
2021-08-22 22:45:29



成长英语作文 篇1

18 is an end, is a start. At this moment, and lost, in pursuit of the conversion between, we feel happy, also experiencing pain. Almost all of the pain comes from the dream. When we tasted suffering to realize your dream, finally, it joy appreciate that: pain, often breeds happy seeds. This is not an easy growth, pain and sufferings, is not bad, we know that, when reality cannot change, we shall timely change, but we have always loved with real bargain, because we love the world, the happineand warmth and love and pain of the world. In the proceof growing up, we learned that you, for we cannot untie those small knot, we learned to smile, to appreciate beauty of it. Because we know that just graciously turned, can find new and beautiful scenery.

成长英语作文 篇2

Growth is the growth of age and body, more representative of the growth of the soul, the composition of my growth "foot" trace. From the little things in life, we can see that we are growing.

Wash your feet when you are 5 years old

Remember when I was five years old, I loved to wash my feet. When I saw grandma pouring water, I was happy to jump three feet high. Little feet in the basin, like two happy little fish, never quiet down. When my grandmother came close to me, the room was like a fountain. I laughed mischievously when I saw my grandmother spattered with water. I will not give up until the basin is dry. See my work, my grandma and my body and face, no one is dry, the ground also just rained, I happily claps, fifth grade composition composition my growth "foot" trace ".

Whenever grandma put me to bed, she quietly dragged the ground clean.

Wash your feet when you are eight years old

When I was eight years old, I wanted to know more about myself. He would wash his feet safely and silently watch cartoons there.

My grandmother used to joke with me, "I would like to have you wash your feet. It's the most quiet time of the day except sleep." After washing my feet, I picked up the water and went out. "Thud?? "The wash-tub slammed on the door frame. Grandma added with wit: "if a heart patient lives in our house, you are scared to death long ago!"

Wash feet now

Already in fifth grade, I came to realize that I grew up.

Many times, I learned to go to bed late. So when I washed my feet, grandma and grandpa slept.

So I was careful to do any action, so as not to influence them to rest. The door was treated well. "You're like a kitten at night," she said with relief.

I'm finally growing up! I have learned the love of others, and also know how to love others.

成长英语作文 篇3


通过认真学习,我知道了掌握知识的快乐。我知道一个公式——学习=快乐 。当你在取得好成绩时;当你得到老师或家长的称赞时;在你苦苦思索后,终于知道了一道题的正确答案;在你知道了许多你以前不知道的知识后,你是否感到了一种喜悦的感觉?对,这就是学习的快乐!在成长中,我们天天都在学习。既然逃避不了,那就开心的去面对吧!我们需要认真上课,需要仔细按时完成家庭作业,需要我们自觉的复习与预习,需要一些适当的户外运动,来保持健康的身体只要你做到了以上的几点,你就会惊奇的发现原来学习这么快乐!期末快到了,我们更应到争取每分每秒的光阴!各位同学们让我们一起“快乐学习,快乐成长!”

成长英语作文 篇4

Twenty-first Century is a competitive information age. The Internet with its rich content, open mindedness and quick way, Chengxiang gave us a new world of beautiful and wonderful, so that people can stay at home for the first time to understand the events at home and abroad. Learn all kinds of culture, knowledge, etc..

However, we should also be soberly aware that the "double-edged sword" of the Internet has brought us a great impact, but also brought great negative impact. Due to the current network management is not standard, the network has both healthy and good things, there are some vulgar content, poor self-control students, it is difficult to resist the erosion of harmful information, addicted to Internet cafes, indulge in Internet chat, online games, online war, gradually the lack of discipline, weariness truancy, yebuguisu. The pure mind was poisoned, the eyes were damaged, the learning was greatly affected, and some even embarked on the road to crime.

Moreover, in order to make money, in order to lure students into the Internet, those driven by profit operators using a variety of means to lure students into the Internet, regardless of their physical and mental health, these internet facilities without security, access to personnel complex, frequent students injury accidents.

The Internet affects tens of thousands of anxious parents harm?, has also attracted the attention of the party and state leaders, in order to strengthen the management of Internet service establishments, standardized business management, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of network security, Internet access services for the healthy development of business activities, to promote the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, the State Council promulgated the "Regulations" Internet service sites, one of the banned bars the admission of minors to enter. As the future of the motherland, shoulder the responsibility of construction of students, should the corresponding national call to maintain this Ordinance with practical action, put effort into learning from Internet cafes, self-study to return to the motherland and the upbringing of parents.

