
2021-08-22 22:48:04



学英语作文 篇1





在报了新概念一级之后,知道了是张老师教我们,我们欣喜若狂。这个班是个实验班,都是些“精英”,这都是老 师说的。她还说我们这个班是联盟剑桥英语学校中学新概念年龄最小的一个班,而且成绩还很优秀。听完这句话,我非常高兴。


学英语作文 篇2

one is such a bad number why is one such a bad number? it is because when the date has this number in it, some bad thing always happens. let me give you some eamples. there midnight in taiwan. the earthquake was very horrible. that night, there were about three thousand people that died in that accident. many houses collapsed and the mountains moved.

america was attacked by terrorists on september 11 this year. the terrorists crashed into americas pentagon with an airplane. the terrorists used airplanes to hit many tall buildings in america. there were bombs inside the buildings. when the airplanes hit the tall buildings, the tall buildings and the airplanes eploded. about si thousand people died. how terrible that is! i think the terrorists were crazy. people say that the american emergency number is 911, so the terrorists chose september 11 to attack america. there was a big typhoon on july 11 this year in taiwan. its name was toraji. many cities were flooded. some people died because of landslides. these dates all this one number. i really dont think one is a good or lucky number. so we have to be careful on dates with this number.

学英语作文 篇3

When I don’t have to go to school, I like to join many activities. I have many hobbies. I will play all kinds of sports, like basketball, football and so on. But I like tennis most. Tennis is an elegant sport. Playing tennis makes me happy, I not only become fit, but also learn to be patient.


