
2021-10-19 01:44:05



美国英语作文 篇1

Today, my mother and I went to New York.

In New York and New York, there are two tunnels: the Lincoln tunnel and the Holland tunnel. The Lincoln tunnel is a tunnel in New York that spans the Hudson River to link the state of New Jersey. Olay is on the design of Xinshi?. The total length is 2281 meters, and the width is 6 and 55 meters. A tunnel into the tunnel, feeling very long, very dark, only two of the common tunnel light faint light. The Holland tunnel, 2608 meters long, sank on the Hudson River bed.

On entering New York, a large sign reads: "upper, middle, lower city". The upper and lower cities are good areas. The buildings on the city are tall and majestic. The architecture of the city is old and simple. There are two different kinds of beauty in the upper and lower cities, but these two kinds of beauty are not available to each other.

The city is home to the world's most famous Locke Philo center. There are old parks in the lower city. There are high-rise buildings on the city, one after another is very majestic, each high-rise buildings have different characteristics, some tall and clinking, and some like building blocks up the same. The buildings in the lower city, though small, are also interesting. The buildings are almost the same. They are very elegant.

There are three scenic spots: Times Square and Central Park, Fifth Avenue. Now if you go to Times Square, you will have two kind of feeling, a feeling is in progress is two times, feeling Chinese stood up, because there are Chinese ads below, many shopping malls and speak Chinese salesman.

Central Park is big and beautiful. Fifth Avenue thing is all shops have a superb collection of beautiful things.

美国英语作文 篇2

Based on historical documents, modern survey and statistics, as well as the result of predecessor studies, the trend and main process of forest dynamics are recognized. The forest area and forest coverage rates for each province of China from 1700 to 1949 are es- timated backward by every 50 years. Linking the result with modern National Forest Inventory data, the spatial-temporal dynamics of Chinese forest in recent 300 years (AD 1700–1998) is quantitatively analyzed. The study shows that in recent 300 years, the forest area in current territory of China has declined by 0.95×108 hm2 (or 9.2% of the coverage rate) in total, with a trend of decrease and recovery. Before the 1960s, there was a trend of accelerated de- scending. The forest area was reduced by 1.66×108 hm2 (or 17% of the coverage rate) in 260 years. While after the 1960s, there has been a rapid increase. The forest area increased by 0.7×108 hm2 (or 8% of the coverage rate) in 40 years. The study also shows that ……此处隐藏1534个字……,并且我们中的相当多人对此持怀疑和不信任的态度。这个梦想不仅仅是拥有汽车和高工资,而且还应当包括这样一种社会秩序,在这种秩序下,男人和女人不论他们出身如何,社会地位如何,都能最大程度地实现自己的潜能并为他人所认可和接受”。

In the united States' Declaration of Independence, our founding fathers state: "... all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." Might this view be considered the foundation of the American Dream?


Were homesteaders who left the big cities of the east to find happiness and their piece of land in the unknown wilderness of the west pursuing these Rights? Were the immigrants who came to the United States looking for their bit of life, liberty, happiness and their Dream? And what did the desire of the veteran of World War II—to settle down, to have a home, a car and a family—tell us about this Dream? Is the American Dream attainable by all Americans? Would Martin Luther King feel his Dream was attained? Did Malcolm X realize his Dream?


美国英语作文 篇10

American flag for a rectangular shape, length and width ratio of 19:10 for the Stars and Stripes (the Star-Spangled Banner), the upper-left corner flag for the blue stars surface area of the stars a few provisions in the respective departments, the United States is the state flag on the number of a few of the stars. Star 13 is outside the red and white stripes, 13 stripes on behalf of the original 13 colonies in North America. According to Washington, said: symbol of the United Kingdom with red stripes, white stripes and a symbol of freedom from it.

More general argument that the red symbol of strength and courage, a symbol of purity and innocence of white, blue is a symbol of vigilance, perseverance and justice. In 1818 the U.S. Congress pass the bill, red and white flag on the fixed width for the 13, the number of five-pointed star should be in line with several states of America.

Each additional state, the national flag on a star to increase, the general in the new states to join the second year after the implementation of July 4. So far has been the national flag to 50 stars, representing the 50 U.S. states. June 14 each year as "the development of the anniversary of the American flag." On this day, commemorative activities held throughout the United States to show respect for the flag and love of America.

美国国旗为长方形,长宽之比为19:10,为星条旗(the Star-Spangled Banner),旗面左上角为蓝色星区,区内的星数于有关部门规定,美国的州数就是国旗上的星数。星区以外是13道红白相间的条纹,13道条纹代表最初北美13块殖民地。据华盛顿说:红色条纹象征英国,白色条纹象征脱离它而获得自由。更普遍的说法认为,红色象征强大和勇气,白色象征纯洁和清白,蓝色则象征警惕,坚韧不拔和正义。