成长英语作文 篇5


Today is my 13th day at home with mom and dad and my brother. I'm very happy because mom and dad haven't been with me for a long time. I think all the children are like this, but my aunt's brother is not as happy as me. He hasn't seen his mother for a long time. I asked my mother why she wasn't at home. My mother told me that because she was going to work, more people needed her than my brother.


From childhood, I was most afraid of my aunt, because my parents sometimes took me to the hospital for injection, which was very painful. Aunt and they wear the same white coat, sometimes very fierce. Whenever I don't obey, my mother will say let my aunt stab me. So I always dare not provoke her. Sometimes I would secretly speak ill of my aunt with my mother.


But this time, my mother was very serious. She told me that my aunt was very powerful and powerful. There are many people in our country who are ill. Those who are ill may die. Death means never to see their parents again. And if healthy people have contact with sick people, they will get sick. Aunt is helping the sick people to get better. Also in the protection of healthy people, let them happy life. I asked my mother, "will aunt get sick?" my mother said she didn't know, but she would take good care of herself. Mother also said that the world is big, there are many people like aunts, they left their families and children, and fight against the virus. They are all great angels in white. They are the same angels in fairy tales. Angels can solve the world's pain and bring happiness to people.


My mother also said that there was an archangel among the angels, a kind grandfather, Grandpa Zhong Nanshan, who was leading all the angels to fight together. Grandpa Zhong said that as long as I stayed at home and washed my hands frequently, I was making contributions to the motherland. I will do well!


Although aunt is very fierce sometimes, I don't want her to be sick. I want to grow up quickly and become an angel like aunt and grandpa Zhong. I want to cure the illness and save people and give them happiness. I have learned a new idiom - "unite as one". That is to say, if we work together, our country will not get sick! Let's unite as one and fight against the virus!

成长英语作文 篇6

as is pointed out by some socialists, children nowadays show a growing tendency to become mature at an earlier age compared with children who were born twenty years ago. the younger generation has a strong self-conscious. and they are eager to make their own decisions. hence, an adjustment of current laws is suggested by some eperts to fit in the newly developed situation.

that sounds like a good idea. but does it reveal the truth?frankly speaking, the side effects of adjustments in laws, as far as i am concerned, are much greater than their possible merits.first of all, the assumption that "children are more mature than before" is yet to ascertain. up to now, none of the revolution proponents can give a satisfying definition to tell what maturity eactly means, let alone measuring maturity quantitatively.thus it is less likely for them to deduce their conclusion. at the same time, with the spreading of so-called maturity, more children are involved in crimes, including some violent ones like murders and hijacks. the conspicuous increase in adolescent crimes calls for an enforcement of law, not irresponsible liberation. second, suppose the hypothesis held by the revolution proponents is not only objective but also convincing, ignoring the parado mentioned above, it is still inadequate to conduct a law amendment since "most children are mature" implies the fact that there are still a portion of children, who no matter older or younger are mature. as is known to all, laws are concerned with all the objects of the society. the pre mature ones rights should also be protected equally. hence, a common demand for custodians of children aged under eighteen is necessary, if not imperative. last but not least, a "mature" child who intends on independence lacks a necessary income as the financial support.due to this situation, if an adjustment of law were carried out,there would be a peculiar phenomenon that children are decision independent while financially reliant.

due to the three reasons listed above, it is unwise to conduct a complete law adjustment at the moment. children of the twenty first century are still in need of love and care, as children were twenty years ago.

成长英语作文 篇7

That day, I come home from school, after finishing the homework, according to the conventional, get diary, suddenly, I discovered diary was moved, I suddenly fire emit three zhangs, want to know is they. I got out of the bedroom, loudly asked them whether seen my diary? They say that the legitimate instead of all know me, is their obligations.

I can't take any more, I just want to own a piece of blue sky, why are you so selfish take it, is want to know me? I returned to the room, feel oneself have nothing, alas! Why parents in total want to

know when we grow up, we don't want to let us have his own ideas, alas! So cruel!

成长英语作文 篇8

How times flies! Now I am a student in Grade Nine and facing the first turning point in my school life. This title “Growing pains and gains” reminds me of the meaningful school life. The colourful life is full of my happineand sorrows.

In school, I have to take a lot of lessons. Some are interesting while some are boring. But it’s the responsibility of the students to learn them all well. I have to try my best. During my growing time, a lot of trouble worried me. That’s awful and makes me blue.

Although I met with a lot of failure, I still have a lot of gains. I can make a pricelefriendship. I can learn a large number of useful things---to be kind, friendly to others, to be confident and independent and so on.

