
2021-08-22 22:42:44



成长英语作文 篇1

Children’s education has been concerned by the public all the time. As they are the future and will decide a country’s destiny, so the environment matters so much to them. Most parents expect the school can provide the children a good learning environment and ignore the importance of home education.


School provides the children a direct stage to receive education. In the school, the teachers pass knowledge and educate them the right value. The children know their task and as everybody around them focus the attention on study, so they are affected by each other and have the strong desire to learn.


Home education is easy to be ignored by most parents, they think it is the teachers’ duty to educate children. Actually, most criminal teenagers have family issues. Parents haven’t set good example for the kids. Sometimes they are even the trouble makers. Without love, teenagers won’t grow up as the strong people.


Both school and family environment are important for the children, and they need to be nurtured with the good examples and learn knowledge.


成长英语作文 篇2

The butterfly has been sublimated in the broken cocoon, the phoenix has been reborn in the bath fire, and I have metamorphosis with my parents.

Last summer, I went to work with my grandmother, where my father and mother worked. I spent a happy and happy time there, but the happy time was always short. Soon, it was again and again.

The previous day, my mom and dad had been busy with their work for a long time, and had a good day at baiyun park. My father also joked to me: "buy whatever you want today, swipe your card without cash!" Actually, I know, dad said this, the surface is money buying our feelings, in fact they don't owe us anything, just satisfy our request. They love us.

The day passed and the day of the city passed. Dad decided to drive us in the morning, but in the rush hour, sneakingly tears immediately fill the eye socket, I cry out loud, but it didn't bring dad comfort, his sixpence a way: "don't cry, and hard just rolled out of the car, my car is not allowed to cry!" I tried to endure the sadness of my heart, holding back the tears, the merciless rain without scruple to flap the car window, flapping my heart.

The car is always short, and soon it is at the station. Through the crowd, we finally arrived at the train waiting room. My father sighed and lit a cigarette. His face became serious, and he said to me seriously, "you are a man. Don't cry so easily. I know you were crying because you didn't want to. Go back to study hard, we are not good on this road." Car radio off, dragging suitcases I walked to the train, go for a long, suddenly feel heart very sour, suddenly turned around and walked briskly to mom and dad, tightly hugged daddy, I cried again, mom and dad was crying! "Let's go! We will come back and not be sad." My mother comforted me with a trembling voice. So I pulled up my luggage and set foot on the train. Looking at the back of my father and his mother, there was a feeling of indescribable needle prick in my heart.

In the evening, the train had already far away from the parents' city, looked out the window quickly passing light, I try to tell myself: I am determined to study hard, let parents a good life in the future, don't let me for the next generation of appear such circumstance, let the family live a happy day, have no longer sigh, there will be no respectively, and there shall be no more tears...

成长英语作文 篇3

As a small child, I always wanted to grow up soon, so that I could make my own money and became independent. So I had worked so hard to let my parents to realize that I have grown up, such as washing my clothes and taking care of myself. Indeed, I won respect step by step. Finally, when I went to high school, they allowed me to live in school. I felt so happy to move out. When I lived in school, strangely, I started to miss my parents and wanted to see them. I spent so much time to get away from them, but when I did it, I felt lost. This is my story about growing up, I believe most children struggle running away from their parents, but when they really grow up, they will miss the ones who love them.


成长英语作文 篇4

"Growth", how delightful words, at the same time, how poignant. I am eager to grow, and I am afraid of growing up.

It seems like a long time since the day I "wah" landed, it was like a dream, I was confused for 15 years. It was a painful process to turn from a baby boy to a small girl in a pavilion.

At the age of 7, I first entered the primary school, and I was filled with longing for the future. I thought everything was beautiful. Before long, I became the first group of young pioneers for a variety of reasons. In the days of primary school, the great honor, the bright and dazzling aperture around me, in people's eyes, I am a standard good boy, good student. I once thought I was the best, and I even learned to be proud. This is the only souvenir that I have for six years of primary school life.

成长英语作文 篇5

Life is like a dream. Life is like a song, when you look back, you will be lingering.

