
2021-10-29 08:24:03



美国英语作文 篇1

Americans sometimes fall into the trap of thinking that American values are universal ones. We can't always see that our values are actually typical American values. Instead, we assume the things Americans value are obviously what everyone should believe in.

But we should remember the saying: when you "assume," you make an "ass" out of "u" and "me." We only need to look at what happens when Americans go as advisors to developing countries to see how wrong our assumptions can be. Some Americans go thinking they're sharing pearls of wisdom with the backward natives about how to get things done right. They assume that stimulating competition and giving financial incentives for individual achievement will naturally change people's behavior and lead to success. When their projects barely get off the ground, they can't understand what went wrong. They mistakenly think that people must just be lazy or that they don't really want a higher standard of living.

So the advisors wind up getting discouraged and going home, grateful to be surrounded by hardworking Americans again.

In these situations, we should realize that American values may come from America's unique position as the land of opportunity. We are brought up with the American dream that everyone can work hard and get ahead. But we should realize that in countries with a different history and different opportunities, other values might be more important, like avoiding conflict or saving face.

美国英语作文 篇2

Football is the most popular sport in the world, many teenagers take it as their career and they work on it with their passion. It is known to all that American people love sports so much and there are many excellent athletes there. However, soccer in America is not that popular.


When talking about American football, people will naturally think about the special equipment, such as in the American movies, people have to wear helmet to protect themselves. American football is different from soccer. Soccer is not that popular in United States as people in other nations have played. Many American people even don’t know the rules. Especially for the older people, they show little interest in it.


But the situation gets better for the young generation, many teenagers show much interest in soccer and their families give them great support. Soccer starts to become popular expression, which means the mothers drive the children to play game. American football team had made great improvement in the last World Cup. In the coming great match, more and more American public show much attention to it.


美国英语作文 篇3

In China, the college entrance exam is believed to be the most cruel exam, which will decide a student’s future. Many young people complain about this educational system, they yearn for the western education, which is reported to be much eaiser. But the fact is that not all foreign students like that.


In America, high school students also need to take the very important exam so as to enter the college. Part of students choose to study in community college or just go to work, so they don’t have much pressure. They enjoy the high school life with joining many activities and taking all kinds of parties. But for the students who want to enter the top university, high school is not easy for them. They need to spend extra hours to study after class, which is much like Chinese students.


Actually, no matter in which country, every student needs to spend a lot of time studying in order to be competitive. If you yearn for an ease environment in high school, then you’d better prepare for the unexpected future.


美国英语作文 篇4

fortably warm, and fall temperatures are pleasantly cool.

years ago, people in the cold parts of the united states didnt often get fresh vegetables and fresh fruits (新鲜水果) during the winter. today, however, trucks and trains carry fruits and vegetables very quickly to all parts of the united states.

in this way, americans "send their climates" to people in other states.

美国英语作文 篇5

Caucus goers met at sites around the state to show support for their candidate and be counted in the first contest of the 20xx Presidential nominating cycle.

This year the Iowa caucuses drew many first-time caucus-goers.

John Clark is one of them. He says that he took the time to caucus in order to make his voice heard.

"I feel like it's part of being American as you get the chance to do this, you get the chance to say what you believe in, and have a voice and vote."

Thanking his supporters, Ted Cruz relished in a major victory over Donald Trump, the national poll leader.

"Iowa has sent notice that the republican nominee in the next president of the United States will not be chosen by the media, will not be chosen by the Washington establishment, will not be chose by the lobbyists but will be chosen by the most incredible power for force where all sovereignty resides in our nation by we the people, the American people."

Trump is a controversial figure among Iowa voters.

"I think he can bring the rights to change the government back to the people."

"I can say I will not be supporting Trump. Our views just don't agree. I believe in equality and respect for all people and I don't think he does."

Despite a disappointing second place finish for the often bombastic real-estate mogul, Trump was gracious in conceding defeat.

"I am really honored. And I want to congratulate Ted and I want to congratulate all of the incredible candidates including Mike Huckabee."

Analysts say that Florida Senator Marco Rubio is likely to enjoy increased momentum going forward.

Rubio finished a solid third, just one percentage point behind Trump but well ahead of the rest of the GOP field.

Hillary Clinton endured a nail-biter of a night that finished in a virtual tie with Bernie Sanders.

Clinton says she will keep fighting on in her address to supporters.

"I want you to know I will keep doing what I have done my entire life. I will keep standing up for you. I will keep fighting for you. I will always work to achieve the America that I believe in where the promise of that dream that we hold out to our children and our grandchildren never fades but inspires generations to come. Join me, let's go win the nomination."

Although for many, tonight is just the beginning of a long slog to the two major parties national conventions in August, it also marks the end of the line for candidates who failed to gain traction.

Two contenders: Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, dropped out after poor showings today in Iowa.

美国英语作文 篇6

the average family income of the u.s.a. has increased from 20,000 dollars per year in 1992 to 25,000 in 20xx. along with this considerable increase in people’s income, the way in which the average family spends its income has also varied to some extent. the average expenditure of family income is divided into several sectors, namely, housing, clothing, food and drink, transport, medical care, entertainment, savings and other items.

from the table, it is quite interesting to find that the money spent on some sectors such as food and drink (2%) and entertainment (6%) in 1992 and 20xx remains the same. for transport, the percentage of 20xx is only 1% larger than that of 1992. it is also worth mentioning that in 20xx, people tend to save less money than in 1992 because people deposit only half the money they used to in 1990. there is a greater increase in the expenses on housing and medical care, increasing by 8% and 6% respectively. on the other hand, people tend to spend less money on clothes, for there is a 5% decrease in 20xx compared with that in 1992. as far as other items are concerned, there is a sharp decrease in the percentage of family income spent on them, accounting for only 7% of the total.

it can be seen from the statistics that in american people’s life food and drink, entertainment and transport had always been important. with family income increasing, american people began to give first priority to housing and medical care, thereby improving their living conditions and invigorating health. by saving less, they presented to us the implication that they expected a fairly secure prospect.

