英语作文400字 篇1
The Person Who Has Influenced Me Most
My mother is the person who has influenced me most.
She is in her forties. She always listens to my problems patiently. And she advises me how to solve them. As a doctor, she often says she can’t be too careful. She often works extra hours. She has devoted most of her time to her work. So I think she is not only a good mother but also a good doctor.
I hope I can be a person like her. I also hope she will pay more attention to her own health. She’d better have more time to relax herself.
英语作文400字 篇2
Summer is the second season of the year. When summer comes, it is getting hot and sunny. The days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter, for the sun gets up early and goes to bed late.
The world has become a green world, green leaves on the trees, green grass by the river, green plants in the fields, and we can see beautiful flowers everywhere. Birds sing from morning till night.
It's so hot that all of the children go swimming in rivers or lakes, and the old people sit under big trees to enjoy the cool air, but the farmers are still busy working in the fields.
英语作文400字 篇3
随着上课的音乐声响起,我们的英语老师Miss Zhuang迈着轻快的步伐,走进了我们的教室。你看,她中等个子,和蔼可亲的脸上有一双会说话的.大眼睛,挺秀的鼻子下有一双能说会道的嘴,她的头发在后脑勺上用橡皮筋扎成一个圆圈的发髻,显得清爽利落。
英语本是一门比较枯燥的课程,许多人都不爱上,可是,我们班的同学都爱上英语课,这时因为Miss Zhuang把英语课上得生动活泼,妙趣横生。她讲课时,语言风趣幽默,不是还会做出一些夸张的表情和动作,真是有声有色,把同学们都吸引住了。记得那一次,Miss Zhuang考我们“厕所”的英语怎么说,那还不容易!同学们呢异口同声嚷着:“WC!”这时Miss Zhuang瞪大眼睛,张大嘴巴,吐出了舌头,做出一副惊讶的样子,说:“什么?WC只是厕所的标记,它的单词是‘toilet’!”说完转过身,用鲜红的粉笔,把单词写在了黑板上,就这样,同学们在笑声中学会了这个单词。
为了让我们更好更快的学习英语,Miss Zhuang还教我们一些巧计的好方法,有一次英语练习中的几个英标,同学们总是搞错,Miss Zhuang就让我们把读这个音的单词记下来。为了让我们记住这些单词,她就把这些单词串联成了一句话,这句话十分搞笑,时同学们一下子就记住了这个单词的发音。
我们喜欢英语课,更喜欢我们的英语老师——Miss Zhuang!
英语作文400字 篇4
Today is weekend,but its really a boring day. I want to go shopping with my mother. But the outside is crowded. I dont want to go out in such a hot day. Therefore, I stay at home and watch TV. But the programs are not interesting. I turn off the TV and then do some reading. My parents buy many books for me. They say reading is really good for me. It will be useful in the future. I like reading, because it makes me relaxed. Besides, I can get fun and knowledge from books.
英语作文400字 篇5
Can Money Buy Happiness
Nowadays, a lot of people in society think the more money they have the more happiness they will obtain. As a result they will try their best to get money, even without considering the law.
But in my view, the greatest happiness lies in one’s satisfaction with one’s surroundings. So long as we can look at things with a happy heart, we can be happy. It has nothing to do with a mount of money we have. Therefore, people shouldn’t pay too much attention money we have. On the contrary (相反地) what they should do is to put their money to good use and try to have an optimistic outlook all the time.