
2023-09-17 20:18:29



学英语作文 篇1

Language varies from country to country. It differs not only in written and spoken language but also in gestures.

Once my American teacher, Dr. Joe Johnson, went ont shopping. He was surprlsed to find out that he couldn‘t even count on his fingers proficiently in China. He tried to buy six oranges. The orange seller couldn‘t understand his two handed counting when he showed him five left hand fingers and one right hand finger. He was also confused when a driver said he would pick him up at six o‘clock, and held his right band in a gesture familiar to himself. The gesture was not familiar as a six. It resembled a pipe.

There were no trouble with the numbers one, four, and five. In China, we show the middle and index fingers to mean two, but, for the Americans, it means victory. The Chinese guesture for three, to Americans. means "okay." The Chinese seven is like many people from southern Europe aad the Middle East gesture to mean "money". A Chinese eight is like a symbol for a pistol. A Chinese nine in an American TV studio means that you have thirty seconds left to finish what you are doing. And a Chinese ten, to an American, can be an expression of anger, but not if there is a pleasant Chinese face behind it!

学英语作文 篇2

I have a pet. It is a pigeon. It has got white and gray feathers, a red mouth and two small eyes. It’s cute.

I found it near a park. Its leg was injured and couldn’t fly. I took it home and cured it. Every morning, I give it some water and small pieces of bread. It gets stronger and stronger.

Now the pigeon has become my best friend. When I come home from school, it always flies to me and rests on my shoulders, it likes to talk to me. It makes my spare time colorful.

学英语作文 篇3

Today is Friday. I get up at six thirty in the morning. Then I make my bed, wash my face and brush my teeth. At six forty, my father prepares the breakfast. I have breakfast at six forty-five. I have congee, noodles for breakfast. At seven o’clock, I go to school by my father’s motor bike. We have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. At twelve o’clock, I’m very hungry. I have lunch at school. In the afternoon, I go home at six o’clock. I do my homework after school. My father, my mother and I have supper at seven o’clock. My mother and I watch TV at eight o’clock. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth in the evening. I go to bed at ten twenty. I think, tomorrow will be my happy day , too !

学英语作文 篇4

Today is the first day of school. But God is not for the United States, even under theheavy rain, but I am not afraid!

Early in the morning, I can not wait to fly immediately to school, and students to meet. Today, my action is very agile, and soon I will put on clothes, eat the stomach, gently bring the bag belt, carefully back on the back. "Fully armed", the mother took me to school.

On the road, "blah" the rain like a big bead beads falling jade plate, but also likeplaying a happy song, singing in the singing: "welcome, welcome ... ..."

Came to school, walked into the classroom, found my familiar seat, put down thebag, to watch around. I have seen some students grow fat, and some students become thin; some students black many, some students are white a lot; somestudents grow taller ... ... after a summer vacation, most of the students are Changed the way. I look for the second time: see some students in the conversation; somestudents in the play; there are students in the look of the new book down the next. So, I sit down and talk to the students next to the summer is how the past.

Talk soon, came in a new teacher. He gave us an introduction, said he called Du Xiaowei, is our new class teacher. We call him Du teacher. He helped us to open the TV. We are watching TV watching songs while chatting.

The song begins and the opening ceremony begins. We sat quietly in the seat listening. After the opening ceremony, Zhou and teacher Du let us do homework, but also arranged home operations. More than ten o'clock we went to school.

On the road, our laughter is more.

The first day of school is so good! I hope that every day after school can become the first day of school. How good is that!

学英语作文 篇5



唉,人在屋檐下不得不低头啊,谁叫我还得在人家锅里抓饭吃呢,硬着头皮上吧。于是就有了最开始的“Good morning boys and girls!”说实话,现在小学的.英语教材比我读中学时还难,好多单词我都不认识。这可害苦了我。每次上新课之前,都得花好长时间查字典,听录音,不然来到课堂上休想张嘴。



学英语作文 篇6



一回家,我就迫不及待了拿出碟片,不停地催促妈妈快点给我放,妈妈放上碟片,很快,屏幕上就立即出现精美的画面:白雪公主来到了我的面前。不一会儿,我就入了迷,好像和动画里的白雪公主一起进入了一个梦幻王国,我还听到了七个小矮人唱的歌“ Hip,Hip……”一幅幅美丽的画面,一幕暮精彩丰富的内容全都浮现在我的眼前,这是一个关于爱的故事,更是一个关于美丽和善良战胜邪恶与嫉妒的`故事,片中的继母不能忍受任何人比她漂亮,她千方百计地想害死美满的白雪公主,但最终她的计划还是失败了,善良最终战争了邪恶。


