英语作文 篇1
In China, the students have to take many exams, so that they can enter good schools, which means they can get the better education. Parents pay special attention to their kids’ education, they make some plans for the children. Now the kids have to learn many skills when they are starting to go to school, the parents decide the chidren’s hobbies, they send their kids to cramming school, some are for learning singing and dancing, others are for making up the lessons.
Children have to learn so many things when they are young, their childhood are spending in the cramming school. The parents should give more space to their kids, though learning more is good, but spending too much time in cramming school hurts children. I believe that playing is good for the kids, they can have time to think, they can have their own thinking and creativity.
英语作文 篇2
prices determine how resources are to be used. they are also the means by which products and services that are in limited supply are rationed among buyers. the price system of the united states is a complex network composed of the prices of all the products bought and sold in the economy as well as those of a myriad of services, including labor, professional, transportation, and public-utility services.
the interrelationships of all these prices make up the "system" of prices. the price of any particular product or service is linked to a broad, complicated system of prices in which everything seems to depend more or less upon everything else.
if one were to ask a group of randomly selected individuals to define "price", many would reply that price is an amount of money paid by the buyer to the seller of a product or service or, in other words that price is the money values of a product or service as agreed upon in a market transaction.
this definition is, of course, valid as far as it goes. for a complete understanding of a price in any particular transaction, much more than the amount of money involved must be known.
both the buyer and the seller should be familiar with not only the money amount, but with the amount and quality of the product or service to be exchanged, the time and place at which the exchange will take place and payment will be made, the form of money to be used, the credit terms and discounts that apply to the transaction, guarantees on the product or service, delivery terms, return privileges, and other factors.
in other words, both buyer and seller should be fully aware of all the factors that comprise the total "package" being exchanged for the asked-for amount of money in order that they may evaluate a given price.
英语作文 篇3
What is subtly demonstrated in the above drawing is that in front of a desktop sits a fashionable lady who is staring at the screen with shocked expression wearing on cheeks and huge sweat dropping from her forehead. What is spit from the computer is the lengthy Alipay bill, which can almost be spread as long as two meters. The caption above reads that you should keep away from Taobao and cherish your income.
The objective of the drawer is to show us that utmost attention should be paid to shopping online, which has exerted profound impact on the daily life of the average individuals. We can easily recognize its advantages as follows: e-commerce, which is extremely convenient, can save us a great amount of precious time and we can buy products everywhere we want as long as we can surf online. However, for all the advantages mentioned above, online trading is by no means without its limitations as listed below: we may be cheated by some online retailers, which might be a potential threat to our bank accounts.
Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures. For one thing, we should appeal to the authorities to make strict legislations to severely punish those who deliberately spoil the interests of online customers. For another, we should enhance the awareness of residents that rational purchasing is conducive to our income management. Only in this way can we maximize the merits and minimize the demerits of online purchasing.
英语作文 篇4
英语作文 篇5
The leaves of the window have fallen two times. I am already a second year student.
In this semester, my enthusiasm for learning is very high, and the exam results have been improved a lot, because I have done my work, my mouth and my heart. When having a class in the school I sit well back in your arms, intently listening to the teacher and staring at the blackboard, the teacher to ask questions I think hard first, then scrambling to raise your hand to speak.
As soon as I got home from school, I took out my exercise book and did my homework. My handwriting was so clear and clear that I would consult my mother until I understood. I did my pre-revision in time and mastered the knowledge of the text. I have finished my homework, never waste a minute, every day to read the book, recite the "daily chanting" and oral expression, the composition level has been improved a lot.
Although I am not one of the best in the class, I am going to catch up and go beyond them and say, "I am going to be the best I can be, and I will be far ahead in the grade."
英语作文 篇6
dear pa and ma,
two months have passed quickly since i came back to school。 i miss you very much, and i hope the letter will give you a little pleasure。
do you still remember that i was rather poor in maths in grade one? you were so disappointed that you always blamed me。 now with the help of my teachers and classmates, and also because of my hard work in the summer holidays, i've made rapid progress。 a few days ago i did very well in a maths exam。 how happy i was! of course, i will not be proud of it and will study even harder。
please don't worry about me。 i'm very well。 you see, i've grown up。 i'm sixteen years old now and no longer a new student。 i can do well with anything that happens around me。 after a year's study, i've been used to the life in the school。 i get on well with all my classmates。 i believe that you will see a new term。
i hope you are both healthy!
your loving daughter,
jing hua
英语作文 篇7
in the doorway of my home, i looked closely at the face of my 23-year-old son, daniel, his backpack by his side. we were saying good-bye. in a few hours he would be flying to france. he would be staying there for at least a year to learn another language and eperience life in a different country.
it was a transitional time in daniels life, a passage, a step from college into the adult world. i wanted to leave him with words that would have some meaning, some significance beyond the moment.but nothing came from my lips. no sound broke the stillness of my beachside home on long island. outside, i could hear the shrill cries of sea gulls as they circled the ever-changing surf. inside, i stood frozen and quiet, looking into the searching eyes of my son.
what made it more difficult was that i knew this was not the first time i had let such a moment pass. when daniel was five, i took him to the school-bus stop on his first day of kindergarten. i felt the tension in his hand holding mine as the bus turned the corner. i saw color flush his cheeks as the bus pulled up. his questioning eyes looked up at mine.
