
2023-04-02 05:40:52



成长英语作文 篇1

From the birth of the teeth of the language to the present can run to jump clear speech, I was growing up.

Kindergarten, and children quarrel will cry; preschool class quarrel will be angry; now began to learn reason.

This is the process of growth.




成长英语作文 篇2

Once I read the story that the little eagles needed to practice flying in the cliff before they could fly. The successful ones could fly and became the strong birds while the failed ones would crash and then died.

The mother eagles are brutal to the babies, but this is the price of growing up. The little eagles who fail to fly would not live long in the natural competition.

It makes me think of the children, some parents spoil the kids and they don’t realize it will destroy their children. The children need to learn the lessons, so that they can be the tough person. The road of being mature needs the price.


成长英语作文 篇3

Every year,my school will hold the summer camp activity,I love to take part in this activity so much.That is because I can have a lot of fun with my friends.What's more,I can take a break from the study time and enjoy my moment.Last year,we went to the country farm and experienced the life there.I was so impressed by the clean river and simple lifestyle.We woke up very early.While wandering on the country road,We relaxed ourselves a lot.The country was so quiet and the air was so fresh.I never woke up so early in the city.Though life here was simple.I liked it.l was so close to the nature and could appreciate its beauty.I felt really peaceful in my heart.l am so looking forward to the summer camp activity this year and I want to experience the different things.


每年我的学校都会有夏令营活动。 我喜欢参加这个活动,因为我可以和我的朋友们玩得很开心。 更重要的是,我可以在学习时间外得到休息,享受自己的时刻。 去年,我们去了农场,体验了那里的生活。 那里清澈的'河流和简单的生活方式让我印象深刻。我们很早就醒来,当我们漫步在乡间小路上,我们感到格外放松。 村子很安静,空气很新鲜。在城市里,我从来没有这么早醒来过。 尽管这里的生活很简单,但是我喜欢它。我是如此接近大自然,也能欣赏它的美,我心里感觉很平静。 我很期待今年的夏令营活动,我想体验不同的东西。

成长英语作文 篇4

Time flies like an arrow, and time passes by the passing of the flowing water. I have changed from a child to a mature, stable, independent teenager. Each person's growth story will not be the same. As I have been from a naughty, playful child has become a mature, stable, independent teenager.

When I was a child, I had the most questions. I always asked this question, but my father didn't get bored, but he gave me a very careful explanation. I remember asking a particularly naive question; How much do you kill a star in the sky? The mother of the stars is the moon or the sun. But dad didn't answer, but after a moment of silence and touching my head and talking about the baby, the father didn't know, and the day you grow up will understand. I could not understand my father's words, but I nodded my head.

I grew up now, and I know the answers to those questions. There are countless stars in the sky without a mother.

When I was a child, I loved to have a summer vacation. Another summer vacation, I was especially happy to think that the summer vacation was very long, so I could relax and then I would sleep and watch TV every day. The time has passed, and the school is about to start, and it is not easy for me to finish the homework assigned by the teacher before the term begins. Looking back, I had almost nothing to do with my weight gain during the two months of summer vacation.

Since I was in the fifth grade, I've never had that kind of phenomenon and I plan my vacation every time I take a vacation. Because that time I learned that as a student, I should make my own study plan.

Now I have learned a lot, I remember the most profound sentence is to realize the dream, destined to be a lonely release, there is no doubt and ridicule on the road. But so what? If you are black and blue, you want to be beautiful! Yes, everyone has a dream, but someone will laugh at your dreams, but what is that? To realize your dream, you must go ahead, no matter how hard the road is.

I always think of a problem as simple, because then I think it's not easy to solve a complicated problem. Now I don't agree with that, because I think the old view is so childish, now I think back to the feeling that I was really naive when I was a kid, and I want to laugh.

I am now mature and more independent. Learned to play the role of knowing that I didn't understand the problem when I was a child, I understood what I should understand. Now sit down and think this is the metamorphosis, this is the transformation of growth.

成长英语作文 篇5

One day, my father taught me to fish at the river, I was so impatient, straight to my father said: "know, know." Dad sighed, quietly walked away.

I took the fishing rod in the river for two hours, a fish did not catch up. Daddy it is coming up again and then fishing the note said again, I followed, the fish caught up.

This is my mental growth process.




成长英语作文 篇6









Hugo said: "art Avenue on the thorns, this is also a good thing, ordinary people flinch, only the strong will of the people。" When the door of success is open for you, don't lose your chance to grow up because of fear。 Don't lose your head because of shyness。

Sharpening makes people persistent, let us grow up。 Edison failed many times in the process of invention and creation, but he still bothered to do experiments。 Someone asked him, "Why have you failed countless times, and you have to study persistently?"" He calmly replied, "I didn't fail because I found 350 thousand unsuccessful ways。"!" Failure is also the mother of success。 How can success come without this dedication? If there is no courage to face the difficulties, how can there be a breakthrough and thrive in life?

April showers bring May flowers。 Did not experience the boiling water drench tea will not Qin sweet tea, no experience of running the shellfish always pregnant not bright pearl, did not experience the wind and frost will never grow into tall bamboo bamboo。

Sharpening makes people tolerant, let us lose impetuous。 Mandela stayed in the prison for 27 years。 His white guards were unfriendly to him, and used all sorts of means to torture him。 When Mandela was released from prison in 1991 and run for president of South Africa, he at the inauguration, specially grateful at the Robben Island prison guards his people, his broad mindedness is all in awe。 He explained to reporters, "young is grumpy, it is in prison practice will have today。"。 He also said: "when I walked out of prison, the prison gates to freedom crossed, I have been very clear, if not the sadness and bitterness left behind, so I'm really still in prison。" If there is no tolerance, how can he move from the prisoner to the president? If he is not optimistic, how can he change from a impetuous youth into a mature and stable person?

Sharpening makes people work hard, let us have power。 Dumas presentation around the wall, he as a writer's father said: "if your department is my son, maybe things will be better!" "I don't want to stand on your shoulder and pick apples。 They don't smell like apples。"!" Dumas a face of calm but firm tone to his father's kindness。 Again and again failed, again and again stand up, finally, he to "Camellia girl" world—famous。 When he was asked why he didn't put his real name on the list, he smiled and replied, "because I want to have real height。"!" If you do not exert yourself, how can you gradually grow up, from the unfamiliar style of writing gradually delicate smooth?

Meet the difficulties, to help the growth of zhu。 Friends, let us grow up in the grinding, in the sharpening strong!

Meet the ups and downs, remember it is useless rockery; Xiaoying bumpy, remember it only by a magnifying glass over the difficulties; meet the ups and downs, remember it is just people your heart; meet the ups and downs, remember that it is the insurmountable barrier!

