
2022-05-28 16:40:34



中国英语作文 篇1

The elderly have accumulated a lifetime’s worth of experience. However, many young people often regard them as irrelevant, embarrassing, and out of touch. As far as I am concerned, the traditional Chinese virtue to respect the old people needs to be emphasized.


Firstly, the elderly deserve the respect due to their effort in bringing up their children and their contribution to society. We should always bear in mind that what we have and enjoy now was created by the aged people in the early days, as the old Chinese saying goes,” One generation plants trees under whose shade another generation rests.” Secondly, family is one of the best places for learning values, therefore, to set an example at home by taking good care of the elderly members, so that children learn to adopt this same practice. In this way, families will exemplify the right values, and young members will learn first-hand on how to respect the elderly.


Perhaps the most important test of a society is the way individuals behave towards one another. If young people do not respect the elderly; the whole of society will be a mess without respect. Therefore, the elderly should be respected by all of us.


中国英语作文 篇2

Chinese style education is undoubtedly a failure, or so many years before a Nobel prize.

What are the reasons for the failure? First of all, parents, the famous painter Da Finch's father Pietro is a commendable good father, he trains the children's creed is: give children the greatest freedom, let children develop their interest. China, parents give a cram school, make good learning plan, two hours in the morning, two hours in the afternoon. Children must be in accordance with their parents' wishes, otherwise it is a pain in the flesh.

It can backfire, but the child's achievement can not be raised. Learning needs the interest of learning, but Chinese students have lost this for many years. In their eyes, learning is the completion of homework -- a piece of paper, a set of questions, a task...... Parents always say that this is for you, learning is your own thing, I want to say: "since learning is my own thing, do not bother you more trouble."."

The top ranked students, parents generally ask their learning, but received satisfactory results. Parents' education is the biggest obstacle for students to learn. In their eyes, only doing homework is learning, reciting and reading is fooling time. A student is like a ruler, the more it is applied, the more bounce it is released, and the greater the strength is, the easier it is to break, and the person is abandoned".

It is a good material, together with the parents carefully "carve", this material charges. The more parents look more tight, performance is poor, the children lose interest in learning, add a bit of resentment and tired parents. Some people say that, no matter what they do, they don't learn. Can you manage the result? Is the rank first?

Yes, there are parents out of Tsinghua University, what it is, it is the tiger mother wolf dad, under the sticks of college students, they also proud to say: "their childhood is painful, but the rest of their life is brilliant." I Pooh, I see from their life will be dim and dark, what is the significance of training a group of a dead-alive person.

Practice a word and practice four lines of characters, which effect is good? Of course, the four line word, can easily write, and will come up with the best writing level. If forced to practice a word what effect, calligraphy has become a task of punishment, you have no interest in it, just want to get throught a thing carelessly. This is China's biggest sorrow, interest becomes a task, and then formalized. The beginning is good, but the ending is good......

Chinese style education, Chinese style education, why in front of adding a "Chinese style"?

中国英语作文 篇3

The dream is something that the people of the whole country have in common. In the darkness, a lamp that lights up is a dream.

How can a person not dream? No dream, there is no goal of struggle; no dream, life plain water. I do not know why, but do not know why. In fact, there is a dream is not difficult, as a successor to the twenty-first century, as the hope of the motherland, to set up a lofty ideals.

September 1, 20xx, is the beginning of a new school year. I and my school students watched by the Central Television and the Ministry of Education recorded with the "first class". This year, "the first lesson" theme is "my dream dream of China."

What is the dream? Is the idea of a dream, or the idea of my own action? I have been on the "dream" of the word know nothing, until you see the "first class", I understand ... ...

Star is still brilliant, passion is still burning. Because there is a dream, so we exist, the dream is a long process, only a sprint of the fierce, is running endless meters long; waiting for the harvest, can only get zero dead branches and leaves, so there is a dream We must practice for their own dreams in practice, adhere to the dream, to achieve the dream.

Standing at the foot of the Great Wall, we have endless words, looking at the vast clouds, we seem to want to say to the Great Wall: my - China dream! Look at the looming housing, watching the distant lights still blurred Light, do you want to cry loudly: I have a dream, there is a beautiful dream? This is the heart of the heart of the cry, which is from the heart of the voice, which is from the heart of passion!

中国英语作文 篇4

Nowadays, aging people has occupied a large percent of popularity. At the same time, it still shows a tendency of rising gradually. We name this situation “aging society”. Aging society’s coming pressed the whole society a lot. Just the olds’ pension is a great trouble to our government.

It’s time to take measures to coping with this issue and make all the olds live a happy and healthy life. I think government or the communities should build more hospitals or clinics to keep the olds physically healthy as well as more activity centers providing a positive atmosphere to keep them mentally healthy. Furthermore, government should be more considerate, instead of putting off the retirement age because it can’t solve the problem .I think it’s time to allow people have the second child. So at a average, 1 adult only have to take care of 1 old person. As a result, Family can take on more responsibility by themselves without society’s help. But in my own opinion, government hasn’t be responsible enough.

中国英语作文 篇5

English is widely used around the world. It’s used as the first/official language in many countries. It’s also used as a second language in many other countries in the world. It’s important for a businessman or a businesswoman to learn English well. English is a popular language of the world’s airlines and international business. And two thirds of the world’s scientists read and write in English. About 200 million users of the Internet communicate in English, too. What’s more, the 20xx Olympic Games was held in Beijing, and this calls for the whole nation to learn English. English is becoming more and more important in our daily life. We should study it well.

