
2023-07-07 07:18:42



英语作文600字 篇1


A tiger is a kind of catamount animal. It looks like a cat, but much bigger than a cat. A tiger is very ferocious and it eats mainly meat. It has yellow and black streaks all over its body and it looks very beautiful. Its tail is long and strong and it can hit its quarry dying.

Tigers live in the thick forests and small animals in the forests are tigers' food.

During the past years, many forests have been cut down and the living conditions of the tigers are becoming worse and worse. There are fewer tigers left in the world now. Tigers are the animals of the world, and they should have their own living spaces. We must do our best to protect the tigers and their living environment.





英语作文600字 篇2

Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world.

With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make great noises and give off poisonous gas. Because of population expansion and overdevelopment, resources has become less and less. Trees on the hills have been cut down, and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers. The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing. Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man's existence.

We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems. We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful environment.

英语作文600字 篇3

On Sunday morning, my parents took me to the zoo. We did not go there for a long time.

Last week, my classmates told me that the zoo added some funny entertainment facilities. I was very curious. So, I asked my parents to took me there and they promised to. We got there at 9 o'clock. There were many people. Most of them were parents and children. We first went to see the animal. I like parrots most. And then we saw the animal shows. Elephants, tigers, lions and monkeys did wonderful shows for us. People were happy, especially the children. After that, we went to experienced the entertainment facilities. My mum was too scared to be with us. So, only my dad and I played. It was so exciting, but I was a little dizzy. However, I was very happy. It was a great day.

英语作文600字 篇4

Going to high school is my first time to leave home. I have to live in school from Monday to Friday. I like to stay away from my parents for some time, because I can make my own choice and be free to go anywhere. My friends and I like to spend the weekend in the countryside that near the city we live. It is the short travel that I can not only appreciate the beautiful scenery, but also learn to be independent. The things that nature teaches me are a lot. I can see from the color of the cloud to predict the weather and the sound of of animals have different meanings. All of these are hard to know from the books. I have my own thinking from these trips, and the way to take care of myself helps me to grow up.




英语作文600字 篇5

I like to make friends, because I can share my opinion with them and broaden my vision. Nowadays, with the development of the Internet, I can make friends on the Internet. At first, I was so excited about the new way of making friends, but in the long time, I found that it was not reliable to make friend by the Internet. On the one hand, people there are hiding their real information, you will never know what’s behind them. Second, it is hard to keep in touch, because we never meet face to face. So it is hard to have the real conversation. Making friends online is not the good way.


英语作文600字 篇6




鉴于老师的威严,同学们谁也不敢往别人那偷瞄,而老师在转了几圈之后就坐在了椅子上,埋头批改作业,偶尔抬头看一下,也只是那一秒的时间,就继续改作业,家长不知什么时候出去了,为了给孩子们一个安静的环境来考试。倒数第二题是阅读, 在一年前它可是我的弱项, 现在,我已经打败了他,不会怕阅读了。抬头看看周围的.同学,有的皱着眉头,手里握着的笔迟迟没有下去,似乎在思考着这道题该怎么做;而有的同学则一脸兴奋,好像在说:“这题太简单了,难道就没有难一点的题吗。”而我,正埋头寻找答案中……



