
2023-04-02 05:40:54



成长英语作文 篇1

Every year,my school will hold the summer camp activity,I love to take part in this activity so much.That is because I can have a lot of fun with my friends.What's more,I can take a break from the study time and enjoy my moment.Last year,we went to the country farm and experienced the life there.I was so impressed by the clean river and simple lifestyle.We woke up very early.While wandering on the country road,We relaxed ourselves a lot.The country was so quiet and the air was so fresh.I never woke up so early in the city.Though life here was simple.I liked it.l was so close to the nature and could appreciate its beauty.I felt really peaceful in my heart.l am so looking forward to the summer camp activity this year and I want to experience the different things.


每年我的学校都会有夏令营活动。 我喜欢参加这个活动,因为我可以和我的朋友们玩得很开心。 更重要的是,我可以在学习时间外得到休息,享受自己的时刻。 去年,我们去了农场,体验了那里的生活。 那里清澈的'河流和简单的生活方式让我印象深刻。我们很早就醒来,当我们漫步在乡间小路上,我们感到格外放松。 村子很安静,空气很新鲜。在城市里,我从来没有这么早醒来过。 尽管这里的生活很简单,但是我喜欢它。我是如此接近大自然,也能欣赏它的美,我心里感觉很平静。 我很期待今年的夏令营活动,我想体验不同的东西。

成长英语作文 篇2


Remember once, mom and dad are not at home. I saw it was getting late, so I started cooking.


May God help me, the refrigerator is my masterpiece: tomatoes, melon and pork ribs. First I took out a kitchen knife and some tomatoes. I put the tomato on the cutting board, had a "tremendous effort" to put a few tomatoes into tomato slices of different sizes "". I put these tomatoes on the plate, put them into flower shapes, and then sprinkle them with sugar, just like a little child's bright smile!


Followed by stewed winter melon and spareribs soup. I cut the melon into pieces and cut the spareribs into pieces. Then I put the pot down and simmered. It took about 30 minutes for the soup to simmer. I tasted it, it was really good! That was a great.


I put the two dishes on the table and waited for them to come back. After 10 minutes, my father and mother went home, saw the food on the table and hastened to praise me as a good boy.


This is a common thing that happened during my growing up. It strengthened our self-care ability and lightened many burdens for parents, so that they thought I grew up.

成长英语作文 篇3

It is an autumn night, chill, quiet and clear. Silver moonlight is pouring through the window, down to the dusty floor on which scatters pages of music scores.

He is standing there since last beautiful sunset,stubbornly searching for any trace of sound,but he couldn't. His long gray shadow is sleeping on the floor, lingering with him all through the night the shadow of agiant

Ludwig Van Beethoven.

He's filled with indignation for all the adversity he suffered. He suffered, ever since he was a little child, for his brutal father never treated him as a son.

He was beaten, scolded, in sulted, forced to practice piano playing all the time. And then,he went on suffering the desperate pain brought by his lover who abandoned him. Now he is still suffering, and on the brink of a breakdown, because he lost the utmost important thing for him to be a musician, a composer, and a pianist

his hearing.

His ears began betraying him since he was 26 years old, and in the end they became complete traitors.

But what names Beethoven is his will. It is his strong will power which pushed him to this glorious aim. It never reads surrender, and grasps his own destiny in his own hands through fighting. For him, music is not only organizing variety subjects and melodies, but also a kind of language to express his deepest thoughts. Every piece of his music scores resounds with the sentiments of his life. He is still writing, to show his unmatched talent; he is still playing, to scorn all the tragedy he has encountered; he is still composing, to prove that he is the winner for life and cannot be thrown down. All the symposiums of his prove it. All his admirers prove it.

Actually life is just like a spring, the heavier you push it,the higher it will jump. Frustration always lies along the way leading to success. I don't want to lose my way, so I tell myself to be (like) an oyster all the time. To live healthily and comfortably, evading any difficulties, or to live struggling, suffering in the exertion to realize your dreams,

which one would you choose? The second one is my choice, because finally I will get the most beautiful pearl in the world, someday, somewhere.

