关于How to be a good learner英语作文
在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家一定都接触过作文吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。写起作文来就毫无头绪?下面是小编整理的How to be a good learner英语作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。
To be a good learner, we should have good habits and ways of learning.
We need to get ready for our lessons before class and always listen carefully in class. After class, we must go over the lessons and finish our homework on time. It’s good to study in groups and help each other. We should do more reading in our free time. If we have any problems, we’d better ask others for help. As a student, working hard is important, but don’t forget to do sports and keep healthy.
I think all above is helpful to us to be a good learner.