
2022-04-11 23:20:36



春天的英语作文 篇1

春天的小雨沙沙沙,落在了草坪里,小草垂着头,向大地母亲深深地致谢;春天的小雨沙沙沙,落在了小花的身上,滋润着小花,用自己的魔力把小花变得更有魅力了;春雨的'小雨沙沙沙,落在了小麦 的头上,让小麦变得更加快乐了——

Spring's drizzle and sand fall on the lawn, the grass hangs its head and deeply thanks to the earth mother; spring's drizzle and sand fall on the body of the little flower, moistening the little flower, making the little flower more charming with its own magic; spring's drizzle and sand fall on the head of the wheat, making the wheat more happy——


The spring drizzle falls into my hands, taste it, and it always comes up with an ineffable sweetness

心头,顿时,感觉身体凉爽极了! 春天的小雨焕发着彩虹般的光泽。春天的小雨,化为一滴水滴来到了充满快乐和喜悦的人间,它是春姑娘派来的使者告诉我们:“春天来了!春天来了!”。

Heart, suddenly, I feel cool! The light rain in spring is shining like a rainbow. Spring drizzle, into a drop of water came to the world full of joy and joy, it is the messenger sent by the spring girl told us: "spring is coming! Spring is coming! ".


Spring rain you are so selfless, so ordinary, but you can only let us see you when spring comes, why? Why can't we enjoy your beauty all the year round? Soft spring rain! I welcome you. I'd like to play / chase with you.


Oh! Soft spring rain! How I want to turn into you, to moisten the land of the great motherland, to turn the motherland into a green garden.

春天的英语作文 篇2

Spring sister came to the city and saw the children singing happily! Jump! Heartily enjoying the joy of spring. Spring sister came to school, we gave Lang Lang's reading sound to her.

Ah! Spring, like a colorful painting, but also like a lively and lovely, wearing new clothes doll.

Along the flowering land, the spring breeze whistling, spring footsteps along the cheerful melody drift, I like the spring season.

春天的英语作文 篇3

I was born in Guangdong, the southernmost province in mainland China where in winter the temperature seldom falls be low 5C. For the past 19 years, I had never seen snow. I couldn't remember from when I had been dreaming of seeing a real snow, and experiencing a bleak winter.

Before I entered the university, I had never expected the climate difference of Shanghai and Guangzhou. But as October came, the falling golden leaves and the chilly winds indicated that this winter would be cold.

October walked away in the whisper of the falling leaves.Winter approached in November, and then December.

The dazzling golden color already faded away, leaving only the bare branches sticking out into the frosty air. Grass that was once as thick as a fine cardigan carpet could no longer be found anywhere. What I saw were the slushy fields which were jade green in September.

I considered it a great fortune to watch the sun, which was mild, jumping off the horizon and into those bare branches.Even on sunny days, the temperature was still low. The campus was left deserted and lifeless.

Was this what I had been longing for? Could it be called a bleak winter? I thought I should feel satisfied. Shanghai is still in the south. I couldn't expect more. But there was still some thing in my mind, as it

was only one step to my dream. I prayed every day for a snow. A slight one could be enough. Once again.God heard.

I'll never forget the morning of Christmas. On my way to the library, a white elf found its way into my coat. It took me more than a minute to realize what was happening. Believe it or not, it snowed. Suddenly I understood why God took all the signs of life away in winter. He must have been clearing up a stage for his spoiled kid snow.

春天的英语作文 篇4

I don't like hot summer, do not love the autumn autumn scenery, more love and cold winter, I love spring full of vigour.

Look, the spring girl comes with her life and hope. She took the warm sunshine, warm spring breeze, the recovery of the creatures, across the plains, flew over the river, all the way came, she brought prosperity to the earth.

I love spring, because spring is a sunny season. As the warm sunshine spilled into the earth, the old man sat on the recliner and basked in the sun; the women took advantage of the good time to wash and dry; the children were flying kites in the park. She has brought great vitality to the earth.

I love spring, because spring is a vibrant season. Peach, Li Shu, apricot, you fight me, open. Peach blossom powder like the rosy, pear white like snow, Rhododendron red like fire... In spring you are the creator of life.

I love spring, because spring is a season full of vitality. The little swallow swooed on the wire and played the first spring melody. The lively little fish played freely in the water, and the beautiful butterflies went around in the flowers. In spring you are the cultivator of life.

I love the spring, because spring gives us unlimited hope to bring our continuously warm spring breeze, spring has given us infinite power.

Spring, I love you. Love you all.

春天的英语作文 篇5

Spring is coming. Every life revives. Grass turns green in Fudan and everyone seems to be full of energy. A good time for exercising, isn't it? As darkness falls, thegymnasium is open for those who have a strong desire to strengthen their bodies. Soon the gymnasium is full of people, the weak, the strong, the tall and the short.

The first person that comes into my sight is standing in front of the mirror. He is quite muscular. Of course he wants everybody here to see how strong he is, so he is stripped to the waist and poses like a Greek statue, wearing a look of pride on his face. If you feel weary of this self-love fellow, please direct your sight to another person. He lifts a barbell above his knees and keeps this posture for a long time. His face turns red while he keeps shouting to support himself. Others can't help worrying about him for his blood seems to burst out from the vein on his face. At last he puts down the barbell and only then have I come to notice that his T shirt is soaking. From the silhouette of his back, I can see every piece of his muscle. Thelast person that draws my attention is in the corner. He sits on a chair with two dumbbells in his hands. He keeps lifting them, speechless. After a while, he drops the dumbbells and start to exercise on other body building apparatus without amoment's rest. He is like a machine that never feels tired.

Besides the three people, everyone here makes a deep impression on me. They prefer the dull exercising to playing outside. They win my respect for they are true men.

春天的英语作文 篇6

pring is the first season of a year.There are there months in spring :March ,April and May ,The weather is becoming warmer and warmer in spring.Sometimes It rains a lot.Everything has started to change in spring.Look,the trees are turning green.The birds are singing happily in the trees.The flowers are showing their smiles to us.Spring is also my favourite season.Because I can wear my beautiful shirts .I can plant trees and go camping.I can enjoy myself in the beautiful spring.Of course ,I like the Spring Festival ,too.In a word,Spring is a very beautiful season.I like spring very much. 春天是一年中的第一个季节, 一共有三个月:三月,四月和 五月.春天,天气变得越来越暖 和了.有时候,也会下很多雨.春 天,所有的事物都开始变化了. 看,树变绿了,鸟儿在树上快乐 地歌唱,花对我们张开了笑脸. 春天也是我最喜欢的季节,因 为我可以穿上漂亮的衬衫,我 可以植树,去野营,我可以在春 天里过得很开心.当然了,我也 是喜欢春节.总之,春天是个十 分美丽的季节,我十分喜欢春 天. 祝开心!

春天的英语作文 篇7

The spring festival is the most in china.

In the spring festinal ,people usually get lucky m-oney to children, and people get together and hav-e a big dinner .We usually visit realtive and friends. we also have jiaozi for this festival !

I like the spring festival very much !

