
2023-06-29 06:19:09



我的学校英语作文 篇1






The classmates, I was the third grade elementary school student Rao Yuhang ping. Today I'd like to introduce you to our beautiful and vibrant campus.

Everyone walked into the campus with me, first of all, in the eyes of us was a large, flat and wide plastic ring-shaped runway. Divided into red and green two colors, green like grass closely crowded together, pull hands, weaving a piece of soft carpet. Like the red glow, constantly changing in different poses and with different expressions. There are four basketball stands with their heads up on the four corners of the playground. They are like four iron giants, protecting our campus. Every time on extracurricular activities, the sports field is boiling up immediately, some students tiaopijin, some play, some games do, laughter echoes over the campus. The front of the stadium is the flag raising table, and its base is made of marble. Every Monday morning, all our teachers and students are standing neatly on the playground, watching the Five Starred Red flag rising with the national anthem. On the left side of the flag raising stand is a row of tall and straight cedar, they are like a loyal sentry, guarding our national flag. There are four stout pomelo trees around the campus, and the trees are covered with giant pomelo, which adds a little vitality to our school.

Walking through the playground is the teacher's office building, the whole building is red, it wears a unique hat, dressed in red coat, plus arched door, really elegant style. The north and south sides of the campus are symmetrical teaching buildings, which are covered with white tiles and become more beautiful under the sunlight. There are multimedia teaching room, art room, training room and Library in the teaching building. It's full of equipment! When you open the door of the classroom, every classroom has a projector, a TV set, a drinking machine. The blackboard is a rectangular blackboard newspaper, beautifully patterned, well written, rich in content. In the middle of the classroom, there are neat desks and chairs. We sit here every day, studying seriously, scrambling to speak, and devote themselves to study. The whole classroom is so neat, so spacious and bright.

Look, our school is so beautiful and full of vitality! Welcome to our school.

我的学校英语作文 篇2

I love my school, Because i have a lot of friend?in my school.They always help me when i don't now how to?do some thing.And i have a nice teacher too,He help me and teach me all the times,And he was very funney all the times he always teach us with his?smile.But some times i saw he sat front of his computer working so hard in his work.I was?talk to my self ,my teacher work so hard why i can't work that heard.start that day i thy to work so hard just like my teacher. And i always help my friends and different peoples,?I fell so happy when i help other peoples. So what i want to tall is when you saw some peoples that was haveing some problem with they works thy to help then if you can.

我的学校英语作文 篇3

My school is very beautiful. I like my school very much.

There is a big playground in my school and we often play sports on it .

My classroom is big and clean.

There are many books in the library.

I often read books here.

There are some music rooms and art rooms in the teaching building, too.

The teachers in my school are very kind .

The students are very polite and smart.

I am happy in my school.










我的学校英语作文 篇4

I have moved to my new school since Septmber. It is a modern and nice school which is in city. It has a playground, a library, several labs, classrooms with electronic equipment and so on. It's quite different from my old school. It's larger, much more modern. This is why I love my new school. If you are free, you are warmly welcomed to come to our school to have a look.


我的学校英语作文 篇5

放学后,我在校园里漫步,漫无目地看着这熟悉的校园,我思潮澎湃!在这百年老校里,我经历了曲折漫长但又快乐充实的成长历程;我不仅丰富了自己的知识,还增强的组织能力,自信心等多方面的素质;更重要的是我还弥补了一些性格上的缺点,提高了自己的道德修养和思想境界。我从一个稚嫩的小孩成长为一个懂事的小学毕业生 ,一个即将迈入中学校园的怀有青春理想的少年。这个校园赋予我的太多太多了。她就像我的另一个家,她就是我的学校——莆田市实验小学。




After school, I walked on the campus and looked aimlessly at the familiar campus! In this century old school, I grew up long and tortuous but full of happiness; I not only enrich their knowledge, but also enhance the ability of organization, self-confidence and other aspects of the quality; more important is I also makes up some defects of character, improve their moral and ideological realm. I grew up from a young child to a sensible primary school graduate, a teenager who will soon enter the middle school and has a youthful ideal. This campus has given me too much. She is like my other home, and she is my school -- Putian experimental primary school.

In September, 20xx, my mother sent me to this school, and since then, I have been telling stories about me and school every day. Campus life is rich and colorful, remember the first grade when I was a child I do not know the importance of learning, every day the teacher assignments you ten minutes to finish, but I had to drag ten points have not done, next to her mother again nasty and scold, but I still slowly. Second days and found that doing homework, scolded by the teacher, now think very funny! On the third grade, the teacher's help I get rid of the bad habit, learning method to improve a lot, get good grades; students and teachers in the infection, slowly I feel confident, positive class speech, the class with the students good communication, every day I in this campus happily grow up; now I was a happy child in the eyes of their parents, is a three good student in the teacher's eyes, in the eyes of the students is a good friend, but in my eyes I was a little girl with many shortcomings. In more than five years, I grew up in the cradle of the school, holding a heavy certificate, they can witness my school more than five years of growth process. I thank the school for everything!

More than five years of life in school will be the most unforgettable memory of my life. Looking back, I was so proud of myself and looking forward to the future, I was confident. Let me thank my alma mater with the most sincere words: Thank you! I believe that his alma mater 100th anniversary will become the past, the future, a new starting point of innovation!

我的学校英语作文 篇6

My school isn’t too big, but it is very beautiful. In spring, it’s covered with green trees ,and some birds are singing in the trees. So all of the students like My school very much. My school has 18 classes-here are 3 grades, and there 6 classes in each grade. In My school, there is a big football fields, two basketball cMyts, and some pingpong cMyts and so on.

They are all My favorite places. Classrooms are My study places. We have classes here. It’s My knowledge paradise. All of My teachers work very hard without any complain. So all of students love teachers, and teachers love students, too. Every of us make up My mind to study hard. We all want to learn as much knowledge as we can. We also want to make My teacher happy and feel proud of us.

My school is really a good place for us to study in.

