
2023-04-02 11:12:23



英语作文 篇1

I like table-tennis,chess and football. Football is my favourite sport. I'm good at playing football. I think it's easy for me. I have my favourite football player.He is Shevchenko. He's in AC Milan Club. I want to te a famous football player like Shevchenko. I often play football with my father at weekends. On Sunday I like to watch football matches.My day I am a student. I go to school from Monday to Friaday. In the morning I get up at ten to six. Then I wash my face. I have my breakfast at six o'clock. After breakfast I go to school. I usually take bus to school But if I get up so late, I will go by car. I begin to class at eight. I have four class at morning. At noon, I have no time to go home. So I have my lunch at school. At two o'clock, I play football with ny friends. My classes are over at four thirty. After that I go home and get home at twenty past five. I have supper with my parents at six. I often eat meat,fish,and some vegtables. Sometimes I eat dumplings. After supper I do the washing. Then I do my homework or listen to the pop music. I go to bed about ten thirty.


英语作文 篇2




我们坐了一会儿,服务员小姐拿了一本精致的菜谱轻轻放在了姥姥、姥爷的面前,调皮地笑着说:“老太太点菜吧!”姥姥受宠若惊,被服务员小姐这突如其 来的举动搞得手足无措,慌忙打开了菜谱,然后对服务员小姐说了声:“‘三克油’!”服务员小姐愣了愣,随后不好意思地说:“老太太,我们这儿油不拿上 桌。”大家哈哈大笑,我捂着肚子,对服务员小姐解释说:“我姥姥是谢您呢!对您说‘thank you!’”“啊,啊!”服务员小姐赶紧说了声不用谢。哎,我说姥姥,您才学了两天英语就想显摆显摆啦,还得好好再练几天!


我们正吃着饭呢,姥姥又扬手把服务员小姐叫了过来。哎,姥姥又要点什么了?“再给我的乖外孙女叫个‘爱,爱斯格林’!”姥姥说。我一转眼珠子:“姥 姥,您说英文,阿姨听不懂,您画下来吧!”说完向服务员小姐使了个眼色,问:“阿姨,您同意吗?”小姐一边为姥姥递过纸和笔,一边对我说:“我求之不得 哩。”姥姥画了一个歪歪扭扭的冰淇凌,小姐走过去一看,这才明白姥姥要的东西,一边还嘀咕这老太太真时尚,洋味粘得这么重。

餐厅里不知为什么跑进了一条狗,姥姥便赶紧对我们说:“这里有‘洞,洞口’!”我们急忙放下刀叉,环顾四周。咦,没有洞口呀!这时,姥姥还兴冲冲地 对我说:“小钰,你不是最喜欢洞口呀!快看看!”我顺着姥姥的手指方向看去,嗨,姥姥居然把小狗的英文“dog”说成了洞口!大家恍然大悟.姥爷还打趣 说:“老伴儿啊,这洞口怎么这么小呢?我们钻不进去!”姥姥这才知道自己说错了英文,脸涨得通红,十分不好意思。


英语作文 篇3







英语作文 篇4

Before I was five years old, I lived with my grandparents most of the time。 My grandpa liked to tell me the stories before I slept and I liked it so much。 I also liked to follow my grandpa in the morning, when he walked to the shop and had the chat with his friends。 I miss my grandpa all the time, when I have the time, I will visit him。



英语作文 篇5

It is well-known that we exist in a dynamic world with various difficulties. When we are faced with them, nothing is more important than hope and self-confidence. With confidence, we can find sometimes the question is not as “huge”as we imagine.

Take most of us for example, the entrance exam to college seems to be a horrible monster. Accordingly, some people give up, some persist. In my eyes, with confidence, right assessment of the difficulties, as well as full preparation, try and exert your strength, and then we will overcome all problems and challenges. On the whole, I believe we youngsters should face the difficulties in right manner. And nothing is impossible, brave it out and just do it!



英语作文 篇6

This summer vacation, I went to the zoo with my father, mother, sister and brother.

We set out early, the road there was very difficult to find, around two or three circles to find. Along the road, I saw a lot of flowers and flowers, a vivid scene. Waiting for the place to wait for half an hour, we played stone scissors, three words, tied hand games, and so on.

The first thing we saw was the zebra. There's a white zebra and a coffee - colored zebra. As soon as we went, they ran away to eat grass. Then we see alpacas, alpaca, white, black and brown. Some of them eat grass, some are walking, and they are sleeping. Walk again, and see the ostrich, black and brown, and they run on the side of the man, as if they are coming to eat. The ostrich still snatches food, and can't rush to others.

What impressed me most was the bear area. The bears are very hungry. They feed on a piece of bread. They all eat very fragrant. When they go there, they will go wherever they go. They will not follow. There is a bear, holding his own feet, like eating cheap and selling good to let us take pictures. What small bear cubs are as thin as dogs, and five little bears feed a loaf of bread and rob a piece of bread. We dare not feed them.

