我的老师英语作文 篇1
The new semester began. "The new semester, new atmosphere," the other words are right, first, a "wind" of the new semester is involved in our class. From five grade up to the sixth grade, school is more busy; I also have the sense of enthusiasm; The more the intensity of learning. The most important thing is that we change the head teacher, miss gao.
Although a sad autumn wind off the hao teacher, but god closed a window, will open another window, a rain brought again amiable honorable miss gao. Is really "the rainbow after the rain!"
From this a few days to get along with, I like miss gao. High on the language lesson, the teacher is so dramatic: her beautiful voice, let we unconsciously entered the imagination of the text, realized the author express emotions, infatuated; Her vigorous, enabled us to quickly into the lenovo, understood every word. For the high teacher the thumbs-up sign: I am a teacher, hello!
September 10 is teachers' day, I kept thinking: the gifts to the teacher? Want to for a long time, I realized: the teacher don't need flowers, not gifts. But - but a sincere heart, a positive enterprising heart hard.
Teacher, please believe that I can make it! I will be more efforts, more seriously learn knowledge well. Fight for themselves, and strive for the future. I will make you happy, make you happy, happy!
A new semester, a new learning task, a new teacher. My teacher, I can live up to your hope, I will study hard! With the best result repay you!
我的老师英语作文 篇2
铃响了,同学们陆陆续续进来慢慢悠悠悠闲自在。最后一个进来的男生手里抱着球小声嘀咕道。哎,怎么又是阿梁的课啊。 阿梁,顾名思义,我们的英语老师因口头禅啊,那个谁谁谁要叫你妈过来是吧,而得名。 初遇 她就站在讲台前头发梳得油亮,皱纹缀了满脸。因为他在笑,而拧成了一团。狰狞。可怕。他口里冒初来一串一串咒语。紧箍住我们小小的脑袋。动弹不得,只有两眼可以盯着她那一张一合的嘴巴。耳中进了符咒。短暂的45分钟,此刻在我心中,却像永生的囚笼,不可挣脱。
是的,我很讨厌英语课。无论是哪尊大神何方神圣,对于那时的我来说,谁教都一样。不懂。不会。讨厌。 美妙的铃声是我获得了生的希望。此刻的我就像刚被共产党解放的人民一样。仿佛得到了新的自由。 没错,下课铃响了。咒语声被掩盖,她只好挑了挑眉毛,摆了摆手说了一句,甜美而动听的"下课"。转身在黑板上留下几个有力的小字——英语作业:熟读音标。我瞟了瞟作业栏,心想。那老师还不错嘛,作业挺少的。虽然英语课烦了点,但还是不错的。 课上事件 那一天,他很早就来了。顶着一张黑脸,双眉紧蹙,双眼冒火,像西游记里的牛魔王一样。毛躁的发根像着了火,一根一根的火发直冲天际实在是可怕。 他站了很久,下面的我们也静了很久。没有人敢明目张胆的直视他的眼睛。像是谁看了便会被吃了一样。我埋着头眼睛一眨不眨的盯着左手上的表,听着秒针滴答滴答的声音。也不知是谁的水壶砸到了地上,砰的一声,她破口大骂。 " 你们来这里是干什么的?全班一半人的没有及格。你们……!“他将手中那一叠厚厚的本子一砸,讲台上震的我心里一慌,抖了抖。谁知他报不及格的名单里第一个念的边是我的名字。刚报完,我跟听到周围一片耻笑声。只觉得脸在发烫,红的可以滴水。心中便暗许,再也不想听他的课了,也不想再背书了。
