
2022-04-12 09:10:43



春节英语作文 篇1

Every year, when the Spring Festival comes, which is the biggest festival in China, Chinese people from all over the world will come back to their hometown and spend the day together. For me, as I grow up, I am not that excited about spring festival as I was a kid did. But it is true that this day let people stay together no matter how busy and how far they are. I barely have chances to see my relatives, but in Spring Festival, we will have dinner and talk the whole night. It is such a great moment for us to cherish. The meaning of Spring Festival is important for everyone.


春节英语作文 篇2

On New Year's eve, I hurried through the New Year's eve dinner with a dozen fireworks, a large "dog tail" and a pack of firecrackers to the gate, but the sky was already colorful. Colorful sparks fly up and down, sometimes like a girl's flower, sometimes like a signal flare, flickering, and the night into the world of flowers. This is really "fire tree silver flower not night sky", fireworks dance welcome New Year!

I set off the dog's tail and found a safe place to put the fireworks. My fireworks are beautiful too, but the best ones are magic bullets. You see, after I lit the magic bullet, the sparks were colorful, red, yellow, green... One by one, as if a little star blinked in the sky.

The neighbor's children also come out to set off fireworks, their fireworks are also colorful, not a moment, the whole sky is dazzling and dazzling.

"It's almost twelve o 'clock! Get the firecrackers ready!" "Dad said loudly. I lit the firecracker and then covered my ears, but it didn't help. The deafening sound of firecrackers, the explosion of thousands of families, the city is boiling, the New Year has arrived.

春节英语作文 篇3

We look forward to the Spring Festival. This Spring Festival is a good time for me to pull. Ah, this Spring Festival is at last. Before the Spring Festival, people are all happy and full of spirit.

In some shopping people in a continuous line, buy some in the New Year paintings, buy special purchases for the Spring Festival some sit, the fire box weizhehuolu watching TV, there are people playing mahjong playing poker, so this is not the only one.

Anyway, the streets are colorful, all kinds of people have, all kinds of goods are complete, full of dazzling, I am afraid that people want to buy everything is difficult to choose!

春节英语作文 篇4

Ancient Chinese legend had had a monster named nian head long sharp edges, fierce abnormalities, in "the beast in the seabed, each elder deep into the New Year's eve and climbed out to swallow cattle damage lives, each to New Year's eve, people CunCunZhaiZhai FuLaoXieYou and fled to the mountains, to avoid" nian "damage.

Again a year New Year's eve, folks like ever busy tidy up thing to prepare fled to the mountains, come a time village head east white-haired old man, a white-haired old man to jehu old woman say as long as let him in her family lives a night, he will surely "nian" beast driven away. They do not believe, old woman advised its still went up into the mountain from the good, but the old man stayed, all see advised him not to live, then went up the mountain in succession from.

When "nian" beast like usual ready to burst into village, when suddenly spread across the firecracker, "nian" beast mix body chills, and never forward pool, originally "year" beast most afraid of red, the light of fire, and exploding. Then door open, see the old man wearing red nosocomial a laugh, "nian" beast was surprised and hasty retreat.

The next day, when the people back to the village from mountains, he found the village safe and sound, this is suddenly enlighted, originally white-haired old man is to help you evict "nian" beast immortals, people also found a white-haired old expel "nian" beast three pieces of magic weapon. Since then, the New Year's eve, everybody pasted red couplets, firecrackers, every household lights, ShouGeng for years. This customs more spreadses more and widely, become the Chinese folk ceremonious traditional festival "Chinese New Year".




第二天,当人们从深山回到村里时,发现村里安然无恙,这才恍然大悟,原来白发老人是帮助大家驱逐“年”兽的神仙,人们同时还发现了白发老人驱逐“年”兽的三件法宝.从此,每年的除夕,家家都贴红对联,燃放爆竹,户户灯火通明,守更待岁.这风俗越传越广,就成了中国民间最隆重的传统节日“过年” 。

春节英语作文 篇5

The Spring Festival, also know as the lunar New Year, is the greatest traditional festival. It is usually a time between late January or early February, which means rest and relaxation between winter and spring after a year's toil, and means celebration as well. Before the Spring Festival, people clean their house, put red coupletson their gates, and set off firecrackers, according to fairy tale, for driving a demon, named Nian away.

On the eve of the Spring Festival, a get-together banquet is a must, and the most popular food is Dumpling, which is supposed to bring good fortune. On the first day of the new year, everybody wears new clothes and greets relatives and friends with bows and congratulations wishing each other lucky during the new year.

春节英语作文 篇6

Ding ding ding, the New Year's bell rang.

In the scenic hometown, had a strange custom, that is every Chinese New Year, as long as it is the people there, all want to walk named "no river" on a narrow and long bridge, and shall burn the bridge a string of firecrackers, to pray for the well-being and happiness.

It's been six or seven years since I last walked across the bridge. I still wanted my mother to hold me, but this time, I passed by myself.

