
2021-10-17 16:14:14



英语作文 篇1

This is a busy city, originally with the milk of human kindness, but after years of science and technology of washing become indifferent, now the city is full of cheating, lies, for all their hidden danger of various.

From traffic can be seen in the streets of sin; but don't have anyone to stop these things, just on the side look on coldly. That I used to know that warm, amiable city has disappeared, leaving only the crisis-ridden city.

Stream through the people on the streets in the city during the day, no one stop to enjoy the park trees and flowers, insect songbirds call... These beautiful things, just remember to keep hastily walked forward, and face with a look of ruthless, no one with a smiling face; Is the neon glare at night, and looked up, didn't see any stars, only the overcast sky, The hustle and bustle and noise, in the middle of the night will calm down.

In the lineup to the building, densely populated cities, there are some people in silently to try for the desire of all and pay, those steep profits, careful not to help the city back to once upon a time the appearance of simplicity, peace, but this phenomenon become very little, so now only slowly, bit by bit, the original appearance of the city.

This is what I live in a city, it's going to change back to more colorful, more safe city.






英语作文 篇2


1.…to go up and down …起伏不定

eg. The strike rate went up and down during the period from 1952 to 1967.

2.There be ups and downs …有起有伏

eg. Between 1972 and 1979, there were several ups and downs in (某方面).


1.…to remain steady/level/unchanged …保持稳定,几乎不变

eg. The rate of …remained steady (fairly level/almost unchanged) during the four years from 1963 to 1967.

2.…to level off (vi.)

eg. After a steady decline for a whole decade, the …rate shows signs of leveling off.



almost fairly 可以用于表达起伏,稳定状态的句子中的词组或模板:

the general situation was not worsening

show indications of improvement

it can be predicted that…

eg. The rate of …remained steady during the four years from 1963 to 1967,and it can be predicted that the general situation was not worsening.

eg. The rate of …remained steady during the four years ……此处隐藏3479个字……ody will turn red. but after firing, the enamel in the little compartment will sink down a bit. that will require a refilling. this process will go on repeatedly until the little compartments are finally filled.

the fifth step is polishing. the first polish is with energy. its aim is to make the filigree and the filled compartments even. the whole piece is again put to fire. polish once more with a whet stone. finally, use a piece of hard carbon to polish again so as to obtain some lustre on the surface of the article.

英语作文 篇9

What is ideal? It is the goal of the struggle of life, the motive force for the people to advance, the yearning and pursuit of the future. As the saying goes well, there is a will. We all set our own ideals: doctors, lawyers, businessmen, pilots, scientists, teachers... My ideal is to be a guitarist.

Since the second grade started, since heard ringing and guitar melody, since the band saw BEYOND freely on the stage with a guitar and handsome, I fell in love with the guitar. It can make me intoxicated in music and bring me into a colorful world of notes. It can immerse me in endless illusions and feel the beauty of music. It also enables me to feel the stimulation of music and understand the true meaning of music. Every time I hear the sound of the guitar, every cell of mine will roll up and roll...

I often fantasize: one day, I am standing on the top stage of the world, singing with the most crisp guitar sound and my most resonant voice, listening to everyone in the world, letting them feel good and free. Like "the window of the dream" "I want to sing the dream to the blue sky and I want to sing the warm singing into the day..."

I will sing to the cold people, let them feel warm, sing to the vulnerable people, and let them go strong; sing to the timid people, give them great courage; I will sing to those who fight against diseases, and give them the power that is unequalled.

Every day, I will have the company of guitar, it has become a good friend of mine. When I fail and encounter setbacks, I never fear, because the ideal of becoming a guitarist always reminds me: "now I am so far away from my ideal, and the road ahead is still bumpy. Come on! Overcome everything with a firm belief.

In order to achieve the ideal, every day I began to be absorbed in the practice, so can you! I also tried to correct the two important shortcomings of impetuosity and impatience. In practice the new guitar tune, not anxious to practice, first to find the corresponding notes and beats to play, or in a complete mess, half! The classical guitar level six I also try to practice the nine tunes, "the legend of Asturias", "two quartets" folk dogvane to challenge themselves, their own temper, let oneself become more "powerful"......

"Hard work never give up can change the world Come on change yourself!" Yes, as long as the efforts, no matter how difficult, must be to achieve their ideal!