Life is so complex, for it is always a mixture of sadness and happiness. You can never separate them. When you are searching for all the beautiful things, you must also face up to the pain and the trauma and the difficulties which sometimes may knock you down and make you loose your faith and hope. But that is life the pain and the beauty, the good and the bad. When there is adversity, being strong becomes a must for us to overcome it.

成长英语作文 篇4


One of my favorite things about growing up is singing!


My brain has changed since I was in my mother's belly. The thing is this: I like singing very much, because when I am in my mother's belly, my mother gives me good music every day. That's why I love music. Even when my grandmother sang, I was listening, too! I love singing! On one occasion, I wanted to report a singing class. My mother promised me, but she said, "if you report a singing class, you can't give up, otherwise your ideal will be ruined forever."." I listened to my mother's words, I began to work hard to learn to sing, and now has been tested to 8, and every time after class, I will run out to mother singing the new song. My singing level is getting better and better, my dream will be realized, that is, when I grow up to be a musician.


I think: people can do nothing to give up, once you give up, then you want to do things completely ruined. If you persist forever, you will dream like me!

成长英语作文 篇5

Third, I have been standing at a fork mouth of life. Looking back, looking at the footprints of your own growth, it does mean something. Love is Xin Qiji's "ugly girl", his first words as we age children from small to large portrait.

"The young do not sorrow taste". Childhood, from just remember to middle school, always feel carefree. Hungry, looking forward to dinner; thirsty, looking forward to drinking water; scared, looking forward to Mom coming; frightened, looking forward to Dad's side. These, call it, or just show it with tears and cry, will be able to get satisfactory results. Childhood is so simple, and it is so real. A little bigger, become a teenager, looking forward to be praised by the teacher, looking forward to the applause of the students, looking forward to full marks. When I was praised, like psychological flow with honey; whenever there is out, it went to the jubilant mom and dad to show off a beam with joy. At that time, how simple and innocent.

Now, the childhood in my mind has become an eternal memory, the dream of the flower season is also like a distant landscape, childhood wind like, feel, but can not see, can not touch, there are countless ways of life before, I have to walk with heavy steps wandering. Just like the taste of sorrow now". So, what about the future? Is it to open up life or to enjoy life? Yue Fei's sake, Gou hardships, let me dance, father chose the former; comfortable air conditioning, cola fun, crispy potato chips, the excitement of the game so I choose the latter. Both steady stand in the balance at both ends, not the severity of the conflict scale blocking my schedule. Secondary education in less than a year will end after nine years of baptism we have strong body, sucking countless knowledge in the motherland to defeat in the mighty wave crashing on a sandy shore,? No, can not, the process of growth is painful, "enjoy life" although intoxicating, but if our youth long drunk, do not laugh for people?

Therefore, in the face of growth, we must bravely overcome the idea of ease in mind, and open up a perfect life course.

成长英语作文 篇6

I was born from the moment in the non-stop growth, this is the natural law.

Many things in life experience enrich my life. Happy things to help me grow, sad things have helped me grow, as long as I have experienced, will be my life on the road grinding stone.

My heart is growing.




成长英语作文 篇7

"Growth", how delightful words, at the same time, how poignant. I am eager to grow, and I am afraid of growing up.

It seems like a long time since the day I "wah" landed, it was like a dream, I was confused for 15 years. It was a painful process to turn from a baby boy to a small girl in a pavilion.

At the age of 7, I first entered the primary school, and I was filled with longing for the future. I thought everything was beautiful. Before long, I became the first group of young pioneers for a variety of reasons. In the days of primary school, the great honor, the bright and dazzling aperture around me, in people's eyes, I am a standard good boy, good student. I once thought I was the best, and I even learned to be proud. This is the only souvenir that I have for six years of primary school life.

