
2023-09-17 23:28:27



英语作文400字 篇1








英语作文400字 篇2

Hiring a foreign teacher is good for students, they can have access to the native accent, when students speak English to foreigners, they can get use to the foreign accent. Compared to the Chinese teacher, foreign teacher brings students confident.

Hiring a foreign also can let the students have access to the foreign culture, foreign teacher always show students their country’s culture to make the student understand the English better. Foreign teacher is good for student’s learning.

英语作文400字 篇3

Online Shopping

Nowadays, shopping through the Internet has become increasingly popular among us, and many young people prefer to buy almost everything they want online.

Online shopping, however, can sometimes bring headaches to people when they enjoy shopping online. Firstly, the quality of the goods may not be as good as they are described. Secondly, it is possible for the buyers to buy fake goods. In addition, some people find it very hard to make a change when they are not satisfied with the things bought online.

I strongly hold the view that regulations and rules should be worked out for the Internet shopping providers. If so, I believe a promising life of online shopping is just awaiting us.

英语作文400字 篇4

最近,章老师用了一个妙招把我们班那些上课不认真的,不听课的同学全都改头换面,让他们上课认真。 课上,章老师对大家说:“我告诉你们,我报到名的以下同学都给我上课认真听,如果下课后能把上课的`内容全都说出来,我就奖励谁,礼物你们自己说,但可是,如果在我的课上吵!那吵的人就来负责礼物,好吗?”大家沉默了一会儿,欢呼起来“好!”果然,大家都赞同这个意见。接下来,老师开始报名,有些人因为报到而开心;而有些人因为没报到而没有获礼物的而伤心——失落。 接着就开始上课。章老师说了几个表示“上,下,左,右……”的单词,她准备让3位同学来表示,2位同学来听另一位同学的“命令”来做动作。到最后,没想到章老师居然把吴浩和杨一翔叫了上讲台。一位同学说了一声“on”只见吴浩他俩立刻把受伤的书放在头顶。大家都很兴奋地笑起来,他们居然能听懂。 果然,章老师的办法很管用,在这个星期内,不仅今天这节课大家很认真,整个星期的三节课都很认真,我也好喜欢这个新的英语课!


英语作文400字 篇5

My ambition is to be a teacher.Because I love the children. I want to stay with then. Then I feel happy and young. And the most important thing is I can teach them many thing. I will tell them love is very important. I will try to love others around you. Then others will be friendly to you.The world will be more and more interesting.Do you think so?

To make the goal ,come true,I will study hard.



英语作文400字 篇6

He is HuoYingDong。He was born in HongKong,May,1923。When he was seven years old,his farther died。In 1955,he。was very brave。His family was very poor,but he did not lose heart。He thinks his life is very happy。

In 1995,he worked in Architecture Shipping Petroleum and so on。So he became very famous all over the world。Since the reform and open policy。He donated for encourage education,culture,sport and public welfare and so on。He had million money。

He was became Moving China Hero at least。I should learn his qualify。We should learn knowledge from him。

