
2023-09-17 22:58:30



英语作文400字 篇1


When I was in the first grade of primary school, I walked into the school gate and saw a wide playground. The playground is wide and beautiful.

一下课,同学们像离弦的箭冲向操场。有的同学跳绳有的同学跑步,有的同学跳绳,还有的同学踢足球……叮铃铃,上课了,操场又恢复了宁静,小鸟成群结队地停在操场上寻找食物,操场 旁边的树木笔直的'挺立的。树杈上的树叶绿的发亮。这就是我们美丽操场。

After class, the students rushed to the playground like arrows. Some students jump rope, some run, some jump rope, some play football Jingling bell, class, the playground has returned to the quiet, birds in droves to stop in the playground for food, the trees beside the playground stand upright. The leaves on the branches are green and shiny. This is our beautiful playground.

英语作文400字 篇2


现在一想,她都23岁了,是一个十足的海归,她的眼睛大如宝石,耳朵后有一个醒目的红点,那红润而又夹杂着灰黄色的嘴唇实在想让人多思考一会 。她是个认真负责的老师。





英语作文400字 篇3

Animals are man's best friends. We can't live world without them. But as everybody knows, more animals are in danger and the number of them of them is getting small and smaller. The situation is serious.

What should we do to protect the animals in dangerFirstly I think we shouldn't eat animals and try our best to stop our parents and friends. Secondly, we had better not buy clothes made of the fur of animals. Lastly, it's a good idea for us to take part in activities to protect animals in danger. Although we are young, we can make a difference.

英语作文400字 篇4

industrial pollution is clearly one of the biggest contributors to our polluted landscapes, at least here in the west. there are plenty of causes of land pollution, from urban and industrial ones, to rural and agricultural sources.

but which kinds of land pollution are the most important? and what can we realistically do to help prevent more pollution?

this part of the site gives an overview of some of the most important causes of land pollution, including industrial pollution.

there are also some recommendations for helping avoid domestic land pollution incidents.

click here for some good reading on industrial pollution and land pollution causes and solutions.

英语作文400字 篇5

My Doll(我的布娃娃)

Today is Sunday. I took out the nice doll again. Two years ago, my mother bought her for me on my birthday.

It is a girl. I like to call her "Yuan Yuan", because she has a round face, a round head and round eyes. Her nose and mouth are round too.

Yuan Yuan is wearing a red and white dress, a red hat and red shoes. There is a long pigtail behind her head. I can see a smile on her face when I come back home. How lovely she is!

Yuan Yuan and I are good friends.She looks like my little sister. I usually play games with her. She often listens to me when I tell her a story. I go to bed with her. I think I can't sleep without her.

I like yuanyan very much I think She likes me too!

英语作文400字 篇6

Water is the source of life.We can't live without water.

However,with the increasing population and industrial development,water pollution has become a serious problem.Large amounts of wastewater go into rivers and seas directly without being treated,which can be dangerous to people.Also lots of people pay no attention to saving water in daily life,while in some place water is badly needed. It's time for us to take some measures to improve the situation.Factories should treat the wastewater before letting it go into rivers.

We can play a positive role in saving water.For example we can reuse the water for wishing rice to wash vegetables and then clean a mop.

英语作文400字 篇7

Do you remember Tina, my good friend?


She just broke up with her boyfriend.

Well, that happens. I hope she is all right.

But the problem is she and her ex-boyfriend are working in the same department. It is somehow embarrassing for them to see each other everyday.

That is the down side of an office romance. I hope their work is not affected by the emotional stress. The boss must be very annoyed if that will be the case.

Well, Tina says she would be able to handle it and concentrate on her own work, easier set them done. But working harder and concentrating only on the job might well helped to overcome the initial stress of the breakup.

英语作文400字 篇8

Introducing Myself

My name is Wang Lin. I was born in Shanghai on May 15,1990. I am the only son of my parents.

After finishing primary school, I entered middle school and will graduate this year.

I am very interested in sports, especially in football, and I belong to the school football team. To my great joy they made me captain of the team last year. I enjoy excellent health.

My favourite subject is English and my wish is to engage in international business in the future.

英语作文400字 篇9

My friend and I are good friends.she is shy and I am outgoing.she likes studying Englis

h but I like studying math.she has long straight black hair and I have short curly blackhair.she likes playing football but Ilike playingbasketball.we are still friends.

She is always studies home but I always study at school because it is very interesting.I like watching action moves but she likes watching the TV show she has big eyes and she likes wearing jeans but I like wearing shirt.she usually helps me in my study

英语作文400字 篇10

Almost every country in the world faced the population problem.China has the largest population, so the one-child policy was necessay. In America, there were 200 million people 20 years ago, now there were 300 million. Some day they will have the same amount people as we had in china, will they apply our population control policy? Anyway we could be sure they will not critize our population policy at that time.