When we were young, we were our parents' treasure in our hearts, so we were afraid to knock it and touch it. Wherever we are, our parents are a thick barrier, and we are the center of protection. When we grow up and have conflicts and quarrels, we realize that there are no fairy princesses and princes in the world. Everyone is living for life.

By middle school, studies began to be heavy and the pressure began to grow. Every time I have free time, I like to stay in the warm sunshine, lie on the broad grass, close my eyes, think about the past, think about the future. I suddenly remembered the wish I had made on the merry-go-round, but I haven't realized it yet. I want to finish the work on a whim, but I find that everything has been a matter of the past.

I have always thought that it is not a big deal to be sick and sick, and treat it with a normal heart. But when the god of death stood before me, I was afraid.

The darkness of the night, the empty hospital corridors and the hurried footsteps and the lights of the operating room suddenly lit up a strong contrast. Nurse ran in and out hurriedly, uncle shaking hands to take the doctor handed me and surgical critically ill notice consent form, the doctor said the possibility of unexpected beside it, and then to discuss with mother, grandmother, aunt, scattered on the ground in the hallway and surgical critically ill notice form dim light is so dazzling.

I did not see the last of my grandfather. When I arrived that day, grandpa had left. Suddenly I was very afraid, when I was a child, I had to take me to play and teach me how to read the word. Grandpa should be reluctant to go, such a beautiful world, you how to give up! How can you give up? I haven't grown up yet, how can you give up! The grandfather was lying peacefully in his new clothes, with traces of pain and suffering on his face. My grandmother kept talking about the old story, and my mother and aunt cried all night. Grandpa had experienced so much in his life that he was tired and needed rest. I was relieved. Grandpa will go to heaven, he must rest for a lifetime. I suddenly grew up a lot, have a little feeling for life! Perhaps, everything is predestined, and no one can change...

There are many experiences in life, some need to be remembered, some to be forgiven, some to be forgotten.

Person's life can't always be smooth sailing, when one day you was defeated by the cruel reality, to whitewash, even holes, but also can brave stand up, that is the real growth after you.

成长英语作文 篇6

It is an autumn night, chill, quiet and clear. Silver moonlight is pouring through the window, down to the dusty floor on which scatters pages of music scores.

He is standing there since last beautiful sunset,stubbornly searching for any trace of sound,but he couldn't. His long gray shadow is sleeping on the floor, lingering with him all through the night the shadow of agiant

Ludwig Van Beethoven.

He's filled with indignation for all the adversity he suffered. He suffered, ever since he was a little child, for his brutal father never treated him as a son.

He was beaten, scolded, in sulted, forced to practice piano playing all the time. And then,he went on suffering the desperate pain brought by his lover who abandoned him. Now he is still suffering, and on the brink of a breakdown, because he lost the utmost important thing for him to be a musician, a composer, and a pianist

his hearing.

His ears began betraying him since he was 26 years old, and in the end they became complete traitors.

But what names Beethoven is his will. It is his strong will power which pushed him to this glorious aim. It never reads surrender, and grasps his own destiny in his own hands through fighting. For him, music is not only organizing variety subjects and melodies, but also a kind of language to express his deepest thoughts. Every piece of his music scores resounds with the sentiments of his life. He is still writing, to show his unmatched talent; he is still playing, to scorn all the tragedy he has encountered; he is still composing, to prove that he is the winner for life and cannot be thrown down. All the symposiums of his prove it. All his admirers prove it.

Actually life is just like a spring, the heavier you push it,the higher it will jump. Frustration always lies along the way leading to success. I don't want to lose my way, so I tell myself to be (like) an oyster all the time. To live healthily and comfortably, evading any difficulties, or to live struggling, suffering in the exertion to realize your dreams,

which one would you choose? The second one is my choice, because finally I will get the most beautiful pearl in the world, someday, somewhere.

Life is so complex, for it is always a mixture of sadness and happiness. You can never separate them. When you are searching for all the beautiful things, you must also face up to the pain and the trauma and the difficulties which sometimes may knock you down and make you loose your faith and hope. But that is life the pain and the beauty, the good and the bad. When there is adversity, being strong becomes a must for us to overcome it.

