
2023-06-03 07:08:34



快乐的英语作文 篇1

Happiness is a kind of enjoyment. I'm particularly happy, because I'm going to enjoy the Spring Festival this year! I didn't stay on the night before, and this year I gave my mother a proposal to watch the night. Beauty!

We live at the top, and the people in the yard have fireworks, and we can all see it! Last year put the fireworks, our whole family stood on the balcony, suddenly, a fireworks put up, let us look, it is really big! We almost didn't smoke our windows! When it was just put up, my house was flickering, Jane was just so beautiful!

We also eat dumplings in the new year, parents always call me to elders to speak blessings, the harm of my little beautiful face is red! Don't say it to others.

I look forward to the new year every day.

I love the happiness of the New Year!



回族:年三十晚上包饺子,这一天要把素日里喜欢搬弄是非的小人的“嘴”捏上,端上热腾腾的饺子,打开预先做好的腊八醋,一家人团坐在桌前,欢声笑语,其乐融融!孩子们却对桌上摆的各种零食更感兴趣,果壳可以随便扔满一地,三十晚上不能扫,叫“踩碎(岁)”。 春节这天,噼噼啪啪的鞭炮声响彻云天,孩子们穿着崭新的衣服,初一中午年饭丰盛无比,但晚上要吃面条或是合子,象征新的一年和顺、团圆、美满。



快乐的英语作文 篇2

Happy new year

A new year is coming,so as a new beginning for everything. Happy new year to everybody .As a student,I set new goals for myself,too.I need to study harder and well prepare for the final examination to get good grades before spending the spring festival with my family. In the last 7 days,I will be strict with myself and never let teacher and my families down. As for my daily life,I need to take care of myself more carefully so as not to worry my parents, while learning to be more independent. In the new year,I make a wish for good study and health

快乐的英语作文 篇3



I used t idle awa Sundas. But nw I have re eaningful thing t d. One da ur teacher t us t visit the Welfare Huse. There lived the rphans. Se f the are f schl age alread. But the dn't have the chance t g t schl et. S wh culdn't I teach the what I had learnt in the classes n Sundas? M he is clse t the Weffare Huse. Wasn't it a gd idea?

When I tld teacher this, she led at e with a es n her face. Fr then n, I act as a little vluntar teacher there n Sundas.

快乐的.英语作文 篇4

This summer vacation I got a part-time job in a snack bar. At the beginning, I couldn't do well at all often made mistakes. I was very low-spirited,father mother encouraged me a lot. So I began to try my best. Gradually, I could do a very good job. I felt very excited when I received my pay for the first time. I already made up my mind to find another part-time job in this winter vacation. I believe I can do better next time.


快乐的英语作文 篇5

The elusive secret of happiness could be as simple as remembering the good times and forgetting the regrets, a new university study reported yesterday.

For people who look at the past through rose-tinted glasses are happier than those who focus on negative past experiences and regrets, according to a new study published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences.

The study helps explain why personality has such a strong influence on a person's happiness and the findings suggest that people with certain personality traits are happier than others because of the way they think about their past, present and future.

The study examined how peoples' ratings on the "Big Five" personality traits relates to their approach to time and life satisfaction.

The "Big Five" model assesses how extroverted, neurotic, open, conscientious and agreeable a person is, and rates individuals as high or low on each personality trait rather than assigning them a personality type.

"We found that highly extraverted people are happier with their lives because they tend to hold a positive, nostalgic view of the past and are less likely to have negative thoughts and regrets. People high on the neurotic scale essentially have the exact opposite view of the past and are less happy as a result," said Ryan Howell, assistant professor of psychology at San Francisco State University, who authored the study with SF State graduating senior Jia Wei Zhang.

"This is good news because although it may be difficult to change your personality, you may be able to alter your view of time and boost your happiness," Howell said.

The authors suggest that savoring happy memories or reframing painful past experiences in a positive light could be effective ways for individuals to increase their life satisfaction.

Numerous studies over the last 30 years have suggested that personality is a powerful predictor of a person's life satisfaction. These latest findings help explain the reason behind this relationship.

"Personality traits influence how people look at the past, present and future and it is these different perspectives on time which drive a person's happiness," Howell said.












see through rose-tinted glasses: view in an excessively optimistic light (以极度乐观的精神看待)

elusive: difficult to find, define, or achieve(难找的;难以解释的;难以达到的)

extroverted: lively and confident; outgoing, overtly expressive(性格)外向的

neurotic: not behaving in a reasonable, calm way, because you are worried about something(神经质的;神经过敏的)

agreeable: pleasant and easy to like(愉悦的;讨人喜欢的;宜人的)

reframe: frame or express (words or a concept or plan) differently(再构造)

