我的妈妈英语作文300字 篇1
My mother’s English name is Angle. She is tall.
She likes dogs best. But she doesn't like cat. Mother likes green very much. When I make a mistake, mother instructs me very well.
I remember once my foot got painful. Mother was very sad. I found that and cried. Mother looked at me and said, "Good girl, don't be sad, OK?" I said, "OK, but both you and me don't be sad."
That was the first time I found mother was sad. I like my mother very much! Do you like your mother?
我的妈妈英语作文300字 篇2
我妈妈对我非常严格,她几乎让我把所有的时间都用于学习。如果我在考试中得了高分,她就奖励我。但每当我考得不好的时候优秀作文 专注写作 ,她便小棍子伺候。她的教育哲学就是“孩子不打不成器”。可我确实知道学习的`重要性。妈妈,总是那样惩罚我不会有任何好的效果,那只能扼杀我学习的兴趣。你能理解么,妈妈?
My mom is strict with me very much. She makes me study almost all the time. When I get high marks in the exam, she awards me. But when I get low marks, she beats me. She only knows, "spare the rod and spoil the child." But I do know the importance of study. To always punish me that way can do no good, mom. It can only kill my interests in studying. Can you understand, mom?
我的妈妈英语作文300字 篇3
我有一个世界上最可爱的妈妈。I have the most lovely mother in the world.她有一头乌黑的长发,她有两道浓黑的眉毛,像两个弯弯的月芽,还有一张小的'嘴巴。She has long black hair, two thick black eyebrows, like two curved buds of the moon, and a small mouth.妈妈笑起来的时候嘴角往上翘。妈妈很勤劳,很善良。Mom's mouth cocked up when she laughed. Mother is very hard-working and kind.在母亲节里,我给妈妈送上一份厚礼,我深情地说:“妈妈,我爱你”!On Mother's day, I gave my mother a big gift. I said affectionately, "Mom, I love you"!