
2022-04-25 00:01:35



爱英语作文 篇1

Love is of the utmost importance to us humans. Everybody not only needs love, but also should give others love. As can be seen in the picture, "love is a lamp which is brighter in darker places." This is indeed true. People in darker places need more light than other people. Maybe even a dim light can give them much hope for a better life. Maybe just a thread of light will call forth their strength and courage to help them step out of their difficulties. I can think of no better illustration of this idea than the following examples. (Numerous examples can be given easily, but these will suffice For instance when someone is starving to death, just a little food and water from you may save his(her) life. Again, when a little girl in a poor rural area drops out of school because of poverty, just a small sum of money from you may support her t o finish school and change her life. In these circumstances you have given love which is like a lamp in a dark place where light is most needed. To sum up, we should offer our help to all the needed. We expect to get love from others and we also give love to others. So when you see someone in difficulty or in distress and in need of help, don't hesitate to give your love to him (her). I believe that the relationship between people will be harmonious and our society will be a better place for us to live in.

爱英语作文 篇2

Our mother is the one who gives birth to us, she is patient and kind。 When we are making mistakes, our father will be angry and beat us, but mother does the other way, she talks to our father, letting him pace and forgives for what we do。 Mother’s love is so tender, we grow up with it。 When Mothers’ Day comes, we should show our love to her。


爱英语作文 篇3

Nowadays, it is not rare to see that the parents spoil the child, they love the kid by the way they think it’s best for them. When it comes to spoil the child, different people have different opinions, some people think that it is fine to spoil the child, parents should treat them as best as they could; while the rest held that parents should teach the child rationally. In my point of view, I agree with the later one.


In the first place, parents are the children’s first teacher, they will believe everything from their parents’ education and they are a good copycat, they will simulate the action form their parents. For instance, when a child fight in school, some parents will not analysis why the fight begins, they will blame the child who fight with their kid no matter it is their kin’s fault or not. This is absolutely make the child believe that he is right about everything, which will make them hard to tell what is wrong or right.


In the second place, since now lots parents buy a whole bunch expensive stuff for their child, it might easily cause the problem of wasting or comparing with others. Children who are proud of their favorable living conditions are more tend to look down to the one are poor. Besides, once they are living in the lower live level than they are expected, they might feel maladjustment or even abandon themselves.


To sum up, parents should love their children rationally, but not love them blindly.


爱英语作文 篇4


I got up late this morning and went to school without feeding my cats.When I came home in the afternoon, the cats almost starved to death. They circled around me and crying for food. I took one fish out and threw it to the cats. I wanted to see who was the first one to catch the fish. Mother cat held it in her mouth and nm away quickly. She didn't eat it, but put it down, then called her children there. The four starving little cats began to devour the fish, but their mother just stayed there looking at them tenderly,without eating a little bit. On seeing that, I thought of my mother. She often does everything for me selflessly. This is a mother's love, I think.

爱英语作文 篇5

The only thing on my husband s description would be the word fun written in big red letters along the top. Although he is a selfless caregiver and provider, our children think of him more as a combination of a jungle gym and bozo and clown.

Our parenting styles compliment each other. His style is a nonstop adventure where no one has to worry about washing their hands, eating vegetables, or getting cavities. My style is similar to Mussolini. I m too busy worrying to be fun. Besides, every time I try, I am constantly outdone by my husband.I bought my children bubble gum flavored toothpaste and I taught them how to brush their teeth in tiny circles so they wouldn t get cavities. They thought it was neat until my husband taught them how to rinse by spitting out water between their two front teeth like a fountain.I took the children on a walk in the woods and, after two hours, I managed to corral a slow ladybug into my son s insect cage. I was cool until their father came home, spent two minutes in the backyard, and captured a beetle the size of a Chihuahua.

I try to tell myself I am a good parent even if my husband does things I can t do. I can make sure my children are safe, warm, and dry. I ll stand in line for five hours so the children can see Santa at the mall or be first in line to see the latest Disney movie. But I can t wire the VCR so my children can watch their favorite video.I can carry my children in my arms when they are tired, tuck them into bed, and kiss them goodnight. But I can t flip them upside down so they can walk on the ceiling or prop them on my shoulders so they can see the moths flying inside of the light fixture.I can take them to doctor appointments, scout meetings, or field trips to the aquarium, but I ll never go into the wilderness, skewer a worm on a hook, reel in a fish, and cook it over an open flame on a piece of tin foil.