what is it going to be like, dad? can i do it? will i be okay? and then he walked up the steps of the bus and disappeared inside. and the bus drove away. and i had said nothing.
a decade or so later, a similar scene played itself out. with his mother, i drove him to the college of william and mary in virginia. his first night, he went out with his new schoolmates. when he met us the net morning, he was sick. he was coming down with mononucleosis, but we could not know that then. we thought he had a hangover.
in his room, dan lay stretched out on his bed as i started to leave for the trip home. i tried to think of something to say to give him some courage and confidence as he started this new phase of life.again, words failed me. i mumbled something like, "hope you feel better, dan." and i left.now, as i stood before him, i thought of those lost opportunities. how many times have we all let such moments pass?
a parent dies, and, instead of giving a eulogy ourselves, we let a clergyman speak. a child asks if santa claus is real, or where babies come from, and, embarrassed, we slough it off. when a daughter graduates or a son is married, we watch them go through the motions of the ceremony. but we dont seek out our children and find a quiet moment to tell them what they have meant to us. or what they might epect to face in the years ahead.
how fast the years had passed. daniel was born in new orleans, slow to walk and talk, and small of stature. he was the tiniest in his class, but he developed a warm, outgoing nature and was popular with his peers. he was coordinated and agile, and he became adept in sports.
baseball gave him his earliest challenge. he was an outstanding pitcher in little league, epecting to make it big in high school. it didnt happen that way. he failed to move up from the junior varsity team. but he stuck it out. eventually, as a senior, he moved up to the varsity. he won half the teams games. at graduation, the coach named daniel the teams most valuable player.
his finest hour, though, came at a school science fair. he entered an ehibit showing how the circulatory system works. he sketched it on cardboard. it was primitive and crude, especially compared to the fancy, computerized, blinking-light models entered by other students. my wife, sara, felt embarrassed for him.
it turned out that the other kids had not done their own work--their parents had made their ehibits. as the judges went on their rounds, they found that these other kids couldnt answer their questions. daniel answered every one. when the judges awarded the albert einstein plaque for the best ehibit, they gave it to him.
by the time daniel left for college he stood si feet tall and weighed 170 pounds. he was muscular and in superb condition. but he never pitched another inning. he found that he could not combine athletics with academics. he gave up baseball for english literature. i was sorry that he would not develop his athletic talent, but proud that he had made such a mature decision. he graduated with a "b" average.
one day, i told daniel that the great failing in my life had been that i didnt take a year or two off to travel when i finished college.
this is the best way, to my way of thinking, to broaden oneself and develop a larger perspective on life. once i had married and begun working, i found that the dream of living in another culture had vanished.
daniel thought about this. his yuppie friends said that he would be insane to put his career on hold. but he decided it wasnt so crazy. after graduation, he worked as a waiter, a bike messenger, and a house painter. with the money he earned, he had enough to go to paris.
the night before he was to leave, i tossed in bed. i was trying to figure out something to say. nothing came to mind. maybe, i thought, it wasnt necessary to say anything.
what does it matter in the course of a lifetime if a father never tells a son what he really thinks of him? but as i stood before daniel, i knew that it does matter. my father and i loved each other. yet, i always regretted never hearing him put his feelings into words and never having the memory of that moment.
now, i could feel my palms sweat and my throat tighten. why is it so hard to tell a son something from the heart? my mouth turned dry. i knew i would be able to get out only a few words clearly.
"daniel," i said, "if i could have picked, i would have picked you."
thats all i could say. i wasnt sure he understood what i meant. then he came toward me and threw his arms around me. for a moment, the world and all its people vanished, and there was just daniel and me.
he was saying something, but my eyes misted over, and i couldnt understand what he was saying. all i was aware of was the stubble on his chin as his face pressed against mine. and then, the moment ended, and daniel left for france.
i think about him when i walk along the beach on weekends. thousands of miles away, somewhere out past the ocean waves breaking on the deserted shore, he might be scurrying across boulevard saint germain, strolling through a musty hallway of the louvre, bending an elbow in a left bank café.
what i said to daniel was clumsy and trite. it was nothing. and yet, it was everything.
英语作文 篇8
es to habits, it is generally believed that different individual has different habits。 some people are addicted to habits like drinking and smoking, while others pay special attention to healthy diet and never taste things like alcohol and cigarettes。 at the same time, some people live their life regularly and are actively involved in all kinds of sports, others like to play cards deep into nights and everything around them is in a total mess。
it goes without saying that there is close relationship between personal habits and public health。 on one hand, good habits serve as the necessary basis of public health, that is to say, without good habits, public health can’t be guaranteed。 on another hand, infectious disease is the natural result brought by dirty habits。 a good case in point is that terrible diseases like aids and sars spread through individuals with bad habits who either spit in public places or dispose trash everywhere。
from what has been discussed above, i can safely come to the conclusion that it is high time we placed emphasis on improving personal habits and public health。 for example, going in for sports instead of sitting all the time, living regularly are practical ways to solve the problem。 in short, if you mind your manners and behave yourself well, the prospect we are looking forward to will be both bright and encouraging。