英语作文300字 篇1
看,操场上人山人海,车水马龙!一开始,我像一张滚烫滚烫的大饼,可过了一会儿,我却像一个痛苦的冰棍。为什么呢?因为我快冻僵了,转眼间,我完成了四项,可我觉得最有趣的还是“会话小精灵”,那是我走到小姐姐的面前,看着她严厉的目光,像一位法庭上的法官,我又被吓了一跳!我说"point to the A B C ,poite to the door..........."小姐姐说:“不错呀!”说着给我打上了三颗星。在接下来的三项比赛中,我不再那么紧张了,心情放松下来了,比赛也变得如鱼得水。看着这八项一共得的二十四颗星,甜甜得笑了。
英语作文300字 篇2
How time flies! My junior high school life will come to an end.
In the past three years, I have studied in a beautiful school which provides me With good educations. There are many persons that I want to say thanks.But the most important one is my English teacher.I always feels nervous when I get into trouble. Luckily,she always encourages me to face difficults . So I am becoming better and better.
Thank her for doing everything for me. I will never forget her!
英语作文300字 篇3
I have a zoo.There are have many animals.such as tingers, bears, birds, monkys, lions. rabbits,pandas.and so on.Tigers are very strong. Bears are health.brids singing on the tree.Monkeys are clever,they are making maths questions.rabbits are white,they are have long ears.red eyes.so beautifully.pandas are our country's baby.they are very lovely.
英语作文300字 篇4
Of all the colors, I love white best. White is the color of snow and cloud. Snow in winter is clean,pure and holy. When it is melted, it moistens everything and the whole earth. White clouds are hanging on the blue sky. We can dream a lot on such a nice day. White is a color of purity and calmness. It can make a harmony picture with any other colors. This is white, a selfless color.
英语作文300字 篇5
English is one of the most important langnages in the world. It’s necessary to learn it well .How do you study? Everyone learns English in different ways. The best way to improve your English is to improve your English skills. They are listening , speaking , reading and writing. We should practice them every day. It’s very good for you if you are interested in Egnlish . You will find studying Egnlish is interesting and helpful. One more thing, remember“Practice makes perfect”!
英语作文300字 篇6
It’s Sunday morning .My mother and I are gong to the park. There are a lot of people in the park. Some children are running. A dog is running after them . Four women are sitting there They are talking. Two girls are playing with a big bal near them ..Three old men are standing under a big tree. They are watching the children. There is a river there. Many young people are dancing near it. There is a boat on the river. And an old man is sitting in the goat.
Everyone in the park is having a good time. We are having a good time, too.