
2023-08-03 17:58:10



成长英语作文 篇1

Everyone's growth is happy, and everyone's growth is different. My growth is so lovely, so interesting...

Growing up in kindergarten I was so overbearing, as long as someone who caused me, I would leave my tiger teeth on his arm. Not only that, I love to cry, but if it makes me cry, neighbors don't have to have a dream. Therefore, I am afraid I am afraid of three points. But I think it's interesting. However, I fell in love with my study in the sixth grade, and if there was a problem, I would ask the teacher and break the casserole. I especially love to write a composition, if write a composition to come, that is the pen if have god, not only so, I also have to go through the whole county composition second prize, the calendar is not strong? But I am not complacent. I am going to learn to go forward like a tiger.

My classmates, I have grown up a lot, all kinds of, you?

成长英语作文 篇2

Every morning, we will Beiqishubao to mom and dad's expectations and exhort happy to go to school, the healthy growth of composition. However, a set of data shocked me. According to statistics, in 20xx, the national average of 11 people per hour in traffic accidents, loss of life, at least one of them children. One hour of a student's life dance and skip with joy will go away from us, this is how terrible, and worrying data! The traffic accident has become the first killer of accidental injury in primary and secondary school students. The flower of life, short time; alarm in the ear, sound alarming.

When I remember, my parents often said to me, "what's the first thing, safety first?"". When I read, I often see "safety" in dangerous places such as construction sites, intersections, etc. when I become a younger brother in the eyes of a junior, I often say, "little sister, pay attention to safety."." From then on, "security" left a deep impression on my young mind. Is security really so important?

I heard my sister said: "there is a little girl named Ling Ling, she was fat, with a pair of smiling eyes red Piao face, very cute. One day, she followed her grandmother to buy food, and suddenly saw the mother who was cleaning the street. She was so happy that she got rid of grandma's hand and cried "mother". She was like a lovely butterfly flying to her mother. But, unfortunately, at this moment happened, only heard a scream, small Lingling was a speeding motorcycle coming down. The blood stained her white sun skirt, and his face was suddenly pale and pale......".

Since then, "traffic safety" will let me remember in mind. In the classroom, in the team, in the TV, "traffic safety" knowledge has become the focus of my attention. So we work together in the spring outing, from school to school, we greet the sunshine, in our happy activities on the pitch, safety awareness and discipline became I must comply with the principle of "Study hard and obey the traffic rules, the same day to become" I work principle a pupil always remember.

From then on, "school, eye Ming, a column on the right side. Vehicles close to early escape, playing while walking dangerous. Cross the road, look left and right, walk the crosswalk line. Don't cross the line while waiting for the bus, ride built very dangerous "songs always linger in my ear. Because I know, only safety, can be more happy.

It is a an invigorating autumn climate, fruitful season, I readily read a newspaper, a line of characters I paid attention to "life safety travel", and I can't wait to read. One day in 20xx, and played with red Xiaofang in the side of the road, was hit by a van, Xiaofang died on the spot, Alice was rushed to the hospital. After more than 50 hours of rescue, the life was saved, but the two leg was broken by the wheel. Over the past few years, Xiao Hong has been walking along step by step with his arms, and his life is hard to take care of himself. Under the care of the whole society, Xiao Hong has been able to walk after a long time of treatment. When Alice can walk news, how I was not happy, I think: if they don't play in the side of the road, if they can pay attention to passing vehicles, then, and we can still Xiaofang together, also do not need to use the red walk again. How nice that would be!

Dear classmates, suiyueruge, life. I would like to wish you, and may he, to each one of us ever "cherish life, healthy growth of the road, let us start from now on, time to comply with traffic rules, in the little things to learn self-protection, let's call the whole society people remember" safety first ", let every one of us life flower bloom!

成长英语作文 篇3


通过认真学习,我知道了掌握知识的快乐。我知道一个公式——学习=快乐 。当你在取得好成绩时;当你得到老师或家长的称赞时;在你苦苦思索后,终于知道了一道题的`正确答案;在你知道了许多你以前不知道的知识后,你是否感到了一种喜悦的感觉?对,这就是学习的快乐!在成长中,我们天天都在学习。既然逃避不了,那就开心的去面对吧!我们需要认真上课,需要仔细按时完成家庭作业,需要我们自觉的复习与预习,需要一些适当的户外运动,来保持健康的身体只要你做到了以上的几点,你就会惊奇的发现原来学习这么快乐!期末快到了,我们更应到争取每分每秒的光阴!各位同学们让我们一起“快乐学习,快乐成长!”