First the grand opening ceremony. "Flopped crash ~" several loud firecrackers in the ear ring out, flying firecrackers paper on in the human body, though a bit peculiar smell, but everyone will not take this down, because red firecrackers paper represents wealth, colour like snow in winter. A dozen young men, riding a few fierce and majestic dragons, "descend from the sky" to search for the precious dragon ball.

The meaning of crossing the difficulty to meet the passing of the bridge ceremony began. The first was the head of the village, and the old man looked old, and start was no less dashing than the young. The village head went over, and then one after another, he went straight to the other side.

I was still confident that the wind was blowing, and I was still full of confidence. I slowly tried to put my foot out of it, just touching the bridge, and retracting. Then the mother across the bank waved to me and said, "come quickly. Don't waste your time. I don't want to hurry some past, but I am confident that I can't spell my fear. In after some ideological struggle, I finally took the first step, step by step walk through go to, just to middle of the bridge, the bridge was blown more, my grabbing a bridge near the rope, lest catch tight will not fall off. When the wind came to a halt, I hurried across the bridge, and finally reached the other side, thinking: it's so scary, I almost fell off! I was also encouraged to have other children who were just as frightened of me as I was.

"Don't be afraid. Come on, it will soon be over." I also waved my hands and made the gesture with my fingers. Gradually, they came too. "This is the child of whose family, still not quick to see tight." All of a sudden, a panic words stimulated people eyes, women have to speak has pointed out the direction of, ah, a child can't walk on the bridge climb, the suspension bridge is still in shaking, children perhaps because of naughty to climb up, but now I was scared to cry. Whoops cry cry in our ears, hurriedly rushed to opposite to adults, who also dare not go fast, afraid of suspension bridge bear pressure fall, children's crawling back and forth, "splash" a fall into the water. Some adults are panicking, the river is still flowing, no one to save the child. I looked around and saw a man take off his clothes and jump into the water. At that moment, a voice was heard, "help my child," a woman rushed here in a hurry...

When the children were rescued, it was discovered that the brave man was the old village head, and the woman was not taken care of because she went to the toilet. In order to thank the village leader, the women made some dishes in their own home, greeting everyone.

After a false alarm, we can finally have a happy Spring Festival. At the feast, almost all the village people brought their own food, and happily gathered together for a reunion dinner...

Ding ding ding, the bell rang again in my ears, but this time, I heard the happiness of the bell floating on everyone's face...

春节英语作文 篇7

The spring festival is the most important festival for the chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like christmas in the west. all people living away from home go back, becoming the busiest time for transportation systems of about half a month from the spring festival. airports, railway stations and long-distance bus stations are crowded with home returnees.

Strictly speaking, the spring festival starts every year in the early days of the 12th lunar month and will last till the mid 1st lunar month of the next year. of them, the most important days are spring festival eve and the first three days. the chinese government now stipulates people have seven days off for the chinese lunar new year.

春节英语作文 篇8


Today is the twelfth lunar month is thirty, we usually say that the new year's eve.


Our family had an early dinner for the new year, and sat around together to watch the Spring Festival Gala this year. It soon arrived at eight, and the Spring Festival Gala began in 20xx. The program is wonderful. There are little pieces, singing, dancing, and magic shows. We enjoy it with great interest.


"Ding...... "Unwittingly, the new year's bell rounded. Dad said: "Meng, the beginning of a new year, let's go, fireworks go downstairs! "I was happy to say," good! Okay! "And then I picked up the fireworks that my grandmother had bought for me.

楼下的人可真不少呢,到处响起震耳欲聋的鞭炮声,我用手捂着耳朵。爸爸拿出了打火机,点燃烟花的.引线,只听”叭“的一声,一束光便冲上了夜空,绽放出一朵金灿灿的菊花。烟花的颜色变化多 端,刚才还是绿色的,转眼又变成了红色的,过了一会儿,又变成了紫色,真是五彩缤纷。我注意地看着,看见了这朵又错过了那朵,看见了那朵,这朵又消失了,真是应接不暇!突然,天空中出现了 一朵十分美丽的烟花,它是由红、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫这七种颜色组成的,犹如一朵巨大的七色花,将夜空装扮得更加美丽!

There were so many people downstairs, and the sound of deafening firecrackers was everywhere, and I covered my ears with my hands. Dad took out a lighter, lit the fireworks lead, just listen to "and" the sound of a beam of light rushed on the sky, blooming flower golden chrysanthemum. The color of the fireworks varied, just still green, and turned to red. After a while, it turned purple. It was really colourful. I looked, saw the flower and missed the flower, saw the flower, this flower is really too busy to attend to all disappeared again! Suddenly, a very beautiful fireworks appeared in the sky. It is made up of seven colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, and like a huge seven color flower. It will make the night sky more beautiful.


Looking at the beautiful fireworks, we greet the new year. I hope to have a new harvest in the New Year!

