
2021-10-18 22:48:29




I first heard that Nanshan always thought it was a mountain, but this year I finally know that it is a solid support for the people of the whole country.

In 2003, SARS was rampant. At the age of 67, he said, "send the heaviest patients to me.". In 2020, the epidemic spread in Wuhan. At the age of 84, he told the public not to go to Wuhan as much as possible, while he resolutely boarded the high-speed railway to Wuhan and headed for the battle. "People's Daily" commented on him: he has the academician's profession, he has the bravery of soldiers, and he has the responsibility of national academicians. He is the most trusted academician --- Zhong Nanshan.

The novel coronavirus pneumonia surged in 2020 during the foggy Spring Festival. "No special circumstances, no Wuhan." A steady voice sounded in people's ears. It was him who stepped into the public vision after 17 years. It was him who sounded the alarm for the society when it was in danger. But then he said, "I am confident that SARS will not be repeated!" It's like a reassuring pill that stabilizes everyone's fear.

"We only believe in Zhong Nanshan." This sentence is the most common message of netizens when the epidemic broke out, "when will it move, Zhong Nanshan will move!" His words, every sentence is a heart strengthening needle, his words, every sentence is more like a reassuring pill, so that the hearts of the people feel extremely stable.

He can be believed from his honesty and straightforwardness, "not only up, not only books, only reality." This is the embodiment of Zhong Nanshan's style; the "dare to cure and dare to speak" on the wall of his office is a true portrayal of him; the "truth" he believes in is as important as the real medicine It is even more admirable.

The novel coronavirus pneumonia is threatening novel coronavirus pneumonia. The first time he was ordered to fight in the front line of the epidemic, he accepted the media interview. In January 28th, he diagnosed 5 severe patients for more than 4 hours. On the 29 day, at 6 o'clock in the morning, he was also discussing with the virus Hunter Li Pu Jin to control the new crown pneumonia. On the same day, he rushed to the plane to Beijing to discuss the treatment of critically ill patients on the plane. Method. An 84 year old man, still in the heart of the mortals, is constantly running in the anti epidemic front line. He is in our heart, the rebel of the benevolence of doctors --- academician Zhong Nanshan.

As a primary school student, we need to grow up in the epidemic situation and learn from the reality. Grandpa Zhong Nanshan made us understand with his words and deeds, what is responsibility, what is dedication and what is patriotism. "The strong grass is known by the strong wind, and the honest minister is known by the tyranny." We should learn from Grandpa Nanshan, take him as an example, learn from him to stand up in danger, and learn from him to be full of enthusiasm for the country and the people. Grandpa Nanshan is like the benchmark of the new era, like the beacon full of hope in the vast sea, which will guide us to move forward


When I picked up my mobile phone and saw that the news was no longer the report of the scale of the Spring Festival, but the number of new epidemics was growing; when the village speakers were no longer the songs of celebration, they were reminding people again and again not to go out; when there was only silence in the market of the mountain people sea and the streets after the year... So, all the In this cold winter night, Chinese people began the war of "epidemic" without gunpowder.

"Why are you moved?"