成长英语作文 篇4

How times flies! Now I am a student in Grade Nine and facing the first turning point in my school life. This title “Growing pains and gains” reminds me of the meaningful school life. The colourful life is full of my happiness and sorrows.

In school, I have to take a lot of lessons. Some are interesting while some are boring. But it’s the responsibility of the students to learn them all well. I have to try my best. During my growing time, a lot of trouble worried me. That’s awful and makes me blue.

Although I met with a lot of failure, I still have a lot of gains. I can make a priceless friendship. I can learn a large number of useful things---to be kind, friendly to others, to be confident and independent and so on.

I think growing pains and gains are countless. But they play an important role in my life and make my life colourful.






成长英语作文 篇5

"Hoo-hoo! Time flies, and the blink of an eye passes. I have grown up a lot in this year. Many things have happened in the course of the year. One of the things that I never remember, it was a sunny morning, it was very hot, I went out shopping with my mother, I was very hot with the sun. I pestered my mother and asked my mother to buy me a Popsicle, and my mother bought two, and I threw the stick straight on the ground after I had finished eating. Suddenly, I heard a little brother calling me, and I turned around and saw that a little brother had left him alone and walked on. The little brother still cried "sister, sister." He ran up to me and said, "sister, you dropped something." He put the stick in his hand to show me.

I still ignored him, and he ran up to me and said; "Sister, it is wrong of you to do so. The teacher said, can't litter." I was ashamed to bow my head, alas, I am so much longer than this little brother!

I don't throw litter any more!

成长英语作文 篇6

Life is like a dream. Life is like a song, when you look back, you will be lingering.

When we were young, we were our parents' treasure in our hearts, so we were afraid to knock it and touch it. Wherever we are, our parents are a thick barrier, and we are the center of protection. When we grow up and have conflicts and quarrels, we realize that there are no fairy princesses and princes in the world. Everyone is living for life.

By middle school, studies began to be heavy and the pressure began to grow. Every time I have free time, I like to stay in the warm sunshine, lie on the broad grass, close my eyes, think about the past, think about the future. I suddenly remembered the wish I had made on the merry-go-round, but I haven't realized it yet. I want to finish the work on a whim, but I find that everything has been a matter of the past.

I have always thought that it is not a big deal to be sick and sick, and treat it with a normal heart. But when the god of death stood before me, I was afraid.

The darkness of the night, the empty hospital corridors and the hurried footsteps and the lights of the operating room suddenly lit up a strong contrast. Nurse ran in and out hurriedly, uncle shaking hands to take the doctor handed me and surgical critically ill notice consent form, the doctor said the possibility of unexpected beside it, and then to discuss with mother, grandmother, aunt, scattered on the ground in the hallway and surgical critically ill notice form dim light is so dazzling.

I did not see the last of my grandfather. When I arrived that day, grandpa had left. Suddenly I was very afraid, when I was a child, I had to take me to play and teach me how to read the word. Grandpa should be reluctant to go, such a beautiful world, you how to give up! How can you give up? I haven't grown up yet, how can you give up! The grandfather was lying peacefully in his new clothes, with traces of pain and suffering on his face. My grandmother kept talking about the old story, and my mother and aunt cried all night. Grandpa had experienced so much in his life that he was tired and needed rest. I was relieved. Grandpa will go to heaven, he must rest for a lifetime. I suddenly grew up a lot, have a little feeling for life! Perhaps, everything is predestined, and no one can change...

There are many experiences in life, some need to be remembered, some to be forgiven, some to be forgotten.

Person's life can't always be smooth sailing, when one day you was defeated by the cruel reality, to whitewash, even holes, but also can brave stand up, that is the real growth after you.

成长英语作文 篇7

Before I was five years old, my parents gave me what I wanted, but as I became bigger, they changed their attitude towards me. My parents no longer satisfy me with all I want. When I want to buy a new dress, my mother won’t buy for me directly, she asks me to do something to exchange for it. Such as doing the housework or making progress in the study. What’s more, when I meet the difficulties, my parents won’t solve them for me immediately, instead, they will leave me to think about them and help me to solve them. What my parents do to me is right, it is my road to grow up.


