大学英语作文 篇1
The Impact of the Internet on the Way People Communicate
Internet does exert such a profound effect on our life that it revolutionizes the way of people’s living and thinking. As is subtly revealed in the portrayal,there are two parents sitting in the front of computer,who are chatting with their child on the internet. What a meaningful picture!
From my perspective, the electronic contact cannot replace face to face communication owing to the following factors. To begin with, over-reliance on electronic contact will damage the interpersonal relationship, for the cold machine never replaces a warm-hearted greeting face to face. For example, the aged parents would like their only son who works far away home to come back home more often rather than to talk with him on the internet occasionally. What’s more, face to face communication is preferable because it is beneficial to build a harmonious society, for it attaches more importance on human affection and feelings instead of convenience and speed.
Hence, it is necessary for us to use Internet in a reasonable way. After all, Internet is invented to connect you and me, and to bring conveniences to our life rather than set a barrier to keep people beyond reach. If we want to keep our interpersonal relationship more effectively, we should spend more time with them face to face in real life. Only in this way can we not only make full use of the communication tool on the net but also make our relationship tighter.
大学英语作文 篇2
第一、英语底子太薄。底子太薄主要表现为对语法知识掌握不牢及对基本词汇记忆不清。它包括定冠词和不定冠词的滥用,主谓不一致,单复数搞不清楚(例如:a people等),时态和语态混乱及词语的各种形式掌握不牢。有的学生文章写得很长,字迹也很工整,但是读完之后只觉得思路紊乱,支离破碎,没有一个完整的句子,所以也就只能得两三分以慰劳苦。
第二、词汇量太小,且对已学词汇记忆不清。除了底子太薄这个历史原因之外,学生词汇量太小也是一个不容忽视的原因。有的学生汉语功底很好,用汉语作文,他们就会思如泉涌,下笔千言,但是一到用英语作文就好像被缚住了手脚,不知如何下手。比如99年1月的作文,题目是"Don’t Hesitate to Say No", 大部分学生能够领会题意并能按给出的汉语提纲作文,但有的学生连Hesitate是什么意思都不知道,更不用说在此基础上再作发挥了。另外有的学生虽然对题目及要求非常清楚,但是因为自己所掌握的词汇所限,无法用一些合适的词来表达自己的思想,于是只有绕着题目翻来覆去乱说一气,再加上这次出的作文提纲就象一道绕口令:
1、 别人请求帮助时,在什么情况下我们会说“不”;
2、 为什么有些人在该说“不”的时候不说“不”;
3、 该说“不”时不说“不”的坏处。
所以在说过一个又一个的"No"再加几个"Yes"之后,阅卷老师也给搞得云里雾里,头脑发胀,最后也只得酌情给个两三分罢了。还有的一写到纸上就是错字别字满篇,有些词汇的用法也走了样。其中最典型的就是for example写成example for , for instance写成for a instance, illegal 写成unlegle, 而such as, in spite of 等许多短语则是乱用一气。词汇的有限导致许多学生有口难言,欲说不能,对他们来说,用英语作文实在是一件很头疼的事情。
第三、缺乏思想,深度不够。99年1月的考试中很大一部分学生不能得高分还有一个重要的原因,就是他们的作文缺乏思想,深度不够。很多学生虽然已是大二的学生,甚至是大三大四的学生,但是他们在作文当中所表现出的智力水平与阅历似乎只相当于一个初高中生。写出的文章着眼点低,视野狭窄。作为学生,作文着眼于学生之间的关系,反映学生之间的帮忙,这并不为过,但是这种帮忙不能仅仅限于在考试当中的帮忙,而且对这种帮忙都是一句话 "Don’t hesitate to say ’No’"。更有相当一部分学生在文章中写帮忙就是这一次四级考试当中的帮忙。与在校考生比较起来,社会考生应该多了许多社会阅历,也多了一些见解,但是举出来的例子也是范围太窄,大多是讲老板或领导让干的事只能答 "Yes"而不能回答 "No"。其实除了这些,可举的例子很多,关键是要抓住实质。
第四、缺乏应试技巧。缺乏应试技巧,主要表现为有些学生在篇首或篇尾有喊口号倾向(如Dear Friends, let’s not hesitate to say"No"),或画蛇添足,本来文章该结束
大学英语作文 篇3
a letter
a letter in reply to a friend
dear friend:
i am very glad to learn that youd like to apply for admission to my university.
since you are good at argumentation and debate, i strongly recommend that you major in law. so far as i know, you are an upright dynamo always ready to defend for the wronged people and let justice prevail. on the other hand, you seem to be a keen observer and analyst. you really have the makings of a good lawyer.
now i should (like to) mention some important points you should pay attention to. first of all, you should eert yourself to get high scores in the coming college entrance eamination, for laws is a very popular major in our university. there is fierce competition in the enrollment of newcomers. in addition to the routine preparation for the eam, it is necessary to have a sound body for your sound mind to dwell in. go over all your lessons and read some books about law, and you will be more confident of your getting enrolled.
just try your best, and you will give full epression to your talent in the future.
good luck!
大学英语作文 篇4
A girl who lives next to me never talks to me, because we don't know each other. My mother tells me that the girl goes to the same school with me, but she is ill and has to leave school for a year. Now the girl is better and she keeps to study. I am so surprised, and the girl is such strong that I admire her so much. I want to be friends with her.
一个住在我隔壁的女孩从没跟我说过话,因为我们互不认识对方。我妈妈告诉我那个女孩和我上的是同一所学校,但她病了,不得不休学一年。现在女孩康复了,她要There is no doubt that Rio Olympic Games is the hottest topic at that time. The world’s watching the exciting match and everyday we can find funny things. Recently, a Chinese female swimmer is really hot on the Internet, because people love her facial expressions.
Most people pay attention to the champion during the matches, while other athletes are easy to be forgotten. But this positive girl shows her charm after the match. After the semi-final, she walks to the journalist and accepts the interview. When being asked how she feels about the competition, this girl says she has done her best. Thenwhen the journalist tells her the result, the girl is surprised and just couldn’t believe that she could create the new record of her life, even though she falls behind others.
When people see the episode of this interview, the girl’s exaggerating facial expressions are soon popular. They think she is funny and positive. Though she does not win the first place, people love her, and admire her to show what the real spirit of Olympic Games.
大学英语作文 篇5
如果我们分析海水的盐度,会发现地区间只有轻微的`变化,然而有些小的变化是重要的。 导致海洋的盐度变化的基本过程有三个。
当然,如果这种方式走向极端,将会余下白色的盐晶体。 与蒸发相反的是降水,如降雨,由此水被加入海中,海水被稀释,从而盐度降低。 这种情形会发生在大量降雨的地区,或江河入海岸处。 因此,盐度通过蒸发减少水分而上升或通过降水或径流增加淡水成分而下降。
一般来说,在阳光很强烈的热带地区,海水的盐度略高于世界上其它没有热带那样多的蒸发的地区。 同理,在江河稀释海水的海岸地带,海水盐度略低于其它海区。
第三个可以变更盐度的过程与海洋中冰的形成和融化有关。 海水冻结时,溶于其中的物质被留了下来。 这样,在新形成的海水冰面的正下方的海水比在冰形成之前有更高的盐度。 当然,当冰融化的时候,会降低周围水中的盐度。 在南极洲边缘的威德尔海中,结冰过程增加低温海水的盐度,从而形成了浓度最大的海水。 这些大密度的海水下沉,可以在世界海洋的深水域发现。