
2023-04-20 11:18:32



成长英语作文 篇1

Boys and girls, what is the most precious thing in the world? Some say it is time, and some say it is money...... I think the most precious thing in the world is life, because each person has only one life.

I remember a hot summer afternoon, big winds, thunderstorm. I sat at the window, inadvertently saw a small grass, suffered the wind and rain, but stubbornly stood upright. The spread of bright green is like a flag in the wind and rain in the. The second day, the grass has raised his head in the sun, the spread of dazzling green in the sun to flourish, the rain yesterday as pearl Shuo crystal, I was deeply shocked by the spirit of the firm and inflexible, moved. In fact, each of us should be like grass, in the face of difficulties and setbacks, dare to struggle, dare to win, to be a strong life.

Love life, you should know how to enrich yourself, laugh to life. (Beethoven) deaf, the creation of "Symphony of destiny"; Xing Linzi aches and pains, write a lot of excellent works; Zhang Haidi Shencanzhijian; Paul KeChaJin is a Book of tough steel...... The tenacity of life is often proportional to the hardships it experiences. Do not expect the smooth journey of life, forget the pain of the past, face up to the front, and let life meet the challenge!

Love life, we must know how to cherish time, treat others kindly. Some people think they are young, before pleasure, nothing, final tomorrow, tomorrow as wasted. As the saying goes: yesterday is an invalid check; tomorrow is an outstanding bond; only today is cash, and only when you value time can you decorate your life so beautifully. Some people are self-centered, preoccupied, demanding, responsibility to others. A joke not Majiajue classmates, cruel deprived of the lives of four people, eventually lost his life. Only if you treat others as yourself and be tolerant and respectful will you win the respect and respect of others.

Love life, in behavior bound yourself, flying in their minds. Only in accordance with the law and moral standards to restrain individual behavior, can we share peace, harmony, calm and comfortable life. Flying in their own minds, filled with enthusiasm to broaden their horizons, and tap the potential of wisdom, good taste, sublimation of ordinary, not kuaizai!

The classmates, the value of life, growth is not easy, in the beautiful sunshine, we should cherish time, cherish life, love life and learning, let the life tree decorated with sweet fruit, let the growth path full of beautiful flowers!

成长英语作文 篇2

Children’s education has been concerned by the public all the time. As they are the future and will decide a country’s destiny, so the environment matters so much to them. Most parents expect the school can provide the children a good learning environment and ignore the importance of home education.


School provides the children a direct stage to receive education. In the school, the teachers pass knowledge and educate them the right value. The children know their task and as everybody around them focus the attention on study, so they are affected by each other and have the strong desire to learn.


Home education is easy to be ignored by most parents, they think it is the teachers’ duty to educate children. Actually, most criminal teenagers have family issues. Parents haven’t set good example for the kids. Sometimes they are even the trouble makers. Without love, teenagers won’t grow up as the strong people.


Both school and family environment are important for the children, and they need to be nurtured with the good examples and learn knowledge.


成长英语作文 篇3

Going to high school is my first time to leave home. I have to live in school from Monday to Friday. I like to stay away from my parents for some time, because I can make my own choice and be free to go anywhere. My friends and I like to spend the weekend in the countryside that near the city we live. It is the short travel that I can not only appreciate the beautiful scenery, but also learn to be independent. The things that nature teaches me are a lot. I can see from the color of the cloud to predict the weather and the sound of of animals have different meanings. All of these are hard to know from the books. I have my own thinking from these trips, and the way to take care of myself helps me to grow up.




成长英语作文 篇4


One of my favorite things about growing up is singing!


My brain has changed since I was in my mother's belly. The thing is this: I like singing very much, because when I am in my mother's belly, my mother gives me good music every day. That's why I love music. Even when my grandmother sang, I was listening, too! I love singing! On one occasion, I wanted to report a singing class. My mother promised me, but she said, "if you report a singing class, you can't give up, otherwise your ideal will be ruined forever."." I listened to my mother's words, I began to work hard to learn to sing, and now has been tested to 8, and every time after class, I will run out to mother singing the new song. My singing level is getting better and better, my dream will be realized, that is, when I grow up to be a musician.


I think: people can do nothing to give up, once you give up, then you want to do things completely ruined. If you persist forever, you will dream like me!

成长英语作文 篇5

From the birth of the teeth of the language to the present can run to jump clear speech, I was growing up.

Kindergarten, and children quarrel will cry; preschool class quarrel will be angry; now began to learn reason.

This is the process of growth.




成长英语作文 篇6


Novel coronavirus was a dream that I had imagined many times before winter vacation. But I thought of countless possibilities, but I was surprised to see that by surprise, a new virus called "new coronavirus" came to change everything.


I don't understand how terrible the virus is, but I see that everyone can't go out to play and visit their elders. Every time I go out, my mother asks me to wear a good mask and wash my hands when I get home. Every time I turn on the TV, I'm reporting the epidemic situation. The adults are discussing the epidemic situation, and I feel scared. Fortunately, I have my dear parents, my dear brother, so I don't feel lonely.


What I can do now is to stay at home with my family. If I don't run around, I won't make trouble for the doctor. I hope that Grandpa Zhong Nanshan will lead the medical team to develop a vaccine to kill this terrible virus as soon as possible. It will not hurt so many people, but also let us go out and breathe fresh air as soon as possible and play.


I also want to thank the angels in white for their hard work day and night. I must study hard, and I will be able to contribute when my motherland needs me in the future!

成长英语作文 篇7


通过认真学习,我知道了掌握知识的快乐。我知道一个公式——学习=快乐 。当你在取得好成绩时;当你得到老师或家长的称赞时;在你苦苦思索后,终于知道了一道题的正确答案;在你知道了许多你以前不知道的知识后,你是否感到了一种喜悦的感觉?对,这就是学习的快乐!在成长中,我们天天都在学习。既然逃避不了,那就开心的.去面对吧!我们需要认真上课,需要仔细按时完成家庭作业,需要我们自觉的复习与预习,需要一些适当的户外运动,来保持健康的身体只要你做到了以上的几点,你就会惊奇的发现原来学习这么快乐!期末快到了,我们更应到争取每分每秒的光阴!各位同学们让我们一起“快乐学习,快乐成长!”