家访 某个学科渣到极致的我,十分担心家访。此前老师家访,我都是在外边上课的,可这次……偏偏没有课。而且我母亲还要拉我到他身边,说老师的话你要听进去哦。可我一句都没有听进去,只感觉又是煎熬。根本不知道到底什么时候他会像我母亲告上一状,上课没听啊,作业也没交啊,听写不及格之类的话。可是呢,到了家访结束的时候他都没有告状。反而走之后还拍拍我的肩,说了句加油哦!老师相信你可以追上来的。我有点受宠若惊的感觉,而且心里不由对他的看法都说改观,他并非只会告状的嘛?看来老师也不是那么讨厌。 考试受挫 期末了,我满心期待的到他的办公室里找她偷看成绩。谁知居然那么差。看得上你的学号的手机是九开头的,而自己连七开头都没有,看了看,他有点责备的表情,我瞬间心灰意冷了。 英语这么东西,我到底是怎么也不会了。 重启开关 大半个暑假我像是被人遗弃在了美国,丢下我一个白痴,不会问路,不会找人,不会沟通,不会表达。别人整天在你耳边念咒,可你却无奈至极别人向你问话,你却什么也不会说。只有一个词,足矣概括我的心情,那就是——尴尬。那是不会说英语的尴尬。回来以后,我暗暗下了个决心,我要开始学英语。主机开始重启,程序也在重新支配,课上的我积极发言,课下认真完成功课……有一天他表扬了我。 " Accept和Received 一个是思想上的接受,另一个是实物上接受。这“已经是我第三次回答正确,他的问题了。小组加分的栏目下又加了一道横杠。 '哎呀!真的很不错耶,真的厉害啊你。 '她的眉毛笑成一个八字,两个宽大的酒窝包着两排洁白的牙齿,对我伸了伸大拇指,收到她赞许的目光,我的脸不由自主的红了起来,莫名的,嘴巴扯出了个微笑。随即,两手捂着发烫的脸颊,可以清楚的听见胸口跳动的.声音……啊!他居然在表扬我!Oh, my God!天呐,居然不是在做梦!啊!嘻嘻…… 作为英语渣的我似乎就是从那一刻开始对一位英语老师不在燕呃,他的肯定就像一颗麦芽糖,甜在我的心窝,之前对他的不喜,一下化为乌有,烟消云散了。对他的好感,一下晋升了好几格,这样的感觉,实在太美好啦~(≧▽≦)/~ 自从上次被她表扬之后看到他的感觉都不一样了,以前现在他抱着本子真是b之不及,唯恐又要罚我了。 如今只觉得,越看越顺眼了呢。 他的眼睛觉得像糖果,可爱又甜;他的字迹,只觉得又漂亮又大方;他的小蜜蜂,只觉得越发可爱,尽管它常常屋在耳边干扰;见到他来了会,恭敬的敬礼。他没来了,我会去找他。 甜在心窝的巧克力 前几日她的课刚下完,我与憧憧又抱着书去她的旁边去“”烦“”他了。 “Today is my birthday。老师,你给我一个糖呗。“ 问完问题,我眯着眼对他说道。自从这段时间的相处,我们似乎已经娴熟了许多。
“什么?再说一遍没听见,不好意思。“他挑了挑眉将身子,侧过来听。 “呃,Today is my birthday.“我又重复了一遍,只是感觉有点小尴尬。 “啊?今天啊,你怎么不早说呀,我都没准备礼物。“他有些责备的看着我,然后眼睛亮了亮问;''你想要什么呀?""语气柔和,慈祥。两只手撑在讲台上好奇的样子,像只小兔子。 我其实想着她也许只是会说句祝福罢了吧!心中有些受宠若惊想了想,道,巧克力。 好,下午给你带来。 嗯哼,thank you。 最后一节课是隆大大的课。我转身拍拍手,回到位子上听到好像有人在喊我,变向窗外望去。没有, 看向门口。一个短发女人躲在门后,只露出一个头,左右张望。一手攀着门,动作滑稽。她又望了望,看到了我。伸了伸手,仿佛在说——过来。 我心中一颤,不会是没及格,要找我单独谈话吧。我还记得之前那谁被叫出去,当天晚上被骂了个狗血淋头。想想便后怕,但也只好小步走去。 过来,过来……他手走路关手像点的方向收缩他面带微笑,皱纹舒展的像朵花,笑的甜美。 我心里不禁疑惑,怎么回事,这是什么表情? 只见他将手伸进袋子里,笑在掏什么东西似的,最后他笑了笑眯了眯眼将手伸出,偷偷摸摸的塞什么东西给我。"快点放口袋里呀!别给别人看见了,快点回去。"我手里塞着糖,说了声谢,便快速摸回了,座位上。 手里没食堂,像摸了蜜一样。
我的老师英语作文 篇3
My teacher is very easy-going.becase he is really friendly to us,he comes from the US.he tells us many tings about America.He has brown hair and blue eyes,so he looks very handsome.He often helps us whih English.He is very tall,so he is goog at piaying basketball.He loves sports.Especially basketbal.We all like him.oh,and His name is Frank Potter.We often call him"Harry Potter".He loves smile.He is carful very much!How I like him!