成长英语作文 篇8

Bad habits are formed unconsciously". We should pay attention to and remove some of the minor problems in life, bad habits, healthy and happy growth.

I had a small problem - love picking your nose, when eating, when reading, and friends when playing...... Anyway, I could not help but dig up, and my mother reminded me again and again, but not much.

After reading the book "cherish life and grow healthily", I learned a lot of knowledge. Originally, there were about 400 thousand bacteria on one hand! It's terrible. Every day I wonder how many bacteria have run into my nostrils. Now, I have corrected the bad habit of digging my nose, but I still have to have sinusitis, the doctor said: "pay attention to the treatment of time, otherwise the nasal cavity will still have polyps."." After hearing what the doctor said, I was scared to death. Because that was the case, I had to have an operation to get rid of it.

Bad habits will sometimes bring us a big trouble last year, SARS epidemic is the first hit the world in this century, it is spread through the respiratory tract, digestive tract communication and contact transmission, a large area of the outbreak and rapid spread of a great relationship with our usual bad living habits and environmental pollution. This year, China and Japan, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, South Korea, the Taiwan region, Pakistan and Indonesia have been experiencing avian influenza, of which Viet Nam has also detected cases of avian influenza transmitted to humans. These caused by viral or bacterial diseases occurred in the US, if you don't speak hygiene, these viruses and bacteria may take advantage of a weak point that affects your health.

Therefore, each of us should develop good hygiene habits, cherish the environment, cherish their lives, healthy and happy growth!

成长英语作文 篇9

I, day by day grew up. The mind, also day by day.

Childhood childish joke, at this moment hundred million, can wrinkle the brow, exclamation a voice: the time is gone!

Growing up, doing a lot of things, although still children in the eyes of parents, but some things are also natural

The land is pushed to the shoulder, not willing to face, the people who do not want to meet, at the moment, must also deal with, to solve, to face, to shoulder the responsibility of an adult...

Gradually, he learned how to stand up in the society, learned how to swallow the bitter water in his heart, and learned to face certain facts and facts in a calm and indifferent state of mind. But at the same time, all these things are becoming mature, and the cocoon of the heart is thickening in a layer.

Growth is a normal physiological phenomenon.

Growth is the demand of family and society, but the pressure of growth and psychological pressure, the distortion of character, is also duty-bound!

成长英语作文 篇10

Lu xun once said, "there is no road in the world, and there are many people who have gone. And my road of growth is not only used in labor and sweat, is a need to be optimistic, need wisdom and moral character, courage is needed to build and become the real belong to your growth path.

I have been through 14 years of spring, summer, autumn and winter, I miss the little bit of the past. Miss snuggle in the bosom of parents warm, happy feeling, miss listening to the lullaby to enter dreamland of the quiet. Then I was so uninhibited, unconcerned, happy, living in my colorful childhood dream.

The time passed slowly from my side, I also carried the bag, put on the red scarf to become a young pioneers, from now on, I went into the magic palace. Under the guidance of the teacher, I swim in the sea of knowledge, is very interested in make straight a's, smart studious, I record in the class has been the top spear, have served as a monitor in the class, especially in English for two years in the national Olympic competition, won the first prize, and the certificate, I never proud, is my motivation for learning.

In the blink of an eye, I bid farewell to the study life of primary school and ushered in the colorful life of junior high school, which also provided me with a broad space for development. Youth road, I never make way for the vacant, ethereal to cover the eyes of the road, I'm going to wave the hand of crayons, one of the struggling to shake, and the flowery youth, and youth fight storm of tenacity, sends the perfection of the world, and "JiaGuang Japanese Jin Lin" optimism. The composition

Every step of man is writing his own history. Growing up, a growing joy accompany me to spend every minute, every second. But the worry also can let me feel the hardships of life, the pressure of learning, at the same time, it will let me become more strong, have enough confidence and courage, let me to face the test of life, constantly improve themselves, beyond myself.

Everyone has their own growth path, let me have a common heart, learn to live in the ordinary life, enjoy the growth of all the feelings that brought me. I cannot determine the length of life, but I can extend the width of life. Let my growth path leave a string of wonderful memories!

