快乐的英语作文 篇1
The Happiness of Growing Up
Since I go to middle school, I start to become independent. I am not a little girl anymore, and I can make my own decision. My parents always get used to do everything for me, but I tell them that I can do it myself. Then my parents are very happy. They no longer make every decision for me and they will ask my opinion. I feel being respected and it is so good for me. Growing up means taking the responsibility and being considerate of others. I try not be childish and think in a mature way. Now everybody respects me and they are willing to listen to my idea. This is the happiness of growing up.
快乐的英语作文 篇2
Life is a colorful picture full of different feelings. I’d like to be happy because happiness is important to everyone.生活像是一幅画满了各种心情的图案。我想要快乐,因为快乐对每个人来说都很重要。
I have an unforgettable experience to share with all of you. Last Sunday my grandparents gave me some pocket money and with the money I brought some books and instead of snacks. The next day I took the books to school. After lunch, I showed the books to my classmates and we read together. We learned a lot from the interesting books. Both reading and sharing made me happy.
我有个难以忘怀的记忆要与大家分享。上个星期天我的爷爷奶奶给了我一些零花钱。我用钱买了些课外书而不是零食。第二天,我把这些书带到了学校。午饭过后,我把书拿出来,和我的同学一起阅读。从这些有趣的书中,我们学到了很多知识。阅读和分享让我感到很快乐。I wish everybody is happy all the way.我希望每个人都快快乐乐的。
快乐的英语作文 篇3
Today, Mr. Chen said he would take us to play a game. What's the game on earth? I'm looking forward to it. Everyone was staring at the teacher.
The teacher picked up a piece of chalk, drew a straight line on the blackboard, drew a semicircle on it, and drew two circles, which made up the simplest crustacean car. The teacher had to be blindfolded in our eyes so that we could draw a same car. I think: isn't it just a carapace of the same size? It's not hard at all!
The game began, and the students were eager to try. I was the first to play. The teacher wrapped my eyes in scarves and gave me a piece of chalk to push me to the blackboard. First I drew a straight line to show the body, and I drew a semicircle to show the roof, and then I drew two circles. After the painting, I heard the students laughing. What's up? What did I draw? I hurried to unlock the scarf. I saw that the tires I had painted were very small. I did not touch the roof, and the two tires were tightly together, like two balloons. I was also laughed at by my "masterpiece".
Another classmate play, the teacher cast a scarf to him, gave him a piece of chalk, the students with vigorous strides toward the blackboard, waved his hand and finished, he immediately untied the scarf, painting their own cars like three potatoes together, immediately burst into laughter.
In the game continues, some tyres have been tires into the car, some tyres have flatten the cars, and all the tires have left the car for a journey.
It's fun to draw a car game, and it brings us a lot of happiness!
快乐的英语作文 篇4
这节英语课刚开始,黄老师就给我们放了一首英文歌《lemon tree》,顿时,教室里弥漫着快乐的气氛,同学们都陶醉在音乐之中,有的打起了节拍,有的身体开始轻轻摇摆了,听着听着,有同学就跟着这轻快的旋律唱了起来,越了越多的同学加入其中,最后全班同学竟都唱了起来。看,同学们的脸上都洋溢着热情的笑容。听,那声音多么的洪亮、轻快。