a lot. When our train reached the destination, we needed to separate, we promised to keep in touch by the Internet. Now a year has passed, we make our promise and keep in touch all the time. I have improved my English and she is so interested in China. It seems that we can never finish our topic, because we always have so much to share with each other. I am so lucky to make a good friend.
美国英语作文 篇6
Recently, the movie American Captain is very hot, the third episode has been brought into the screen.
Since I see the first episode, this great hero catches my attention all the time.
he is so handsome and brave, what’s more, he fights for the justice, which makes him a charming person.
I will support this movie, American Captain is my hero.
美国英语作文 篇7
American culture
The main content of American culture is the emphasize on individuals' value,the pursue of democracy and freedom,the promotion of deploitation(开拓,经营) and competition and the need of realistic and practicality.Its core is individualism:self first,personal need first,pursue of individual benefit and enjoyment,emphasize on achieving individual value by self-strive and self-design.This type of intentionally build up of personality and pursue customized individualism has its pros and cons,it gives incentives to people and make them exert on their potential and wisdom and as a result accelerate the development of the entire race and nation; on the other hand it is difficult to keep good relationship among people if everyone is egocentric thus make the entire society lack of unity.
美国英语作文 篇8
the average family income of the u.s.a. has increased from 20,000 dollars per year in 1992 to 25,000 in . along with this considerable increase in people’s income, the way in which the average family spends its income has also varied to some etent. the average ependiture of family income is divided into several sectors, namely, housing, clothing, food and drink, transport, medical care, entertainment, savings and other items.
from the table, it is quite interesting to find that the money spent on some sectors such as food and drink (2%) and entertainment (6%) in 1992 and remains the same. for transport, the percentage of is only 1% larger than that of 1992. it is also worth mentioning that in , people tend to save less money than in 1992 because people deposit only half the money they used to in 1990. there is a greater increase in the epenses on housing and medical care, increasing by 8% and 6% respectively. on the other hand, people tend to spend less money on clothes, for there is a 5% decrease in compared with that in 1992. as far as other items are concerned, there is a sharp decrease in the percentage of family income spent on them, accounting for only 7% of the total.
it can be seen from the statistics that in american people’s life food and drink, entertainment and transport had always been important. with family income increasing, american people began to give first priority to housing and medical care, thereby improving their living conditions and invigorating health. by saving less, they presented to us the implication that they epected a fairly secure prospect.
美国英语作文 篇9
June 6th Thursday Sunny
This afternoon a young American friend called Mike came to our school. He visited our lab, library and school factory. At five o'clock he had a free talk with some of my classmates. I was lucky to be one of them.
Mike spoke English slowly and carefully, so we could understand what he said. We talked about our English study for about an hour. Before he left our school, I asked him in English, "What do you think of our school?" He answered with a smile, "Oh, it's wonderful!"
This is the first time for me to talk with a foreigner in English. English is really userful.
6月6日 星期四 晴