
2021-10-18 14:08:51



家庭英语作文 篇1

She always does a lot of housework,but sometimes she makes mistakes out of carelessness.For example,one day,she washed clothes in the washer,after the washer finished the work,she found she hadn't filled the washer with water.

Now let me tell you a funny thing:one day,father wanted to get up early as usual,buthe wasn't able to do that,because he hadn't set the alarm clock the night before,so when he got up,he did everything in a hurry.After father left,mother said to me mysteriously,"He will come back soon.

" "Why?" I was greatly surprised."Because today is Sunday,his holiday!" Just as mother said,father came back home soon,and went to bed again--he was too tired.

You see,what an interesting family have!I hope that you will have one like mine,too.

家庭英语作文 篇2

I am not happy.Because I have too many rules in my house.I must obey them.I have to get up at 6:30.I have to go to school at 7:00.I have to do my homework after school.I can't meet my friends after school.On weekends,I must help my mother clean my room and wash clothes.I have to play the piano.But I don't like playing the piano.I have to learn English at Sundays.I never have any fun.


家庭英语作文 篇3

Days ago when I was doing my listening practice, I found my idea was quite different from the author’s. He insisted that family should be the first while I hold the opposite idea. Let me explain my opinion step by step.


Drawing a conclusion to which one should be the first, career or family, we should depend on the following two aspects: Which one will do more to your life-long dreams and value; And which one promotes the development of society. It’s normal that there always be a conflict between career and family. However we should have an objective comment. That is which one gives more contribution. I wonder how can a family be permanent without the guarantee of career.


Talking about achieving our value, we ought to combine it with our needs. What we need includes three sides: The need of existance, the need of enjoying and the need of development. At this time, we must have a clear mind that career or family which one has more ability to satisfy these, which one is related to these from the beginning to the end. There is no doubt that the answer is career. Referring to the value of society, we automatically think of work and creation. I do agree that family have something to do with these sometimes, but the productivity it brings to us is far less than what the career gives. What is the resource of the develpoping society? Of course, productivity. And through which the improvement of productivity can be shown. The answer is career as well.



When asked what is the final destination for our career, you may said because you want to support a big family. I think maybe this answer belongs to one of our destination, but not the final one. We pay more attention to our career mainly because we desire to do something to meet the need of our society.


If a country wants to be more powerful, it needs creative thought and continuous work, which obviously comes from career. As our country becoming stronger, we become stronger, too. In the contrary, if we never put career first, how can a family exist without the support of the society.


A person who really has a deep understanding of his value, he/she should fight for his career first!


Actually, the spirit of pursuing higher career is also the spirit we indicate in present day. No matter which period of age we are at, we should keep our passion for reaching the higher level. Only in this way can we really get self value.


Compared the truth and value, yourself and the society, with a overall mind. You will come to a conclusion that career is rather significant!


Above is my statement for my opinion. Different people have different viewpoint. Some people, especially ladies, always think it’s their duty to do the housework and they are fated to be the housewives. Never will I agree. Doing more housework is OK for ladies but ladis should have independence. As a lady in 21th. Century, we ought to spare no effort to gain our position in the society. Therefore, I won’t get married until I have an achievement in my career!!


家庭英语作文 篇4

该类别主要包括:家庭关系、 养老、 啃老。

Young people are used to relying financially on their families

The cartoon reveals a very thought-provoking scene. The artist purposefully exaggerates…… . This picture reveals the in-depth problem of…… .

In fact,…… . There are two reasons for this. The first and perhaps most important is that…… . The other reason is more serious from a practical point of view.…… . It owes to…… .

In my point of view, the trend goes quite against the genuine and original purpose of our…… . What I want to emphasize by the above analysis is that,…… . Therefore,…… I strongly contend that…… .

家庭英语作文 篇5

TV destroyed the friendship and family?

there is much controversy today about whether television has destroyed communication among family and friends. some people argue that the communication is baffled by television. others criticize that television improve the relationship of family and friends. i totally agree with the latter one.

watching tv is a time for the whole family to stop from whatever they are doing to get together. while watch tv, they start to talk about the content of the movie, which is also a kind of communication. imagining the tv disappears, we would do reading in rooms, while our family would do laundry, do washing dish or going shopping. it simply provides a chance for us to stay together.in addition, the tv supplies us with much information, which we have not known in our daily lives. some of the constructive movies show on tv, like a family story, a love story, or so on, reinforce the relationship of a family and friends. whats more, we learn from the story that it is important to cherish the broiling of a family and friends.

at last, it is a kind of recreation that a family or friends can choose to have. communication can be undertaken by many means, for eample, going shopping together, entering a bar, talking intimately about ourselves. in effect, watching tv is a way to let us together and share our happiness with each other.in my opinion, tv provides us opportunity to be together and communicate. in this diversified society, tv doesnt destroy communication among us but show us another way of getting together.

