学英语作文 篇1I and father mother go to dragon boat festival together grandmother home celebrates a festival.
I arrive in grandmother home, see grandmother only busy in the kitchen, aunt father, maternal aunt Mom is in helping, I run over to ask at once: What are you doing? " grandmother is laughing to say: We are being done delicious, it is what is delicious that you are guessed? I say not to know, let me well want.
Father says serve a meal, see full table is appetizing only dish, I say, either when peace same? I go by to fill a meal. Open high-pressured boiler. . Ah! Still have plump palm so child with salty duck's egg. Oh, original grandmother wants what I guess is a zhongzi. Of my too impatient to wait take out big sweet zhongzi, poke palm leaf, gently bit. Really delicious! I gave one person of everybody to divide.
学英语作文 篇2小时候每逢家里停电妈妈就取出一支蜡烛。这时我便好奇地问道:“这是什么呀?”“这是一根蜡烛。”“蜡烛是做什么用的呀”我好像要刨根问底似的一古脑儿要把问题全部问出来。“一会儿你就知道了”这时妈妈把蜡烛点燃顿时漆黑的屋里变得亮堂了。望着一闪一闪的烛光我的心也顿时变得亮堂起来温暖起来了几乎就在那个时候我便开始喜欢上蜡烛了。
When I was a child, my mother took out a candle every time there was a power failure at home. Then I asked curiously, "what is this?" "it's a candle." "What's the use of candles?" I always wanted to ask all the questions. "In a moment you will know." then mom lit the candle and the dark room became bright. Looking at the twinkling of candles, my heart suddenly became bright and warm. Almost at that time, I began to like candles.
He is very humble about candles. It has a white body and a red line at the top of it, which is the "core" of the candle. When people light candles, it drives out the darkness and coldness. What it brings to people is warmth and light. Candles burn slowly, people feel the joy brought by candles. Meanwhile, candles consume their lives little by little until the last moment of life. Candles have no regrets. I think they like candles because they have a kind of spirit, a kind of valuable spirit to burn themselves and illuminate others, and a kind of valuable spirit to dedicate themselves to others!
Our teachers are just like candles. They are willing to lose their youth and cultivate the "flower and bone" of our motherland. They teach us day after day, year after year. They grow old like half of the candles that are still burning. Put all my body and mind into our "flower and bone". I think their quality is the same as that of candles!
学英语 ……此处隐藏1930个字……eworks. the born soldiers want it hot and actual. the non-combatants want it in the background, and always as an open possibility, to feed imagination on and keep ecitement going. its clerical and historical defenders fool themselves when they talk as they do about it. what moves them is not the blessings it has won for us, but a vague religious ealtation. war, they feel, is human nature at its uttermost. we are here to do our uttermost. it is a sacrament. society would rot, they think, without the mystical blood-payment.we do ill, i fancy, to talk much of universal peace or of a general disarmament. we must go in for preventive medicine not for radical cure. we must cheat our foe, politically circumvent his action, not try to change his nature. in one respect war is like love, though in no other. both leave us intervals of rest; and in the intervals life goes on perfectly well without them, though the imagination still dallies with their possibility. equally insane when once aroused and under headway, whether they shall be aroused or not depends on accidental circumstances. how are old maids and old bachelors made? not by deliberate vows of celibacy, but by sliding on from year to year with no sufficient matrimonial provocation. so of the nations with their wars. let the general possibility of war be left open, in heavens name, for the imagination to dally with. let the soldiers dream of killing, as the old maids dream of marrying. but organize in every conceivable way the practical machinery for making each successive chance of war abortive. put peace-men in power; educate the editors and statesmen to responsibility; -- how beautifully did their trained responsibility in england make the venezuela incident abortive! seize every pretet, however small, for arbitration methods, and multiply the precedents; foster rival ecitements and invent new outlets for heroic energy; and from one generation to another, the chances are that irritations will grow less acute and states of strain less dangerous among the nations. armies and navies will continue, of course, and will fire the minds of populations with their potentialities of greatness. but their officers will find that somehow or other, with no deliberate intention on any ones part, each successive incident has managed to evaporate and to lead nowhere, and that the thought of what might have been remains their only consolation.
the last weak runnings of the war spirit will be punitive epeditions. a country that turns its arms only against uncivilized foes is, i think, wrongly taunted as degenerate. of course it has ceased to be heroic in the old grand style. but i verily believe that this is because it now sees something better. it has a conscience. it knows that between civilized countries a war is a crime against civilization. it will still perpetrate peccadillos, to be sure. but it is afraid, afraid in the good sense of the word, to engage in absolute crimes against civilization.