我的老师英语作文 篇4
Teacher zhang like children naively laughed, his mouth with a row of neat white teeth, a few wisp of hair hung on the corners of the mouth, her little finger hook up lightly.
The new Chinese teacher is slender, light step, as graceful as a willow in March.
The teacher is medium height, round face, always with a smile. Different is dragging behind her was a great black braid, our classmates all call her braids teacher.
Teacher wang more speak more excited, pearly eyes blink blink ah.
See the teacher Chen that slightly gray eyes, penetrate the harsh glare, tightly staring at me.
Teacher wang delicate face with a pair of fine eyes, meet happy thing, a smile is narrowed down two lines; Her two slender eyebrows fell like two small brackets, particularly interesting.
White teacher watched it again and again when he saw the calculation results, suddenly suddenly eyes a bright, as if found something again, with a smile we asked again.
Teacher, you still remember I on the day of admission, is your smile get me into the campus, and you hug me in your arms, tell me to do an obedient boy. All this makes me feel you warm like my mother.
我的老师英语作文 篇5
我的新老师(My New Teacher)
teacher is science teacher. He’s very strong. He has a big mouth, two big ears, two big eyes and a not too big and not too small nose. He often wears a black new shirt and brown pants, with two big shoes.
My science teacher is very kind. And he is very smart, isn’t he? Today, we have science class. We are very happy. Because he is so funny. Who is he? He’s a Mr. Zhang .
我的老师英语作文 篇6
再要去上面得红旗时,老师把最后一次的.机会留给了我们三个人——于亚军、吴孟泽、我。上台时,我手抖个不停,怕在这丢脸。 但是,最后我们还是顺顺利利的完成了老师交给我 们一项任务,我们完成后,心慢慢地平静了。
我的老师英语作文 篇7
Teacher "-- is the engineer of the human soul, their nurturing a tree and a young seedlings, and cultivate a batch of a batch of excellent talent. In their care, we grow up healthy and lively. In so many teacher, what impressed me most is her -- taught me half a semester math teacher, teacher Chen.
我的老师英语作文 篇8
Our English Teacher 我们的英语老师
Our English teacher is a middle-aged woman. She has taught English for more than twenty years. She works very hard and has been a model teacher for many years.
She is kind to us. but she is rather strict with us. She always encourages us to speak and read more English. She often tells us that "practice makes perfect."
She is very good at teaching and tries hard to make every lesson lively and interesting. She often gives us slide shows, teaches us English songs and helps us to put on short English plays.
She loves us and is always ready to help us. In fact, she is not only our good teacher but also our good friend. We all respect and love her.
1. 外籍教师Lynne任教期满准备回国,学校答应派车送她去机常她在临行前一天写了张便条提醒办公室李老师:
2).她之所以要确定一下,是因为太早不好叫出租车。 3).感谢费心,并感谢一年来的关心。
5).留下一些英语书给贵校图书馆,希望对学生有用。 字数:100—120个词。