
2023-06-03 10:48:48



旅行英语作文 篇1

Aesop and the Traveler

In ancient Greece there once lived a clever man.His name was Aesop.

One day,when Aesop was taking a walk in the country,a traveler stopped him and said,"Kind sir,can you tell me how soon I can get to town?"

"Go."Aesop answered.

"I know I must go,"said the traveler,"But I want to know how soon I can get to town."

"Go."Aesop shouted to him.

The traveler was very angry."This man must be mad,"he thought.And he walked away.

Suddenly he heard Aesop shouting to him,"You will get to town in two hours."

The traveler was greatly surprised.He turned back and ask-ed,"Why didn't you tell me that before?”

"How could I have told you that before?"answered Aesop,"I didn't know how fast you could walk."













旅行英语作文 篇2

New Year's Day morning, we all woke up, only I still sleep, dream of snow.

Suddenly heard his father said loudly: "Rainbow, woke up, snow." I heard the hearts of a little do not believe, but I still got up the bed, put on new clothes, down the floor. A look, wow! I saw a white blurred piece. All the things like wearing a white dress. The sky is still floating like goose snowflakes. I was so excited! I suddenly wanted to run snow in the snow, the mother pulled me. "Now do not work, so the snow stopped the energy to play, or the clothes will be wet." I think also for the first wash finished, and then eat breakfast, and other snow stopped, I waited for a morning, the snow did not stop The The time has come for lunch, and after I have eaten, the snow has finally stopped. I and my mother all the way to the snowman, the mother rolled a snowball as a snowman's body, I rolled a small snowball when the snowman's head, made with black beans snowman's eyes, with black pen and eyebrows and mouth, with carrot Make a nose and make a hand with a branch. So that a lively and delightful snowman is ready. We and the snowman all the way to take pictures. According to the number of how many, according to the finished phase we have to fight snow ... ... this day is the happiest day of my holiday.

旅行英语作文 篇3

Last year, I traveled to Beijing by train. I was very fast. But, I like travel by train, because I like the feeling in the train. Besides, I can enjoy the scenery on the way. However, after the journey last week, I don't want to travel by train anymore, because it is too tired to have fun. It took me sixteen hours on the train. I was very tired and I had to spend a day to have a good rest. And it was boring on the train. Therefore, I think it should not travel by train if it's far.

旅行英语作文 篇4

Last summer I went to Vietnam with my parents. We stayed at a small village outside Saigon. The air and water was very clean and there were many kids playing in the mud along with water buffalos. Though it’s a very poor country, the kids seem to be happy. They live with their farmer parents in little houses built with dirt and straw and help out a lot in the rice field during the day. They don’t have TVs or Internet, but they enjoy a lot playing outside. It was a very memorable trip that I will never forget.


旅行英语作文 篇5

The Meaning of Travel

Many people like traveling. They just feel happy when traveling. But not many people will think the meaning of travel. What is the meaning of travel? Actually, one of the meanings is to find happiness. Putting aside all the trouble to enjoy themselves usually makes people happy. There is another important meaning. It is to learn things. To go out for a visit can enlarge people’s vision. People can learn a lot from it. Therefore, sometimes we will find that some people will be different after they return home from travel. It is because they learn the true meaning of travel.


旅行英语作文 篇6

My traveling plan

I hope to go on a trip to Beijing,but my mother always tells me "you can't".She thinks I am too young to go to Beijing,and I am too busy at school.This term is over,To my surprise,my mother will take me to Beijing.I am very excited!Then I have a traveing plan for this trip:firstly I will go to the tian'anmen square,I will take many pictures,then I am going to the palace museum,I can see many old builds there.secondly,I am goingto the wangfujing street,we will buy many things,for example,foods,clothes and some books.then I will go home. I think I will have a great trip to Beijing.

旅行英语作文 篇7

The meaning of travel is to find new things to me and the feeling of the pursuit of novelty. Is one of the great "engineers of human souls" - Anderson said: "only in the travel, you will feel that their life becomes full and vibrant." When we meet the expectations of our heart, naturally you will think this trip is very full, and life, with a new vitality. There used to be a teenager, he was President when he at the age of 25, the tradeoff for these achievements but he works day and night, now the young have wealth, instead, he thinks his strangers only work, it seems lack of a lot of important things! Young racking their brains thinking, how to also can't think of themselves exactly what's missing, until one day the young asked butler said: "now I have the achievement, but I always feel less what things, what do you think is missing?" Housekeeper smiled said: "since then want to know the answer, then go travel! I'm sure you can find the answer you want!" Butler say that finish turned to leave, leaving only a face of youth. Butler's words appear in my mind, the next couple of days and young also decided to take care of the home to travel, he want to anyway as it is to relax! So he play times the size of the place, to many famous travel scenic spot, see tomorrow will be over the trip, he sat in a chair watching the infinite sky that day, young closed his eyes and go back to the process of travel a few days, he suddenly thought that a few days he didn't upset, not confused; Instead, he is very happy, very full, then he truly comprehend what they lack is "full", young always work before, so just think what you're always missing, what now through this boy grasped the significance of travel "enrichment", will let the young in addition to work every day and outside to arrange entertainment. Teenagers, is a good example, young to travel to relax, and the pursuit of new things, but for them to solve the hidden in the heart for a long time! Every trip is confounded, in the process of travel can get a lot of daily life all have no novelty. The significance of travel there are one thousand species, but when you look at in this article, do you agree with my statement? Or, you are also thinking about the meaning of "travel"?

旅行的意义对我而言就是寻找新鲜的事物,追求新奇的感受。堪称是一位伟大的“人类灵魂工程师”——安徒生曾说过:“只有在旅行中,你才会觉得自己的生活变得充实而有活力。”当我们满足了我们内心的期望后,自然而然你就会认为这趟旅行十分充实,并且生活有了崭新的活力。 曾经有一位青少年,他在二十五岁时就当上总裁,这些成就可是他夜以继日工作所换来的,如今少年拥有了荣华富贵,他反而认为自己的生人只有工作,似乎自己缺少了很多重要的东西!少年绞尽脑汁的思考,却怎么也都想不出自己到底少了什么,直到某天少年问管家说:“现在我有了成就,但我总觉得自己少了什么东西,你认为是缺少了什么?”管家笑了笑回答说:“既然那么想知道答案,那就去旅行吧!我相信你一定可以找到你要的答案!”管家说完变离开了,只留下一脸不解的少年。接下来几天管家的话不停出现在脑海中,而少年也决定照管家的话去旅行,他想反正就当作是放松一下! 于是他玩遍了大小地方,到许多家喻户晓的旅行景点,眼看明天就要结束了这趟旅行,他坐在椅子上眺望着那天无限大的天空,少年闭上双眼去回想这几天旅行的过程,他突然认为那几天他没有心烦、没有困惑;反而他很快乐、很充实,这时他才真正领悟到自己缺少的东西就是“充实”,以往少年总是工作不停,所以才认为自己总缺少了什么,现在透过这次的旅行少年领悟到了什么事“充实”,让少年每天除了工作外还会而外去安排娱乐节目。 青少年的故事,就是很好的例子,少年去旅行放松自己,追求新鲜的事物,反而替自己解开了隐藏在内心许久的疑问!每一次的旅行都是满载而归的,在旅行的过程中可以得到许多日常生活中都没有的新奇感。旅行的意义有千百种,而当你看为了此篇文章时,你是否也认同了我的说法了呢?或着,你也正在思考着“旅行的意义”呢?