This is our zoo trip.


我们一早就出发,那里的路特别难找,绕了两三个圈才找到。 在沿路上,我看见了许多花花草草,一片生机盎然的景象。等到了地方还等了半个小时,我们玩了石头剪刀布、三个字、捆手游戏,等等。




英语作文 篇7


第二节课是英语课,“叮铃铃,叮铃铃”上课的铃声响起来了,原本还是一个充满着欢声笑语的教室,立刻因为这个铃声而变得安静下来。过了几分钟老师来了,把一切都准备好了之后,老师拍了拍手,笑着对我们说:“同学们,今天我们先来做一个游戏好不好?”一听到游戏同学们便异口同声地说:“好!”说完后班上就议论开了,你一言我一语地说着,可大家都不知道到底是什么游戏。老师接着说:“同学们,今天我们做的是 ‘What’s missing?’这个游戏。下面同学们请看电脑,这个游戏是考验大家的记忆力,下面我会给大家放一批图片,请大家记住它们,然后我会从中拿走一张,这时请大家凭着记忆想出这少了的是哪个图,并用英语说出来。好,现在游戏开始。”紧接着电脑上出现了五幅图,分别是“购物中心﹑邮局﹑小学﹑中学﹑历史博物馆”。这时老师问:“同学们都记住了吗?”“恩,记住了。”“好。”然后电脑上只剩四幅图了。“谁知道现在少了哪一幅图啊?”说着老师还做出了一个举手的动作。老师话音未落,就有同学举手了。“好,就你说吧!”这位同学站起来说:“少了‘a shopping centre’这个词。”“恩,真不错,恭喜你答对了。”老师依旧笑着说……就这样一节课就在游戏的快乐气氛中结束了。


英语作文 篇8

Lunar calendar in August 15 is one of the traditional Mid-Autumn festival. At this time a year autumn in the middle of the so called Mid-Autumn festival. In Chinese lunar calendar is divided into four seasons in a year each season is divided into mon zhong season three parts and therefore also known as the Mid-Autumn festival the Mid-Autumn. On August 15 the moon more than the other months of the full moon round more bright so they are called "the moon and the" "the mid autumn festival". That night people look up to the sky like jade such as dish bright moon nature would look forward to a family reunion. that consigns the also take this feeling of hometown and relatives thoughts of love. So the Mid-Autumn festival is also called "the mid autumn festival".

Our people in ancient times there is "autumn sunset evening moon" custom. Ride on that is worship god. In the zhou dynasty during the autumn which should be held on cold and ceremonies. A big table sweetmeats and place on moon cakes watermelons apples red jujube plum grapes and other offerings including the moon cake and watermelon is absolutely cannot little. Watermelon to cut into lotus shape. In the month the moon gods in the direction of the moon red candle high fuel the whole family in turn worship the moon and then by the housewife cut reunion moon cakes. Slice of moon cakes in advance how many people are good family at home in the field all t to work together it will not cut more can't cut less shall be the same size.

From ancient qi no salt when he was young once devout worship grew up with superior character into the palace but not by luck. Year August 15 enjoy the right to see her in the moonlight feel her beauty made her queen after the Mid-Autumn festival moon worship. Months the goddess of the moon is famous for its beauty the girls worship is willing to "seemingly chang e such as the bright moon".

In the tang dynasty the Mid-Autumn moon play prevails. In the northern song dynasty imperial capital. August 15 night the city people rich or poor the youngest son must wear adult clothes religious worship say wishes and pray for god bless the moon. Southern civil distinctions to cakes from the meaning of reunion. In some places there is grass dragon dance masonry pagodas and other activities. Since the Ming and qing dynasty the Mid-Autumn festival customs more prevalent; Many places formed the burn bucket tree Mid-Autumn festival the point tower lights put the sky lanterns go the moon dragon dance and other special customs.

Today played by the customs has been far from the old. But a banquet to celebrate the very popular people ask wine month celebrate the good life or wish distant relatives healthy happy and family life ".

The custom of the Mid-Autumn festival a lot forms are different but with people's life infinite love and longing for a better life.

英语作文 篇9


I learned from the newspaper that your company needsan, English secretary. I'm really interested in this position andhope I can work for you.

I'm 18 years old and will begraduating from Xinxing Foreign Languages School this July. I'm anexcellent student, among the top 5 inmy class of 50 students. I'm good at English,especially spoken English. I often use the computer and I type very fast. In myspare time, I read a lot. Poems are my favorite. I enjoy music very much too.Being an active young person, I like sports and outdoor activities. Besides, I'm easy to get along with and Ilike to make friends.

I'm looking forward to your reply.


  Li Ming

