学英语作文 篇1
This year, I went to Beijing for vacation in July. Beijing is our capital. And it is very beautiful. There are many places of historic interest and scenic beauty.
First day we went to the Great Wall, it was very long. Next day, we took the bus to the Palace Museum. The third day, we went to the Summer Palace, how beautiful was it. Last day, we went to the Museum of the Chinese Revolution. There were many old things.
Afternoon, we leaved Beijing. But we will come again in 20xx.
学英语作文 篇2
Yesterday my teacher told us that there was a typhoon.
In the middle night,the wind blowed harder and the rain came down harder,too.
This morning the typhoon had already left.
Yesterday my teacher told us that there was a typhoon and I was so scared of it.After dinner we prepared some candles and lighters in case there was no eletricity.And then we were just sitting in the living room and watching the news about the typhoon.
In the middle night,the wind blowed harder and the rain came down harder,too.The trees outside were blowed by the strong wind and batter a lot.The sounds outside was very loud and scary.Sometimes I could hear an ambulance driving by I hope it was not someone hit by an object.
This morning the typhoon had already left.My grandfather and I decided to take a walk around the neighborhood.Some trees fail down,some cars were damaged and some houses were damaged,too.But my father's car,my house and my family are fine.
Thank god!
学英语作文 篇3
It’s Sunday tomorrow .I’m going to the bookstore with my friends tomorrow morning .We are going to look for some good books .We all like reading books .We are going to eat our lunch at the restaurant. I like chicken, beef and
vegetables .After lunch, we are going to the Summer Palace by bus. We are going to play near the Kunming Lake. Maybe we are going to row a boat on the lake .Wow, that will be relaxing. We are coming back at 5pm.
“be going to+动词原形”这种句型。还有一点也很重要,那就是故事的'线索要交代好,让读者在阅读时对整个过程一目了然。
学英语作文 篇4
a wolf had been badly wounded by dogs. he lay sick and maimed in his lair. he felt very hungry and thirsty. when a sheep passed by, he asked him to fetch some water from the stream.
学英语作文 篇5
“闺女,你教我些青岛景点的英文单词行不?我要学英语!”我听后,毫不犹豫地答应了。可是没过几天,我就感到厌烦了——爸爸很笨,教他的单词不是记不住,就是记错了。例如,“Laoshan Mountain”(崂山)这个词组吧,“Laoshan”他记得牢牢的,但死活记不住“Mountain”怎么发音。记不住也就算了,他还不服气:“这个不用教,外国友人说崂山我肯定能听懂,你教我点有用的!”
“Qingdao Beer Museum”(青岛啤酒博物馆),我脱口说出了一连串单词。爸爸呢,挠了挠头,照猫画虎复述了一遍,差点把我笑趴下!爸爸说成了“青岛比尔猫”!这“比尔猫”是从哪里蹦出来的呢?我真佩服爸爸的听力和创造力。
“你看,例如,‘Zhongshan Park’(中山公园),公园里有老虎、狮子等让人害怕的动物,所以‘park’开头就是发‘怕’的音,一害怕,不小心磕着了,所以就是‘怕磕’。”
我找到了窍门,教起爸爸来轻松了许多。我又帮爸爸将常用的单词在手机上录了音,让他有空就听一听。终于,几天后,爸爸满脸笑容的回家了,他告诉我们,今天他又遇到了一个外国友人,他说的英语爸爸大多没听懂,只听出来了“Landing Stage”,就知道要去栈桥。爸爸立刻说:“OK,OK(好的)!”那外国友人下车后还向爸爸竖起了大拇指,爸爸心里自然是美滋滋的。
学英语作文 篇6
When summer comes, there are two things I’d like to do most. The first is to go swimming and the second is to eat ice cream. Ice cream is my favorite food, It can make me feel cool and drives away my hotness. The flavor of strawberry always attracts me. I know I can’t eat it too much and have to control myself.