In this war, "epidemic", there are always people with different eyes to detect the enemy's arrival, and then make a different voice. At the beginning of the epidemic, seven doctors, including Li Wenliang, issued an "alarm" to the Chinese people. Unfortunately, at that time, people's eyes were not opened, and they failed to prevent the disease in time. In this war, "epidemic", there will always be people standing in front of us, commanding us. In the early stage, Wuhan health and Health Commission reported that the epidemic was "limited infection", while Zhong Nanshan, with white sideburns and firm eyes, said that the truth was "affirmation of human to human transmission", opening up his eyes for Chinese people and seeing the situation of the epidemic clearly. At the age of 84, he didn't choose the retirement life of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and seeing Nanshan leisurely". Instead, in this special period, he became a backer of the Chinese people. In this war, "epidemic", there are always people who, regardless of their own safety, fight for us. If there are angels in the world, they must be wearing white coats. They must be "angels in white" with firm and warm eyes. The central battlefield in Wuhan, Hubei Province, faced with a large number of medical staff, medical equipment, materials and other lack of time, angels all over the country rushed to support, girls cut off a hair, take heavy responsibility. They are the most beautiful counterforces. They firmly believe in "isolation of virus, but not isolation of love". They treat patients day and night. They have poor sleep and dare not drink water, eat or go to the toilet, because they are afraid of wasting their time, protective clothing and death. There are tens of thousands of ordinary people in this war, even if they can't be doctors, they want to do something for this war. There are many kind-hearted people in the world. Up to the old sanitation workers, even if they only have 600 yuan a month, they have donated 10000 yuan of their own savings in this special period. Next to a 10-year-old girl in Yangzhou, she has also brought out her heavy little yellow duck money storage tank in this special period. Although it is less than 500 yuan, it makes us feel the power of being strong as a teenager, and it is also impressive The proud girls in the rice circle usually help their beloved peas, and show their amazing executive power in this special period... This war "epidemic", we can't forget that everyone who isolates themselves in Wuhan, they stop the pace of travel, in fact, they cross the haze, so that the future can smile to welcome the warmth!

"And why can't you sleep all night?"

I know that every morning, the number of people infected by the epidemic will increase again, from 100 to 1000 to 10000. At present, it is more than 40000. I was naive to think that if it had been during the day! But in the face of this frightening epidemic, I believe more in beauty. "King of comedy" has a dialogue: "look, the front is dark, nothing can be seen." "No, it will be beautiful after dawn." Winter will finally leave, snow will melt, grass will be green, this war "epidemic" day Yao China will win!

Friends, in this special period, I know you must have been touched, sleepless and angry. So please remember that when we get to that age and become the pillar of society, we should not grind the edges and corners in the plain days, corruption or numbness, help the good people as much as possible, speak for the weak, and when the country is in trouble Contribute more. Please remember this feeling and believe in tomorrow!

Open the calendar to find that the beginning of spring has passed; open the window to find that the spring rain has come; listen carefully to find that everything is ready to recover. My friend, please tidy up your mood. Spring is coming. Let's welcome spring with flowers, applause and everything that is most appropriate!


The sudden outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia has changed our lives. This year's Spring Festival has been extraordinary.

The original lively Spring Festival was beaten by the epidemic and broke up unhappily. Many people can't go home and get together with their relatives. But a selfless angel in white did not leave his post at this crisis moment, saying: "where there is an epidemic, there is a battlefield. It's common sense that there will be sacrifices in the battlefield. " Zhong Nanshan, an 84 year old academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering, rushed to the front line of the most dangerous anti epidemic situation.

A selfless angel in white, because Wuhan is closed but wants to make some contribution to the country, so he would not hesitate to sneak into Wuhan. In sharp contrast to others.

Many angels in white wrote letters of invitation. They said that they fought hard against SARS in 2003 and will not be absent this time. Moved all the Chinese. They gave up the time of reunion with their relatives, were not afraid of the risk of being infected by the virus, and rushed to fight in the front line of epidemic prevention and control, regardless of pay, life and death, regardless of conditions. These busy figures glittering with the brilliance of human nature and fighting in the battlefield of anti epidemic gathered into an invincible Chinese force!

Doctors, father and son, are encouraging each other through protective glass. They are father and son, and even comrades in arms For patients, "I don't know who you are, but I know who you are for." At the critical moment, the angel in white becomes a steel warrior. Behind "walking against the virus, bravely being a rebel" is the boundless benevolence of doctors, who have built an indestructible defense line of life hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder.

Dark clouds can not cover the sun, the haze will eventually spread, only efforts will not be failed. Who is the most beautiful in this battle? Who is the most tired? Our comrades in arms fighting on the front line and Chinese people fighting in the rear, let us respond to the call of the state. Don't make trouble for the country. Keep the epidemic away as soon as possible.

As long as we work together, unite and walk hand in hand. It will definitely defeat the epidemic. Usher in the scene of warm spring flowers blooming and flowers contending.

Come on, angel in white! Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

