
2021-10-18 06:31:37



母爱英语作文 篇1

It's raining. School is over. I didn't bring my umbrella. I thought, "no one will come to pick me up." because my mother is ill, my father is away on business. Grandma and grandpa are too old to walk. I looked at the rain more and more big, less and less people, I am also more and more anxious, what should I do? I was about to go home in the rain.

Suddenly see a familiar figure, riding a bike slowly appeared from the rain, primary school grade three. This familiar figure is getting closer and closer, and I thought to myself, "this figure must be mother.". It's getting closer. It's really mom. I watched the rain trickling down my mother's face. Suddenly, a warm stream came up. I went straight to my mother and shouted, "Mom, mom, how did you get here?"" Mom smiled and said, "I know you didn't bring your umbrella and you knew it was raining."." Oh That's how it happened.

Step by step, the mother brought me home, but walk to a large slope in front of my house, to ride uphill to the home, the mother struggling to ride a bike, I said: "my mother riding a real don't ride up and down." Mother said, "I'll get wet when I come down."." Mother rode slowly and heavily on the slope.

When I got home, I wasn't wet at all. But my mother got wet already. I saw my mother's tired figure, and I couldn't help crying.

I know, mother's love is priceless.

母爱英语作文 篇2


For the night sky, it is a kind of happiness to enjoy the dazzling stars.


For the earth, it is a kind of happiness to enjoy the beautiful and fragrant flowers and plants to decorate.


For me, it's my greatest happiness to enjoy your maternal love.


Just went to primary school, often standing at the village gate, waiting for you to come back. As you approach, the blurred shadow becomes clearer. It's you. You are back. The happiest moment of the year is better than this, but for the sake of life. After a holiday with me, you are going to leave. I cry and roar to you, "why, why do you want to leave me again? Do you not love me? I don't want anything. Don't you leave, OK. "At this time, you can almost use the words of indifference and cruelty to describe you. You just left my hand holding your clothes and didn't go back to the ground to get on the car. You ignored my cry, but you didn't think you had become a tearful person in the car.


When I entered the fifth grade, I always took care of my grandfather. My grandmother was too old to take care of me. You finally connect me to your side. In order to let me have a better learning environment, you run, run west, in order to let me avoid the hardships of running, you don't hesitate to buy a house in the social flag, once you can't cook, stupid enough to make fish, throw the fish head as garbage. Now you can cook as well as five-star chefs. Once you only worked for a few hours, then went shopping, played with mobile phones, and lived a small white-collar life. Now you have to get up before dawn to cook, clean up, wash dishes. It's the day of housewife. Once you were white and beautiful. Now you have been carved with wrinkles by the years. And all this is for me, I enjoy your love, how happy.


After entering the ninth grade, you suddenly became stern to me. At first, you didn't care. But then you became more strict with me, which made me dissatisfied, but I accepted it in a few days. Until the last parents' meeting, I found the reason from your reply. In the letter, there is a saying: "child, I didn't mean to be strict with you. I just ate the loss of no culture. I don't want you to grow up and work hard for your livelihood... " In a flash, tears filled my eyes, and I had and enjoyed your love for me. It's so happy.


You are my dearest mother, mother, I love you. I have you, richer than the king, I lose you than beggars.


It is a kind of happiness to enjoy maternal love.

母爱英语作文 篇3

time is running out for my friend. while we are sitting at lunch she casually mentions she and her husband are thinking of starting a family. "we're taking a survey,"she says, half-joking. "do you think i should have a baby?"

"it will change your life," i say, carefully keeping my tone neutral. "i know,"she says, "no more sleeping in on weekends, no more spontaneous holidays..."

but that's not what i mean at all. i look at my friend, trying to decide what to tell her. i want her to know what she will never learn in childbirth classes. i want to tell her that the physical wounds of child bearing will heal, but becoming a mother will leave her with an emotional wound so raw that she will be vulnerable forever.

i consider warning her that she will never again read a newspaper without thinking: "what if that had been my child?" that every plane crash, every house fire will haunt her. that when she sees pictures of starving children, she will wonder if anything could be worse than watching your child die. i look at her carefully manicured nails and stylish suit and think that no matter how sophisticated she is, becoming a mother will reduce her to the primitive level of a bear protecting her cub.

i feel i should warn her that no matter how many years she has invested in her career, she will be professionally derailed by motherhood. she might arrange for child care, but one day she will be going into an important business meeting, and she will think her baby's sweet smell. she will have to use every ounce of discipline to keep from running home, just to make sure her child is all right.

i want my friend to know that every decision will no longer be routine. that a five-year-old boy's desire to go to the men's room rather than the women's at a restaurant will become a major dilemma. the issues of independence and gender identity will be weighed against the prospect that a child molester may be lurking in the lavatory. however decisive she may be at the office, she will second-guess herself constantly as a mother.

looking at my attractive friend, i want to assure her that eventually she will shed the added weight of pregnancy, but she will never feel the same about herself. that her own life, now so important, will be of less value to her once she has a child. she would give it up in a moment to save her offspring, but will also begin to hope for more years—not to accomplish her own dreams—but to watch her children accomplish theirs.

i want to describe to my friend the exhilaration of seeing your child learn to hit a ball. i want to capture for her the belly laugh of a baby who is touching the soft fur of a dog for the first time. i want her to taste the joy that is so real it hurts.

my friend's look makes me realize that tears have formed in my eyes. "you'll never regret it," i say finally. then, squeezing my friend's hand, i offer a prayer for her and me and all of the mere mortal women who stumble their way into this holiest of callings.

