
2022-04-12 00:02:08






我是一名xx师范大学行政管理专业的学生。我热爱我的专业并为其投入了巨大的热情和精力。在几年的学习生活中, 我认真学习,名列前茅。在老师的严格教导及个人努力下,我具备了扎实的专业基础知识;在学习中我掌握了一定的专业理论知识,熟悉涉外工作常用礼仪,能熟练操作计算机办公软件。同时,我利用课余时间广泛地涉措了大量书籍,不但充实自己,也培养了自己多方面的能力,更重要的是严谨的学风和端正的学习态度塑造了我朴实、稳重的性格特点。


面对激烈的竞争,我在紧张的同时又充满自信。我始终相信:成功属于有准备的人。过去的我已积累了许多,现在的我正时刻准备着去吸收新的知识,迎接新的挑战。或许许多人正像我一样怀着憧憬与期盼,跃跃欲试到贵单位应聘,他们当中或许不乏名牌大学的毕业生,研究生,如果说学业使我有勇气跨进您的门槛,能力使我坦然接受挑战,我会以我的实际行动来证明“我并不比别人差”。倘蒙录用,定尽职尽力! 此致

敬礼! 求职人:xxx xxxx年xx月xx日


Dear Sir or Madam,

I have learned from an advertisement that your pany is in need of a secretary. I would like you to consider me for the position.

My name is Li Min. I am twenty-three years old. I am studying business management in Xiamen University. I will graduate this summer. I am familiar with puter operation and officesoftwares,which can help me do the office work very well. And I have learned English for ten years.In the past two years,I have been an editor for the English Paper of my department. My grades e out top in my department. What's more,I like office work very much and I also think that I can be petent for the job.If I could have the opportunity to get the job I will be quite appreciative.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

  Yours faithfully

  Li Min


Dear Miss Liu,

I am a student from Class 2 Senior 3. The moment I saw your poster for recruiting volunteers,I knew I should try my luck. I am always a strong advocate of environmental protection. Besides,my hometown is by Chaohu Lake,which not only provides abundant resouces but also is a popular tourist attraction.

In terms of my character,I’m happy to tell you that I’m an outgoing and mitted person with a good team work spirit. I’ve learned a lot from participating in some volunteer programs in the past,such as cutting hair for empty nesters and collecting rubbish on the river at weekends. I am very confident that my involvement in this project will make it very different.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua


Dear sir,

I am writing you the letter to show my interest in the position of assistant manager . I learned from the advertisement in the newspaper .Please find enclosed my resume,which I am forwarding to you as an application from the position of assistant manager.

I have always been a top student in my school .I also took several other courses in my spare time and excelled in all of them because of my hard study .Iam a prepared party member and have past CET4 now.I have had several practice in one pany,so I have much experience .I have been taking part in a variety of activities,through which my teamwork spirit and municative skills greatly improved.

I would like to meet you if you are convenient .Thank you for your consideration.

  faithfully yours,

  Hu Chunrong



您好 !


我叫x x x,是xxxxxxxx学院xxxxxx专业的应届毕业生。


积极参加操作性较强的实习,加强自己的实际动手能力,因为我深知,在社会中,只有理论知识是远远不够的,需要将所有理论应用到实际中去,才能为将来的就业打好基础。 一滴滴汗水是面对昨日舒心的微笑,也是走向未来丰沛的信心。



